Sentences with phrase «partner know»

-- Does you partner know about this relationship?
Let your partner know that you can and are empathizing with what they are saying.
If you make this decision, it is better to let your partner know this clearly, and as soon as possible, so that you can both make a clean break.
The only reasonable strategy, therefore, is to let your partner know that you're feeling flooded and need to take a break.
To start, one of you has to initiate the game by letting your partner know that he / she is thinking of something.
How can you feel comfortable taking that risk, committing yourself to a partner you know is flawed?
And as a bonus, letting your partner know you want their heartbeat as your lullaby is a precious gift all on its own.
An easy way to do this is to let your partner know of at least one thing each day that you appreciate about them or about something they did.
You need to ask yourself if you think this is aceptable behaviour and then let your partner know how you feel about the situation.
Want to feel closer together or find a fun way to let your partner know where you are right now?
You have to let your partner know what you like and what feels good.
This will let your partner know that you have their back no matter what.
It's important to let your partner know that you want to use condoms every time you have sex to keep both of you healthy.»
Gottman says that removing oneself from the situation before exploding or imploding (stonewalling) is letting your partner know that you are on overload and need a break.
For example, if you were worried about an important presentation, let your partner know you aced it.
It is created each time you let your partner know that he or she is valued and loved by you.
This is a great time to let your partner know how that one important part of your day is going.
Let your partner know how much you appreciated their actions or words, and explain how these actions or words made you feel.
Don't «ask» this harshly — simply let your partner know that you want to avoid unsuccessful attempts at communication, and want to postpone the conversation so that the two of you can understand each other fully.
She suggests that instead of immediately defending yourself, just listen and let your partner know what you heard him say.
Let your partner know how your day is going.
Remember, any problem can be solved by talking, opening your heart and letting your partner know what you feel.
Let your partner know that you are going to be there, even when they are upset with you.
Principle 2: Nurture your fondness and admiration Tell your partner know how much you love and care for them.
An important part of communication is letting your partner know what makes you feel loved and secure.
Perhaps you could even name it out loud and let your partner know that you don't want it to get stuck in the same way it always does.
Simply beginning to let your partner know what you really feel underneath your angry complaints or your emotional withdrawing, can go a long way to break the negative cycle and reestablish a more secure connection with your partner.
A complaint is a non-blaming statement that lets your partner know how you are feeling about a specific situation.
Make sure both you and your partner know when time is for each other and when you are simply cohabitating.
Let your partner know how important seeing a counselor is to you, and meet with someone you both feel comfortable being honest with.
But it's important to let the partner know that the issue is not being dodged.
Let your partner know that you can help out by doing a job when it needs doing, as well thanking your partner when they have done a job.
Sharing it with your partner helps your partner know how to soothe you, reduces frustration, and ultimately helps both partners succeed in being in the other's care.
Let your partner know where you think you've contributed to the problem.
The point here is to let your partner know you understand some of what he may have felt as a result of what you have done.
It's more important to let your partner know your truth than to try and get validation or just not get in trouble.
Letting your partner know that you need a break is way better than walking out the door mid-sentence without saying a word.
Let your partner know it feels good to feel wanted.
When these signs start to show up, it's important to let your partner know that you demand a certain amount of respect in your relationship or it's never going to work.
Let your partner know who you really are.
Other than sincerely letting your partner know that you want to save the marriage, be patient about any discussions about you two.
You need to let your partner know that their opinions and feelings matter to you.
Maybe you're not aware, but it's important to let your partner know that you support him or her.
For example, if you've been worried about an important presentation, let your partner know you aced it.
Physical touch is definitely a great and essential way to let your partner know you care.
There are plenty of ways to let your partner know you're interested in having sex.
Letting your partner know what in you needs accepting can pave the way with more ease and clarity.
Let your partner know how you feel.
Help your partner know how to support you.
Let your partner know that you'll be retreating to the bedroom with a glass of wine at 8 PM sharp.
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