Sentences with phrase «parties up and down the country»

This is true of candidates from all parties up and down the country.
Winning lots of new councillors will revitalise local constituency parties up and down the country and help rebuild a Labour campaign machine that rusted and fell apart over thirteen years in power.

Not exact matches

Beg from you to support and stand by the legally elected ruling party against those militants within the opposition who are breaking down our country and killing the youth... those if they come up to rule will incur bloodshed every where and will stretch their bloodshed to reach every corner of this Arabian Peninsular... take my word for it they are evil and worse than that who you dumped into the sea...
He said it would be a disservice to Ghanaians to sit down and allow one political party `' mess up the country for all of us.»
Party leaders are giving their initial verdicts after an eventful night at counts up and down the country.
Party volunteers up and down the country (and especially in marginal seats) are pounding the streets campaigning on their party's beParty volunteers up and down the country (and especially in marginal seats) are pounding the streets campaigning on their party's beparty's behalf.
Quentin Letts and Kevin Maguire look back over what the three main party leaders have been up to over the political year - including the Calm Down Dear and Alarm Clock Britain moments - as the pair continue their quest to flee the country and mull over the news.
«I just don't think that shows respect for the candidates we had up and down the country - or respect for the ordinary Labour party members who were out knocking on doors.»
The net effect of it all was it just made life harder on the doorstep for ordinary Labour party members and activists up and down the country.
Tackling the BNP is about recognising that there are hundreds of thousands of hard - working families in northern mill - towns, the once - smokey bits of the Midlands, blue collar estates in the Thames estuary and pockets of post-industrial Britain around the country who feel let down by the Establishment and are turning to the only party that talks about their concerns (Incidentally, they aren't necessarily core Labour voters, they are mostly long - standing, fed - up non-voters).
We will not sit down for newer churches and political parties to come and mess up our country,» he indicated.
The «loony left» were responsible for torpedoing Labour's reputation and sinking the party's chances with their puerile antics in Labour councils up and down the country and through their reckless control of the party's policy - making machinery.
There are many people, MPs, party members up and down the country asking me to resolve this impasse, and I will if something isn't done soon.»
She said: «It's not about the numbers, it's about opening up the Labour Party to people at workplaces up and down the country, broadening the base of the Labour Party but doing it in a legitimate way and a realistic way.
i'm just down home country and I love to party, cut up, and have fun.
China is a communist dictatorship of USSR style power - seekers and power - holders (for them and their children) and the people of China, most of them salt of the Earth people, are brainwashed, mindcontrolled robots of the Chinese Communist Party, and they are afraid to speak out, they are afraid to ask for change, they are afraid to do anything but work hard for the «motherland», shop for consumer gadgets with their nouveau - riche yuan, and think along very narrow nationalistic lines (remember Hainan Island shoot down and breaking the windows of the US Embassy in Beijing), so we are dealing with an abnormal country, a very messed up brainwashed mindcontrolled bunch of people, who want nothing more than to become rich and prosperous and powerful and world domination countryand if some people die along the way from poisoned rivers, SARS, bird flu, polluted air, tainted food or poisonous toys THEY DO NOT CARE ONE IOTA.
REA chief executive Nina Skorupska (pictured) said: «These figures show the concern of renewable energy companies up and down the country at how the political parties are failing to adequately address the needs of our industry.
Unlike the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, in which a binding treaty required industrial countries party to the pact to reduce their carbon - dioxide emissions by a collective average of 5.5 percent between 2008 and 2012, the new agreement's budding form is more bottom up than top down.
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