Sentences with phrase «particularly in a changing economy»

Job search can be a grueling process, particularly in a changing economy, and it can be easy to succumb to disappointment and negativity.

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High saving economies routinely produce another destabilising characteristic — high leverage ratios (Wade and Veneroso 1998), which leave enterprises vulnerable to changes in the macro settings, particularly interest rates.
Among the explanations that have been put forward are the increased credibility of central banks in controlling inflation (inflation rates remain below 3 per cent across the developed world), the low level of official interest rates in the major economies reflecting low inflation and the continuing weakness in some economies, a glut of savings on world markets particularly sourced from the Asian region, and changes to pension fund rules in some countries which are seen as biasing investments away from equities towards bonds.
The news of the increase in U.S. human - caused GHG emissions comes at a critical moment in the global battle against climate change, particularly after the International Energy Agency announced last month that global carbon emissions related to energy consumption have stabilized for the first time in a growing economy.
Climate change scenarios are based on projections of future greenhouse gas (particularly carbon dioxide) emissions and resulting atmospheric concentrations given various plausible but imagined combinations of how governments, societies, economies, and technologies will change in the future.
The growth in the wage gap between dropouts and high school graduates, particularly during the 1980s, stemmed largely from changes in the economy that increased the demand for particular skills during a period in which the supply of workers possessing those skills grew more slowly.
Most recently, in response to a rapidly changing global economy and the need to prepare students to innovate, particularly in the technology fields Finland emphasizes, the Ministry of Education implemented a new national curriculum.
How did the coming of white settlers change the native way of life, particularly in terms of families» relations to the land, a traditional economy, and education?
It also should be noted that the economy seems to be particularly sensitive to interest - rate changes in this cycle, so there is a risk for unintended economic damage if the Fed moves too fast or too far.
For those flying economy, particularly on long - haul international flights, these changes will probably not be in your favor.
Now if this were the case, changes in the forcing due to reflective aerosols at roughly the beginning of World War II and shortly after the enforcement of the Clean Air Laws in the developed economies might very well explain a transition from one climate mode regime to another — that is, if the climate system is particularly sensitive to changes in forcings.
A larger group of opponents in Congress worried about the proper role of government and the costs of combating climate change, particularly given the lack of commitments for action by the large emerging economies of China, India, Brazil, Korea, South Africa, and Mexico.
This technical document highlights the changing economies and forest trends across the Southeast Asian subregion, particularly the growing concern over trade legality and sustainable resource management in major markets.
While utilities in some states are changing their business model to thrive in a solar - powered economy, Michigan utilities, particularly DTE, are anchoring the state's energy economy to a model that was built for and appropriate in the 1900s, not the 2000s.
Quantity limits are particularly troublesome in a world of growing economies, differential economic growth, and uncertain technological change.
However, at the same time, industry — particularly start - ups — tasked with securing America's fortunes has been left grasping for better legal products and services to facilitate business in a rapidly changing economy.
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