Sentences with phrase «particularly warm person»

Megan is not a particularly warm person, she doesn't make connections easily.

Not exact matches

A committed meat free eater, in 2009 Dr Pachauri addressed the European Parliament alongside MFM founder Paul McCartney, calling on people around the world, particularly in the developed nations, «to change their diet to one meat free day as the most effective way to combat global warming
There's no value at all from using enormous land and water resources and warming the planet in order to produce a billion tons of food that ultimately don't get eaten — particularly when one in nine people is malnourished in the world.
After a particularly harsh winter, many people living in the Northern Hemisphere are looking forward to warmer weather.
Another reason why I love meals like this is because warm, cooked foods are particularly good for people with Vata dominant constitutions, who are more prone to irregular digestion, stress and anxiety.
Many people keep their homes and particularly their upstairs bedrooms too warm.
There's also a selection of G + shades for people whose skin tone is particularly warm and more on the olive side.
Keep em» happy: when guests arrive, if your pet is particularly shy and fearful of new people, make sure you have a warm, safe place for them to retreat to, away from the noise.
They will most likely remain shy and skittish around people but may warm up to those who take care of them, particularly those who feed them.
Amazing food (particularly the burritos), fascinating people, wine tasting, giant redwoods, exploring San Francisco, the Napa Valley and Berkeley; making new friends, a warm welcome, some serious mini golf at Myrtle Beach, riding on the back of a Harley, canoeing on the river, rummaging through thrift shops and seeing some fantastic wildlife.
Long - awaited sequels to beloved franchises that left a rotten taste in most peoples» mouths with their last few entries, and all these people really want to like these new sequels, and the studios / producers really want them to like them as well, so they churn out these super-safe, checklist - following, assembly line products that, in spite of some obvious flaws, don't have anything particularly egregious about them, resulting in an excessively warm response.
The latter statement from Greenlandic people may be true for some residents who don't particularly love long winters, virtually everyone in the Arctic enjoys warm weather, but not at the detriment of their entire way of life.
One of the things that people (particularly from an engineering background) have trouble with is the idea that the feedback from a small amount of warming can give rise to a much larger amount of warming, and this seems, from an «enginering perspective» on the meaning of «feedback», to result in an uncontrolled «runaway» response.
People are concerned about global warming, but not moved to make changes, particularly in regards to driving and financial sacrifices.
He starts to address this question in his post, but dribbles off and shifts the focus to a couple of surveys that show people deeply care about global warming — even when there's abundant evidence that much of public attitude on climate is, as I've been saying, the equivalent of water sloshing in a shallow pan — lots of fluctuations, little depth or commitment (particularly when money is involved).
Many poor people live in places particularly affected by phenomena related to warming, and their livelihoods depend heavily on natural reserves and on so - called ecosystem services, such as agriculture, fisheries and forest resources.
Reading articles such as this do not make me feel particularly warm and fuzzy about climate trends, but gee, it would be nice if people who are inclined towards such things at least provided solar aa - index data on top of their latest kvetching about the IPCC.
This is particularly significant because this is the period of the large recent warming that people claim is due to CO2.
People in Africa and South Asia are particularly at risk of further impoverishment and hunger in a warmer world.
Still, Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, the U.N. Population Fund's executive director, told a news conference in London on Wednesday that global warming could be catastrophic for people in poor countries, particularly women.
Most people accept that 1C warming will be BENEFICIAL because CO2 is a plant food and all plants benefit from high levels of CO2 and warming is generally beneficial particularly in northern areas like Britain (why on earth do we have green houses if not to benefit from the added warmth?)
In his Sept 18 speech at NYU Law School,­calcars-news/­524.html, addressing the questions he gets as people increasingly ask what they can do, he included PHEVs in his roundup of «particularly promising» global warming solutions.
Sea ice is melting, which is opening up the Northwest Passage and other routes to shipping, and as the tundra also warms, the Arctic becomes more accessible to development and human population growth, which will affect the people who already live there, particularly indigenous populations.
After a particularly harsh winter, many people living in the Northern Hemisphere are looking forward to warmer weather.
Climate - related litigation is a reality, particularly in the United States where action has been taken against private companies, administrative decisions and government agencies... In relation to the impacts on Indigenous peoples, in February 2008 the Alaskan native village of Kivalina filed a lawsuit against a number of oil, coal and power companies for their contribution to global warming and the impacts on homes and country disappearing into the Chukchi Sea.
In a pretty fascinating previous post, we learned that people who held a warm beverage rated others more positively, particularly as warmer in an interpersonal sense, than those who held a cold beverage (see here).1 So perhaps we desire the delectable drink because it makes us feel rosier towards those around us.
I really enjoy the look, particularly since I'm a warm - colored person.
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