Sentences with phrase «parties talk to their attorneys»

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Despite Bharara's endorsement, Richard Schaffer, Suffolk Democratic chairman, said he would not change plans to put off a decision about the party's district attorney candidate until he can complete talks with other political parties about possible cross-endorsements.
«If Cuomo were to think that Preet might be attorney general, it would be like kryptonite to Superman and would have the same effect on legislators on both sides of the aisle,» said Curtis Sliwa, a New York City talk radio host and activist who said he reached out to Bharara to offer him the Reform Party ballot line, which he controls.
They started talkingto the media and to investigators for the Southern District US Attorney's Office headed by Preet Bharara — about being muscled, about promises of independent investigations being violated, about being told to steer clear of investigating Cuomo's friends and contributors, the Democratic Party and the law practices of state lawmakers.
If you are seeking compensation for a dog bite injury be sure to consult a qualified Orange County Injury Attorney before you talk to the at - fault party or insurance companies.
As soon as you have been diagnosed and begin receiving medical care for your back, neck or spinal cord injury, it is important that you also consult a personal injury attorney who is experienced in these types of cases to talk about your legal right to fair compensation from the at - fault party.
Under the ABA's Model Rules of Professional Conduct, an attorney can not talk to a represented party about the pending dispute without permission from the party's attorney.
If I offer a fixed - price «contested» divorce, for example, then the incentive for the client is to make full - use of that pricing model and to regularly and repeatedly want to: 1) talk about their case (i.e., their evil spouse's latest antics) on the phone or in - person; 2) file more motions to get their spouse to do something, to prevent their spouse from doing something, or to object to something the court ruled; 3) send more «demand letters» or make more phone calls to the opposing party or their attorney to tell them to return the car seat, or to complain that they dropped off the child 15 minutes late, etc; and 4) respond to ad hoc motions from the other side (motions for attorney's fees, motions to compel discovery, motions for summary disposition, motions to enforce, etc).
They don't have any incentive to help the injured party which is why it's often better to let an attorney talk to them so that the injured party doesn't say anything that could end up hurting their claim later on.
Talk to a Chicago accident attorney if you believe a loved one's injury was the fault of another party.
Before you file any third party lawsuit, make sure to talk to your auto accident attorney should have a frank discussion about who did the work, what was done, and how it might connect to your serious auto accident.
In fact, the insurance company and the attorneys representing the at - fault party want you to settle without ever talking to your own lawyer.
And I thought it was incredibly inefficient and kind of beyond that, the deadlines we would have strategic meetings every Wednesday, and the attorneys would sit around and a huge part of what we would talk about was how we could use the rules of procedure to basically set traps for other parties.
In a litigated divorce one party talks to his / her attorney who in turn talks to the other attorney, who then talks to his / her client, only to begin the cycle again.
When tempers are boiling and parties no longer know what they actually want and what they only want out of spite, it is time to talk about pet custody with your San Diego family attorney.
Rather than both attorneys trying to work out a parenting plan at their hourly rates combined — for instance, talking about whether Johnny should be picked up in the evening on Friday or whether it would be more beneficial to have Johnny picked up after school by one of the parents and taken to the other parent's house — it would be less expensive to have a single mental health professional working with the parties.
By choosing mediation, the parties talk to each other, rather than through their attorneys.
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