Sentences with phrase «particularly painful times»

Could you describe a particularly painful time?

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If the situation deteriorates for a given issue, history has shown there is often a window of time when it is not particularly painful to switch out to a practically identical bond, with much better interest coverage, for nominal costs.
«I Try to Love Jesus» - Faith in a Time of Suffering Chiara Luce Badano died of a particularly painful form of cancer in 1990, aged just eighteen.
It's particularly painful to expend time and effort to win customers and create a following for your product for it to be simply copied or reproduced by a competitor who then reaps the rewards of your hard work.
If you have a hard time getting past a particularly painful area, either for yourself or for your baby, try this tonglen (Buddhist) practice - as Pema Chodron explains it so well:
A week is a long time in politics, and the past couple of weeks have been particularly painful with the Tories securing a humiliating third place in two Parliamentary by - elections.
In nearly four decades, the national team has been virtually unbeatable at Fortress Australia, particularly when they play in Sydney, where in recent After a decade of dustbowls and gravel pits, it's time to pack your snorkel, find your flip - flops, and endure a series of painful yellow fever
The decision is particularly painful for Kingsport because for the first time in three years students there were going to be taking tests directly aligned to what and how they've been learning — a monumental moment for teachers whose evaluations and compensation are based in part on students» test scores.
Just as important, she is there for you for support to guide you through the tough times that every memoir writer encounters, particularly when writing about the tough and painful times of your life.
A first - time mother may have some serious doubts about these puppies, particularly if the delivery was painful for her.
The game runs smoothly at times, but frame - rate drops occur just a little too frequently, and there were a few times, particularly when facing off against larger enemies, when the game literally chugged to a halt for a couple of painful seconds.
Overcoming the injuries is painful, time consuming and expensive, particularly in cases in which a serious or catastrophic injury has occurred.
These can be particularly painful and may take time to heal.
In some of these cases, the injuries sustained by hotel guests may be long - term, particularly painful or require extensive recovery time in a hospital.
In this moment of constant turmoil, it is easy to feel like we may not make it through this particularly painful contraction, but the truth of history is that we have been on the precipice of the chaotic unknown before and have birthed beauty and resistance and triumph out of it every time,» said Sonya Renee Taylor.
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