Sentences with phrase «partners feel secure»

The general rule of thumb is that a relationship is as healthy as can be when both partners feel secure and safe with each other.
When partners feel secure with each other, the are less likely to feel bad about themselves and to lose their sense of worth or esteem in moments when they feel disconnected.
Due to the constant interaction with the dangers in the sea, the surfers become mentally and emotionally very powerful, which makes their dating partners feel secure in their company.
When your partner feels secure in your love and knows that you are committed to the relationship, you can grow and thrive together.

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The study explored how couples felt about their relationship during the pregnancy, asking: how committed each of them felt towards their partner; how compatible they thought they were; and how stable and secure they thought their relationship to be.
But a strong relationship with your partner is one of the best ways to make your baby feel secure.
Tell your partner if you're sore or frightened about pain during sexual activity — talking it over can help both of you to feel less anxious and more secure about resuming your sex life.
When you learn how to take loving responsibility for your feelings, self - worth, and safety, and to learn from your feelings rather than ignore them, then you are no longer desperate for your partner to make you feel loved, worthy, or secure.
What is my dark side... well, since you asked, I like attention from my partner and don't like to feel like I'm competing with others (but as long as I feel secure in a relationship I'm not jealous at all), I could be a little bossy (but I do prefer a man to be a man in the relationship) and I have a bit of a red head temper (that dissipates just as quickly as it emerges).
Do you feel secure with your partner, safe in the knowledge that they see you and love you anyway?
Whether it's making you feel more secure in the relationship by not eyeing up strangers, or nagging you less, or treating you more on dates, your best friend has access to a ton of neat tricks that will make them the partner you actually deserve!
I can make my partner feel loved, feel safe and secure, and make her feel a real woman with me a real gentlemen.
Ivory dating app has truly made it easier for people to feel more secure and optimistic while looking for compatible partners so that they can share their stories of success with each other.
If you aim at getting serious with your partner, you should respect looking for a place or a community where diversity is ordinary, somewhere where both of you can feel secure and recognized.
It makes them feel more secure with you as well and deem you a mature romantic partner and not a flightly flibbertygibbit.
It is advisable and compulsory for you to give a precise detailed description of yourself in order for your partner to feel secured while communicating with you.
A secure adult has a similar relationship with their romantic partner, feeling secure and connected, while allowing themselves and their partner to move freely.
I like adventure and novelty and at the same time I like to feel secure with my partner.
Urban Animal can help you and your pet work through these difficult experiences by using medication, behavioral modification and, if needed, we can consult and partner with boarded veterinary behaviorists to help correct the issue while making your cat or dog simultaneously feel more secure.
Travelling with a holiday partner lightens the load and helps you feel more secure too.
Globus family of brands feels it is important to assure our customers and our travel partners that we are financially secure and that we back our products 100 %.
To protect happy hour (sorry I missed your call at 6; I was at my daughter's recital); To avoid hurt feelings (sure, those clothes are okay for court); to avoid recriminations (the jury foreman obviously hated you for some reason); to calm fears (the workhouse is not as bad as you've heard); to secure a client (of course you should divorce her, and the kids will be just fine); for career advancement (I'm soooo lucky to work for a brilliant partner like you); to grow one's reputation (I love that tie, your honor); to close a deal (no way would they ever sue over this); to get paid (yes, I will go after your 401 (k) if you don't pay my $ 1,500 fee)...
The fact that someone gets frustrated, hurt or angry in a relationship is actually a testimony to how important their partner is for them and how much they are longing to feel loved, accepted and secure with their partner.
Our couples therapists can help you and your partner develop more effective ways of handling conflict — respectful, organized methods that leave you feeling more refreshed and valued and your children less anxious and more secure.
Talk about your anxiety (as opposed to evaluating your partner negatively) and you will both feel closer and more secure.
In a study of couples who experienced a major conflict, those who felt less secure in their relationships perceived more conflict with their dating partners and reported a tendency for conflicts to escalate in severity.
Securely attached adults experience a similar relationship with their romantic partner, feeling secure and connected, while allowing themselves and their partner to move about the world freely.
Do you feel secure with your partner, safe in the knowledge that they see you and love you anyway?
Simply beginning to let your partner know what you really feel underneath your angry complaints or your emotional withdrawing, can go a long way to break the negative cycle and reestablish a more secure connection with your partner.
Strengthen secure attachment between partners so they feel free to take more risks in exploring their sexuality with each other
If this simple expectation can be felt as a certainty for both partners, the relationship will be secure, and subsequently strong.
Because they know they can ask for what they need and feel certain that they will reconnect in the future, secure partners are less likely to feel threatened by the absence of each other, and are less likely to pick fights.
An important part of communication is letting your partner know what makes you feel loved and secure.
More recently, Sue Johnson, the founder of Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples, added to Bowlby's research by adding that for this romantic attachment to feel secure, we need accessible, responsive, and engaged partners.
Because they feel secure with each other, partners in a strong relationship are less prone to become flooded with anxiety or anger when they feel disconnected from each other.
The more you can work to strengthen your bond and feel secure with your partner, the easier it will be to talk about finances and the fewer money mistakes you will make.
Mark Tyrrell, therapist and co-founder of, says that letting go of the desire to be certain about every aspect of your relationship can lead to feeling more secure with your partner.
Researchers have linked the type of relationship we have with our caregivers (secure versus insecure) to the sorts of relationships we are likely to have with later romantic partners; secure early relationships are conducive to later secure relationships.1 It is typical for adults in secure romantic relationships to indicate that they feel supported by their partners and that their partners are central to their happiness and well - being.2 Further, securely attached adult relationships are even associated with greater physical and psychological health.2
Briefly, people who are secure in their relationships are confident that their partners are supportive and they feel comfortable with intimacy.
When we feel that it's a secure relationship, we don't cling on to our partners.
For example, when a secure person is upset, he / she feels comfortable turning to his / her partner for emotional comfort and accepts that they are each dependent on each other for assistance as problems arise.
In other words, precisely when you feel the most vulnerable and scared, you have to actively decide to take a risk and reach out to your partner, and in return try to give him reassurance... It's the only way to secure the bond.»
Partners will learn how to engage positively as a couple to help each other feel safe and secure by following the relationship exercises suggested in this exciting new book.
According to Greenberg, expressing love can also help you and your partner to feel more secure and trusting in your relationship.
If you're asking yourself, «You mean intimacy doesn't involve acceptance and validation from my partner or feeling secure enough to disclose?»
Johnson uses the therapist as a «secure base» and encourages them to build a secure container in which the anxiously or avoidantly attached partner can take the risk of expressing vulnerable feelings and needs.
A subconscious, survival system in our brain is constantly evaluating how secure we feel with our partner.
This aspect has not yet been examined in neuroscientific pain research, but a behavioural study in the context of stress showed that individuals felt more secure walking along a virtual cliff (a stress - inducing task) when their romantic partner was attentive vs inattentive to them (Kane et al., 2012).
By learning to use simple gestures and words, readers can learn to put out emotional fires and help their partners feel more safe and secure.
Because of past relationship experiences, people who are secure often approach relationships with the goal of having a great relationship.3 They also have an easier time trusting their partners.2 Receiving that same text message from a romantic partner might still make them want to respond in a way that could harm the relationship, but their motivation to make the relationship great overrides any selfish impulses.5 So they might forgive, think more positively, and feel closer to the partner.5 If they automatically trust their partner, then they'll respond positively even if they're distracted.7 For example, one person responded to «I haven't been fully honest with you...» with «Your [sic] not using positive communication strategies right now,» and another person responded with «Ok Don Draper.»
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