Sentences with phrase «parts and labor not»

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Jane didn't think it was a problem until the supplier changed how they manufactured their products, started using inferior quality parts and employed cheaper, less experienced labor.
Kelly said that SWAPA's statement and vote of no confidence was «part of a labor negotiations playbook,» and not about the reasons that they had listed.
According to the «Full Participation Report,» about 55 percent of women globally are part of the labor force, compared with 82 percent of men, and the gap between men and women has not changed significantly since 1995.
As much as I wish I didn't have to work anymore, there will always be a part of me that wants to stay active and still be able to produce income based on my own efforts and labor.
I am a bit doubtful about China's economic expansion strategy — labor productivity is generally very low in Laos and Cambodia and those countries that are not already even part of the Chinese - driven bubble economy.
But they have been part of the Canadian labor market for decades and they can not account for the lack of job creation in Canada for the past four years and the current high unemployment rate.
The unemployment rate among the insured labor force is well below that reported monthly by the Labor Department because claims are approved for the most part only for job losers, not the job leavers and labor force reentrants included in the monthly relabor force is well below that reported monthly by the Labor Department because claims are approved for the most part only for job losers, not the job leavers and labor force reentrants included in the monthly reLabor Department because claims are approved for the most part only for job losers, not the job leavers and labor force reentrants included in the monthly relabor force reentrants included in the monthly report.
And, oh, when the hour - glass has run out, the hourglass of time, when the noise of worldliness is silenced, and the restless or the ineffectual busyness comes to an end, when everything is still about thee as it is in eternity — whether thou wast man or woman, rich or poor, dependent or independent, fortunate or unfortunate, whether thou didst bear the splendor of the crown in a lofty station, or didst bear only the labor and heat of the day in an inconspicuous lot; whether thy name shall be remembered as long as the world stands (and so was remembered as long as the world stood), or without a name thou didst cohere as nameless with the countless multitude; whether the glory which surrounded thee surpassed all human description, or the judgment passed upon thee was the most severe and dishonoring human judgement can pass — eternity asks of thee and of every individual among these million millions only one question, whether thou hast lived in despair or not, whether thou wast in despair in such a way that thou didst not know thou wast in despair, or in such a way that thou didst hiddenly carry this sickness in thine inward parts as thy gnawing secret, carry it under thy heart as the fruit of a sinful love, or in such a way that thou, a horror to others, didst rave in despaAnd, oh, when the hour - glass has run out, the hourglass of time, when the noise of worldliness is silenced, and the restless or the ineffectual busyness comes to an end, when everything is still about thee as it is in eternity — whether thou wast man or woman, rich or poor, dependent or independent, fortunate or unfortunate, whether thou didst bear the splendor of the crown in a lofty station, or didst bear only the labor and heat of the day in an inconspicuous lot; whether thy name shall be remembered as long as the world stands (and so was remembered as long as the world stood), or without a name thou didst cohere as nameless with the countless multitude; whether the glory which surrounded thee surpassed all human description, or the judgment passed upon thee was the most severe and dishonoring human judgement can pass — eternity asks of thee and of every individual among these million millions only one question, whether thou hast lived in despair or not, whether thou wast in despair in such a way that thou didst not know thou wast in despair, or in such a way that thou didst hiddenly carry this sickness in thine inward parts as thy gnawing secret, carry it under thy heart as the fruit of a sinful love, or in such a way that thou, a horror to others, didst rave in despaand the restless or the ineffectual busyness comes to an end, when everything is still about thee as it is in eternity — whether thou wast man or woman, rich or poor, dependent or independent, fortunate or unfortunate, whether thou didst bear the splendor of the crown in a lofty station, or didst bear only the labor and heat of the day in an inconspicuous lot; whether thy name shall be remembered as long as the world stands (and so was remembered as long as the world stood), or without a name thou didst cohere as nameless with the countless multitude; whether the glory which surrounded thee surpassed all human description, or the judgment passed upon thee was the most severe and dishonoring human judgement can pass — eternity asks of thee and of every individual among these million millions only one question, whether thou hast lived in despair or not, whether thou wast in despair in such a way that thou didst not know thou wast in despair, or in such a way that thou didst hiddenly carry this sickness in thine inward parts as thy gnawing secret, carry it under thy heart as the fruit of a sinful love, or in such a way that thou, a horror to others, didst rave in despaand heat of the day in an inconspicuous lot; whether thy name shall be remembered as long as the world stands (and so was remembered as long as the world stood), or without a name thou didst cohere as nameless with the countless multitude; whether the glory which surrounded thee surpassed all human description, or the judgment passed upon thee was the most severe and dishonoring human judgement can pass — eternity asks of thee and of every individual among these million millions only one question, whether thou hast lived in despair or not, whether thou wast in despair in such a way that thou didst not know thou wast in despair, or in such a way that thou didst hiddenly carry this sickness in thine inward parts as thy gnawing secret, carry it under thy heart as the fruit of a sinful love, or in such a way that thou, a horror to others, didst rave in despaand so was remembered as long as the world stood), or without a name thou didst cohere as nameless with the countless multitude; whether the glory which surrounded thee surpassed all human description, or the judgment passed upon thee was the most severe and dishonoring human judgement can pass — eternity asks of thee and of every individual among these million millions only one question, whether thou hast lived in despair or not, whether thou wast in despair in such a way that thou didst not know thou wast in despair, or in such a way that thou didst hiddenly carry this sickness in thine inward parts as thy gnawing secret, carry it under thy heart as the fruit of a sinful love, or in such a way that thou, a horror to others, didst rave in despaand dishonoring human judgement can pass — eternity asks of thee and of every individual among these million millions only one question, whether thou hast lived in despair or not, whether thou wast in despair in such a way that thou didst not know thou wast in despair, or in such a way that thou didst hiddenly carry this sickness in thine inward parts as thy gnawing secret, carry it under thy heart as the fruit of a sinful love, or in such a way that thou, a horror to others, didst rave in despaand of every individual among these million millions only one question, whether thou hast lived in despair or not, whether thou wast in despair in such a way that thou didst not know thou wast in despair, or in such a way that thou didst hiddenly carry this sickness in thine inward parts as thy gnawing secret, carry it under thy heart as the fruit of a sinful love, or in such a way that thou, a horror to others, didst rave in despair.
I was an assembly - line employee for several years, and there, despite the presence of hundreds, even thousands of other people, I could be as solitary as a peasant in a field or a herdsman tending sheep, laboring in rhythm — not with nature, to be sure — but with the conveyor belt that brought the auto body or its parts to me.
In her earlier, Pulitzer Prize - winning study Gulag, Applebaum demonstrated that the slave - labor camps of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's «archipelago» were not incidental to the Soviet enterprise, but an integral part of it, economically and politically.
Moreover, in holding that a statute prohibiting aliens from being imported for labor was not intended to prevent a church from hiring a foreign Christian minister, the Court quoted approvingly from two previous judicial opinions showing «we are a Christian people, and the morality of the country is deeply ingrafted upon Christianity» and «the Christian religion is a part of the common law of Pennsylvania.»
-- not laden with an excess of steps or labor and part a deep sigh, because they're splendid, and I can't wait to give them a proper spin on the grill tomorrow.
The lost exhibition games — and the likelihood that the rest of the preseason and at least part of the regular season will be canceled as well — solidified the notion that this labor dispute won't be settled for a long time.
Yet epidurals are not without potential risks for both mother and baby, which is part of the reason the findings from a new study on laboring women are so promising.
As a doula, I can assure all Dads, that I am not there to replace them, but rather as a part of the birthing team, to help enhance their experience, and to support Dads, too, prenatally, during labor and postpartum.
Working in a hospital, labor and delivery setting, I don't get to be a part of natural childbirth that often.
It is a closed system preventing any contamination of the milk, comes with a built - in timer to track nursing sessions (not necessary, but certainly handy) and a one - year warranty on pump parts and labor.
«It's very labor - oriented and time consuming and quite often, that's part of the reasons why many organizations aren't very up to date on their archiving or history record - keeping,» said Dave Harris, the district's executive director.
In households where the father works full time and the mother works part time or not at all, the distribution of labor when it comes to childcare and housekeeping is less balanced.
I appreciate that the author does not shy away from discussing the fears that surround pregnancy and labor and the pain that is part of the labor and delivery period.
I ended up with a nightmare of back labor, wanted and received medications to ease that pain,, so not part of the birth plan LOL My MIL did not respect boundaries, and within hours of delivering I had to get ugly with her regarding our plans for visitors, etc..
I didn't have nausea with my first labor, and I can say it was one of the most unpleasant parts of the whole experience.
I don't think anybody wants to use it as an adjective for any part of their life, but plenty of moms have had to when talking about their labor and delivery.
Dr. Grantly Dick - Read re-introduced the concept of natural birth in the 1920's, and began teaching that pain did not need to be an integral part of the labor process.
For parents planning births outside of the hospital, it is also important to know your midwife's usual plan for transfer of care (prenatally and in labor), whether or not surgical birth is part of your birth plan.
Even if he can not understand the pain of labor, he is right there beside her commiserating and helping her feel less alone, a part of the process, as well as reminding her of her sacrifice to bring their child into the world safely and lovingly.
«I've always liked the fact that in Israel... there was one room for birthing mothers and we weren't wheeled from a labor to a delivery room at the most dangerous part of labor»
I've always liked the fact that in Israel, even over 40 years ago when I had my first child, there was one room for birthing mothers and we weren't wheeled from a labor to a delivery room at the most dangerous part of labor.
The Hypnobirthing ® method teaches mothers that if you remove fear and tension, severe pain does not have to be part of labor.
Midwives are experts in supporting the physiological birth process: monitoring you and your baby during labor, helping you into positions that help labor progress, protecting your pelvic parts from damage while you push, and «catching» the baby from the position that's most effective and comfortable for you — hands and knees, squatting, even standing — not the position most comfortable for her.
Therefore, epidural analgesia for labor may be used as part of TOLAC, and adequate pain relief may encourage more women to choose TOLAC (14, 123) However, epidural analgesia should not be considered necessary.
So if you we have an emergency C - section, although we have the mother usually going into labor on her own, and so we have the hormonal response of being into labor, the baby has been exposed to the natural forces during the birthing process for the most part, but with the emergency C - section we usually have a very strong emotional reaction and the emotional side of things doesn't get talked about a lot, but I think it's a very important aspect.
They are to take orders, not make a fuss, and not disrupt the labor unit by making what the creator of active management called «the degrading scenes that occasionally result from the failure of a woman to fulfill her part of the contract» (O'Driscoll 1986).
«And then he said that, because he was losing ground to the establishment who wanted former Secretary of Labor Perez to be the chair, he said, well he would quit his seat, won't be a part - time chair, starts backing off on Israel - Palestine issue,» Nader continued.
Local campaign staff and candidates, staff at union locals labor organizations not based in DC, community organizing groups that aren't part of national networks, grassroots groups that aren't getting funding from the main backers of community organizing and progressive causes, staff working in local government, and the list goes on and on.
The blatant hypocrisy of these religious and quasi-religious organizations, that want to impose rules and laws on other industries they don't often want applied to themselves and who benefit from a number of labor law and tax «exclusions» is fully detailed in the excellent 5 part series «In God's Name» by Diana B. Henriques that ran in October of 2006 in the New York Times:
The labor - backed party didn't make a decision on the 31st SD race when it held its state convention in Buffalo a few weeks back, in part because a number of its affiliates were divided between Espaillat and one of his primary opponents, District Leader Mark Levine.
LABOR LOGISTICS — DC37's legislative and political director Wanda Williams to Capital's Gloria Pazmino: «The lack of an official endorsement of incumbent City Council members Dan Garodnick, Mark Weprin, Brad Lander, Annabel Palma, and David Greenfield is a consquence of those members not applying to be part of our long established screening process.»
Ed Ott, Executive Director, New York City Central Labor Council stated, «This event is part of a well - planned and strategic effort by the labor movement to ensure that the next Congressman from Staten Island is pro worker in fact, not just in gesLabor Council stated, «This event is part of a well - planned and strategic effort by the labor movement to ensure that the next Congressman from Staten Island is pro worker in fact, not just in geslabor movement to ensure that the next Congressman from Staten Island is pro worker in fact, not just in gesture.
One of the most frustrating parts is not knowing when labor changes from prodromal to active and many women have more than one false alarm during these extended early contractions.
If you are worried about the warranty offered for this beautiful machine, you don't need to because it comes with a lifetime warranty for the frame, three years on parts and electronics and one year for labor.
Labor was only 6 hours and while INTNESE, not painful (except for the crowning part).
Our bodies are for the most part equipped to undergo labor and delivery, but at the same time, millions of women have died because something went wrong that ideally shouldn't have.
Here's the list of the 128 new movies Inside Llewyn Davis Grudge Match Drew: The Man Behind the Poster Her Safety Not Guaranteed Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues Thanks for Sharing Cutie and the Boxer On the Waterfront That Awkward Moment Warm Bodies Lone Survivor Ride Along Eraserhead Dirty Wars Badlands Labor Day The Lego Movie 3 Women About Last Night Remember Me RoboCop (2014) The Square 20 Feet From Stardom Non-Stop Bottle Rocket The Monuments Men The Grand Budapest Hotel Mulligans Everything or Nothing Veronica Mars Bad Words Elaine Stritch Shoot Me Divergent Muppets Most Wanted Noah Sabotage Captain America: The Winter Soldier Draft Day The Railway Man Transcendence Heaven is for Real Suspicion The Other Woman Short Term 12 Eating Raoul The Amazing Spider - Man 2 Le Week - End Neighbors Million Dollar Arm Godzilla X-Men: Days of Future Past How to Survive a Plague The Normal Heart The Killing Chef A Million Ways to Die in the West Maleficent The Fault in Our Stars Edge of Tomorrow 22 Jump Street How to Train Your Dragon 2 Jersey Boys Transformers: Age of Extinction Tammy Life Itself A Hard Day's Night Begin Again Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Carrie (2013) Sex Tape Snowpiercer Boyhood I Origins You're Next A Most Wanted Man Guardians of the Galaxy The Hundred - Foot Journey Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Only Lovers Left Alive 42 The Giver If I Stay Sin City: A Dame to Kill For Let's Be Cops Sinister Get On Up The Trip to Italy The Drop This Is Where I Leave You The Maze Runner Hector and the Search for Happiness Breathless The Equalizer Gone Girl Annabelle The Sacrament The Judge Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day Fury In a World... Men, Women & Children The Last Time You Had Fun V / H / S: Viral Just Before I Go St. Vincent Birdman Kumiko The Treasure Hunter The Imitation Game Wild Whiplash Nightcrawler Foxcatcher The Orphange Interestellar Big Hero 6 Rosewater Dumb and Dumber To The Theory of Everything The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 Into the Woods Exodus: Gods and Kings Big Eyes The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies Stranger By the Lake Top Five The Babadook Annie (2014) Unbroken The Interview
The season begins in conception and ends in birth (in a two - part finale involving a fake labor, a police escort and... well, I don't want to spoil everything), and sadly ends in a state of potential: this sitcom didn't survive beyond its one and only season.
Ain't Them Bodies Saints Director / Writer: David Lowery Producer (s): Parts and Labor's Jay Van Hoy and Lars...
«Admission,» Stephen Trask, composer «Ain't Them Bodies Saints,» Daniel Hart, composer «All Is Lost,» Alex Ebert, composer «Alone Yet Not Alone,» William Ross, composer «The Armstrong Lie,» David Kahne, composer «Arthur Newman,» Nick Urata, composer «At Any Price,» Dickon Hinchliffe, composer «Austenland,» Ilan Eshkeri, composer «Before Midnight,» Graham Reynolds, composer «The Best Man Holiday,» Stanley Clarke, composer «The Book Thief,» John Williams, composer «The Butterfly's Dream,» Rahman Altin, composer «The Call,» John Debney, composer «Captain Phillips,» Henry Jackman, composer «Closed Circuit,» Joby Talbot, composer «The Company You Keep,» Cliff Martinez, composer «The Conjuring,» Joseph Bishara, composer «Copperhead,» Laurent Eyquem, composer «The Counselor,» Daniel Pemberton, composer «The Croods,» Alan Silvestri, composer «Despicable Me 2,» Heitor Pereira, composer «Elysium,» Ryan Amon, composer «Ender's Game,» Steve Jablonsky, composer «Enough Said,» Marcelo Zarvos, composer «Epic,» Danny Elfman, composer «Ernest & Celestine,» Vincent Courtois, composer «Escape from Planet Earth,» Aaron Zigman, composer «Escape from Tomorrow,» Abel Korzeniowski, composer «Evil Dead,» Roque Baños, composer «47 Ronin,» Ilan Eshkeri, composer «42,» Mark Isham, composer «Free Birds,» Dominic Lewis, composer «Free China: The Courage to Believe,» Tony Chen, composer «Fruitvale Station,» Ludwig Goransson, composer «G.I. Joe: Retaliation,» Henry Jackman, composer «Gangster Squad,» Steve Jablonsky, composer «Gravity,» Steven Price, composer «The Great Gatsby,» Craig Armstrong, composer «The Hangover Part III,» Christophe Beck, composer «Hansel & Gretel Witch Hunters,» Atli Örvarsson, composer «Haute Cuisine,» Gabriel Yared, composer «Her,» William Butler and Owen Pallett, composers «The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug,» Howard Shore, composer «Hollywood Seagull,» Evgeny Shchukin, composer «Hours,» Benjamin Wallfisch, composer «How Sweet It Is,» Matt Dahan, composer «The Hunger Games: Catching Fire,» James Newton Howard, composer «Identity Thief,» Christopher Lennertz, composer «The Incredible Burt Wonderstone,» Lyle Workman, composer «Insidious: Chapter 2,» Joseph Bishara, composer «Instructions Not Included,» Carlo Siliotto, composer «The Internship,» Christophe Beck, composer «The Invisible Woman,» Ilan Eshkeri, composer «Iron Man 3,» Brian Tyler, composer «Jack the Giant Slayer,» John Ottman, composer «Jobs,» John Debney, composer «Kamasutra 3D,» Sreejith Edavana and Saachin Raj Chelory, composers «Labor Day,» Rolfe Kent, composer «Lee Daniels» The Butler,» Rodrigo Leão, composer «Live at the Foxes Den,» Jack Holmes, composer «Love Is All You Need,» Johan Söderqvist, composer «Mama,» Fernando Velázquez, composer «Man of Steel,» Hans Zimmer, composer «Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom,» Alex Heffes, composer «The Missing Picture,» Marc Marder, composer «Monsters University,» Randy Newman, composer «The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones,» Atli Örvarsson, composer «Mud,» David Wingo, composer «Murph: The Protector,» Chris Irwin and Jeff Widenhofer, composers «Now You See Me,» Brian Tyler, composer «Oblivion,» Anthony Gonzalez and Joseph Trapanese, composers «Oldboy,» Roque Baños, composer «Olympus Has Fallen,» Trevor Morris, composer «Oz The Great and Powerful,» Danny Elfman, composer «Pacific Rim,» Ramin Djawadi, composer «Pain & Gain,» Steve Jablonsky, composer «Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters,» Andrew Lockington, composer «Philomena,» Alexandre Desplat, composer «The Place beyond the Pines,» Mike Patton, composer «Planes,» Mark Mancina, composer «Prisoners,» Jóhann Jóhannsson, composer «R.I.P.D.,» Christophe Beck, composer «Reaching for the Moon,» Marcelo Zarvos, composer «Romeo & Juliet,» Abel Korzeniowski, composer «Runner Runner,» Christophe Beck, composer «Rush,» Hans Zimmer, composer «Safe Haven,» Deborah Lurie, composer «Salinger,» Lorne Balfe, composer «Saving Mr. Banks,» Thomas Newman, composer «The Secret Life of Walter Mitty,» Theodore Shapiro, composer «Short Term 12,» Joel P. West, composer «Side Effects,» Thomas Newman, composer «The Smurfs 2,» Heitor Pereira, composer «The Spectacular Now,» Rob Simonsen, composer «Star Trek Into Darkness,» Michael Giacchino, composer «Stoker,» Clint Mansell, composer «Thor: The Dark World,» Brian Tyler, composer «Tim's Vermeer,» Conrad Pope, composer «Trance,» Rick Smith, composer «Turbo,» Henry Jackman, composer «12 Years a Slave,» Hans Zimmer, composer «2 Guns,» Clinton Shorter, composer «The Ultimate Life,» Mark McKenzie, composer «Unfinished Song,» Laura Rossi, composer «Wadjda,» Max Richter, composer «Walking with Dinosaurs,» Paul Leonard - Morgan, composer «Warm Bodies,» Marco Beltrami and Buck Sanders, composers «We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks,» Will Bates, composer «We're the Millers,» Theodore Shapiro and Ludwig Goransson, composers «What Maisie Knew,» Nick Urata, composer «Why We Ride,» Steven Gutheinz, composer «The Wind Rises,» Joe Hisaishi, composer «Winnie Mandela,» Laurent Eyquem, composer «The Wolverine,» Marco Beltrami, composer
Hasköy youth, who are not considered a part of normal Turkey, who are excluded both from the labor market and the imaginary urban culture, return to the middle class spaces they are cast out from like boomerangs to scare off the middle class.
[5] While some workers from Hasköy and Güzeltepe actively participated in the organized labor movement to build a more just future, others, though not directly an organized part of this movement, still became workers within the atmosphere of a promising future generated by the working class and / or socialist movement.
And in part, it's because some expenses — Kramer named labor law, finance, accounting — don't lend themselves to scale - up savings, he said.
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