Sentences with phrase «partner homicides»

"Partner homicides" refers to incidents where one person kills their romantic partner or spouse. Full definition
In a 2010 study Webster and his colleagues found restrictions based on restraining orders were associated with a 19 percent reduction in the risk for intimate partner homicide in large U.S. cities.
Effects of domestic violence policies, alcohol taxes and police staffing levels on intimate partner homicide in large US cities.
He and colleagues tracked intimate partner homicides from 1979 to 2003 in 46 U.S. cities.
Women's groups are performing studies on strangulation and domestic violence, many demonstrating that strangulation is a strong predictor of partner homicide.
The group said that orders of protections in New York are at a five - year high, while intimate partner homicides increased from 64 in 2015 to 78 in 2016.
Those that made it hard for people with domestic violence restraining orders to get guns had 19 percent fewer intimate partner homicides compared with cities with less stringent laws, the team reported in Injury Prevention.
From 1982 to 2002, states with restraining order laws that bar offenders from buying guns had rates of intimate partner homicide that were 10 percent lower than in states lacking the laws, researchers reported in 2006 in Evaluation Review.It's a stark result, and suggests that tough laws can have big impacts.
Also at 1:30 p.m., the Mayor's Office to Combat Domestic Violence panel discussion on the media coverage intimate partner homicides have received in New York, John Jay College, Manhattan.
Provisions in the bill include increasing the penalty for a repeat offense to a felony; allowing judges to consider risk factors such as firearm possession and violations of restraining orders in determining bail; and establishing a statewide Fatality Review Team to find new ways to prevent intimate partner homicides.
He also discusses some strong early results on open - carry laws and links between gun control and intimate partner homicide.
By Hilary Linton Research and experience tells us that intimate partner homicides are the most predictable and preventable of murders.
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