Sentences with phrase «parts than the method»

However, if your product is made from multiple parts than the method of joining needs to be considered.

Not exact matches

Earlier this summer, Ford Motor Company showed off how it was testing 3D printing technology to improve its manufacturing and create new prototypes of car parts more quickly than with conventional methods.
By now, child and foreign labor has become such a key part of the fabric of Walmart, and of the product they sell, it's hard to imagine anything less than a complete overhaul of Walmart's business methods will change that.
Rather than becoming complacent with the spare side income, he developed a method of receiving and shipping replacement parts, has set up a marketing system for the franchisees, and now earns an income that is almost 100 % passive!
Part of the reason for the rising supply is that unconventional methods of oil extraction like tar sands and hydraulic fracturing have yielded greater oil supplies than expected.
I've already repeated a couple of times my own line of reasoning, you then decide to say I'm committing confirmation bias without (and here's the important part Ace) actually quoting or even showing me where I'm doing this, so yeah, I'm better than you (fact) and no pretty sure my method (the right method) is helping me just fine.
Scientists, for their part, especially those in the scientific community with burdens against religion, need to understand that the nature of scientific evidence, method and hypotheses and the nature of theological evidence, method, and hypothesis have more in common than they might imagine.
Part of the observed increase in 2012 may be due to the fact that START has improved its data collection methods and is better than ever at finding and categorizing terrorism, LaFree said.
to dandintac, the evolution of stars or solar systems or life forms to different species takes billons of years to complete., that we in our lifetime cant comprehend its teleology or purposefullness.At the University of Illinois, a super computer called The nautilus, predicts the future by analysing through computational methods mathematical algorithim the historical inputs for hundreds of years and discovered that it has a direction or intepreted as has a purpose.Someday in the future when we will be technologically advanced, Gods will will be clearly reveald to us.All of this will be part of his will, at this time beyond our comprehension, but will be in the future, The next generation of quantum computers which are tens of thousands more powerfull and faster than todays will provide us the informations to solidify the future religious faith based in science.
It is curious that the early days of clinical pastoral education, which has done more than any other movement to foster the present knowledge and skill in pastoral care, actually relied only in part upon interviewing methods and yet made the interview image dominant as the ideal.
We can understand Russell's later cautious advocacy of an explicitly metaphysical position as in part resulting from a consistent and continued commitment to, and application of, this method of logical construction, together with a dispassionate exploration of its full implications, rather than writing off this later phase as entirely distinct and grossly inconsistent with the earlier phases of Russell's career.
My six theistic arguments are said to form a system stronger than its separate parts, and the chapter in which I expound them is imbedded in a book (Creative Synthesis and Philosophic Method) which attempts to give the Wider context for them.
The hardest part of making gnocchi is rolling the dough out, but his method bypasses this step altogether — the dough has much less flour than most recipes.
I know that every sport is a business and a major part of every sport's business is advertising, but when it comes to the NFL, it almost feels like the game exists to sell advertisements rather than as a method of displaying them.
There are other components of the system — the funding method, the fact that mealtimes seem like more of an interruption and disruption of the school day than an important part of the day — that need attention as much as the food.
Each method has its benefits, and disadvantages, and some are better than others for certain parts of the body as well as different skin types.
Just like the Bradley Method, Lamaze is about a lot more than just breathing, but that is the part that most people have heard about.
Today, as we celebrate SpankOut Day April 30th — an annual observance founded by the Center for Effective Discipline (now part of the Gundersen National Child Protection Training Center) to bring attention to the need to stop physical punishment of children and promote nonviolent discipline — I want to encourage everyone to take this movement a step further than ending spanking as a discipline method.
IDS also rejects the Brownite method of introducing middle class benefits to make millions of Britons who don't need help feel part of the welfare system, rather than just limit the welfare state to those in genuine need.
Researchers at Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) have devised a hair restoration method that can generate new human hair growth, rather than simply redistribute hair from one part of the scalp to another.
Nosek has been at the forefront of efforts to clean up his field — he and more than 175 collaborators are repeating a random sample of the hundreds of studies published in 2008 in three major psychology journals — and he and Ratliff are both part of Project Implicit, a long - running collaboration that also provides free software for running behavioral experiments with standardized methods.
In response, a UT Arlington research team applied advanced mass spectrometry and chromatography instrumentation available at the Shimadzu Institute to develop a sensitive and efficient method for detecting trace amounts at less than 10 parts per trillion in a 100 microliter sample, said Kevin Schug, Shimadzu Distinguished Professor of Analytical Chemistry at UT Arlington.
In Better (Metropolitan Books, $ 24), Gawande, for his part, gives us case studies of high - performing medical innovators — from military surgeons in Iraq who have devised ways to improve the survival of the severely injured to the designers of hand - washing campaigns to reduce hospital - borne infections in the United States — and roots through the methods of these «positive deviants» to reveal how they do things, well, better than the rest of us.
The screen, which is far more sensitive than methods used in other programs monitoring pesticide use on foodstuffs, quantifies traces present in parts per million; an equivalent ratio is one gram -LRB-.035 ounce) per 1.1 tons of food.
He found that over the past 9,000 years, parts of the tuatara genetic code have changed 50 percent more quickly than those of any other vertebrate tested by the same method.
The uncertainty in the latest measurement is 150 parts per million, or 0.015 % — only slightly larger than that of the conventional method of determining G, which is to quantify the mutual pull of two macroscopic masses.
The third is a method implemented by Reich for reading the genetic codes of 1.2 million carefully chosen variable parts of DNA (known as single nucleotide polymorphisms) rather than having to sequence entire genomes.
X-ray diffraction as we know it may become obsolete, perhaps sooner than we think, but it seems likely to me that ideas and methods from it will still exist as parts of many, if not most, of the newer techniques that replace it.
On December 16, 2009, a team of astronomers (including David Charbonneau, Zachory K. Berta, Jonathan Irwin, Christopher J. Burke, Philip Nutzman, Lars A. Buchhave, Christophe Lovis, Xavier Bonfils, David W. Latham, Stéphane Udry, Ruth A. Murray - Clay, Matthew J. Holman, Emilio E. Falco, Joshua N. Winn, Didier Queloz, Francesco Pepe, Michel Mayor, Xavier Delfosse, and Thierry Forveille) announced the discovery of a planet «b» of 6.55 ± 0.98 Earth - masses in a tight inner orbit using the «transit method» of planetary detection using «a fleet of ground - based telescopes no larger than those many amateur astronomers have in their backyards» as part of the MEarth Project (CfA news release).
The team used uranium - thorium dating techniques (which are more precise than the more common radiocarbon dating method) to confirm that three cave paintings in various parts of Spain are more than 64,000 years old.
On December 16, 2009, a team of astronomers announced the discovery of a super-Earth in an inner orbit using the «transit method» of planetary detection using «a fleet of ground - based telescopes no larger than those many amateur astronomers have in their backyards» as part of the MEarth Project (CfA news release).
Taking the approach to burn off more calories than you actually consume can be one of the methods to weights loss, however, it is possible to change the constituent part of the weight you are trying to lose, in this case, fat, by giving focus to one important macronutrient — protein.
So now I do a total of 100 reps for each exercise and 3 exercises per upper body part... and the pump is unreal and I feel like I'm getting 10,000 times more out of doing it this way than the old school method I used to do.
Methods you can experiment with: When you split up your body - parts, I see very little reason to incorporate more than 3 exercises per body part.
So rather than use these methods to try and force your man boobs to flatten out in a few short days, why not implement them into your lifestyle as part of a self - improvement program?
It's part of the Truth the film offers — and if the movie in its blunt way should raise consciousness about media methods rather than perpetrating a new hybrid smugness, good.
Part of the success of the performances in the film owes greatly to Hooper's decision to record the actors singing on set, rather than have them lip - sync to pre-recorded tracks, the usual method for filming musicals.
For the role, Spall, who says that he could «always draw a bit,» spent two years studying painting with portraitist Tim Wright, which may seem excessive even by Method standards, but that level of commitment is integral to Leigh's process, which Spall has been a part of for more than three decades.
Being able to involve technology within the core part of the lesson, such as researching on a tablet or using an app to complete part of a task can grab the learner's attention more than some traditional methods of teaching.
About one - third of Green Dot's more than 500 teachers took part in crafting the evaluation method.
Gates is the leader of education philanthropy in the United States, spending a few billion dollars over more than a decade to promote school reforms that he championed, including the Common Core, a small - schools initiative in New York City that he abandoned after deciding it wasn't working, and efforts to create new teacher evaluation systems that in part use a controversial method of assessment that uses student standardized test scores to determine the «effectiveness» of educators.
This method calls for school and parental flexibility and may lead to logistical problems such as scheduling and transportation, but is often more satisfactory than grade skipping because the child associates at least part of the time with age peers.
Instead of debating whether education impacts the community or vice versa, Gestalt believes the most effective method to support student achievement is an integration of education and community, a true gestalt: a whole greater than the sum of its parts.
Along with new engineering methods that reduce the number of body parts by 20 percent, Reuss said the Cadillac CT6 will weigh 53 lbs less than the Cadillac CTS despite being 8 inches longer.
The Secretary shall not approve any pavement markings project that includes the use of glass beads containing more than 200 parts per million of arsenic or lead, as determined in accordance with Environmental Protection Agency testing methods 3052, 6010B, or 6010C.
To be able to run a business with a six - figure turnover from a desk that's no more than one metre square is a huge thrill for me, and much of that success is down to a willingness on my part to embrace both traditional publishing and the now - huge independent publishing method.
This is different than the «safestrap» method, which has been temporarily put on hold, and seems to use the same Cyanoboot bootloader that was developed for last year's B&N NOOK Tablet — another device with a locked bootloader, but which has been running custom ROMs for the better part of a year.
A system can be defined as a set of processes and methods that produce a desired result that is more than the sum of the parts.
Part of what makes my method in balanced dog training work so well is that I approach each dog individually, rather than systematically.
I don't believe he was referring to «authority» in the sense of expertise; in some sense the role of the IPCC in fixing belief around climate science is similar to Peirce's «authority», but it has no enforcement power and to me it seems far more like a step in the process of fixation and communication of scientific information, part of the publishing process, than anything like what Peirce was talking about in method 2.
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