Sentences with phrase «party colleagues»

The phrase "party colleagues" refers to people who belong to the same political party and work together as members of that party to achieve common goals. Full definition
The minority leader, in consultation with other party colleagues, has a range of strategic options that he or she can employ to advance minority party objectives.
He denied that he would be frozen out by his former party colleagues in Westminster, insisting he would work with them «for change».
Mr Martin will be joined by party colleague Catherine Stihler in the European Parliament, as well as Ian Hudghton and Alyn Smith of the SNP and the Tories» Struan Stevenson - all of whom have previously served as MEPs.
Aides on Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign kept a detailed list of party colleagues who staffers believed had betrayed her during the long and bitter primary battle with President Obama, a new book reveals.
Chuka Umunna has accused his Labour Party colleagues of «behaving like a petulant child» as support...
Kenny, who has faced pressure from party colleagues to resign over a stumbling response to a police scandal, has said he will address his political future when he returns from America.
Labour leader Corbyn offered his condolences, saying he was «very sorry» to hear the news of the death of his former party colleague.
So Wynne's admission may be an attempt to reassure agitated party colleagues as much as a show of remorse towards the great unwashed — or in this case the great unheated.
Aides on Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonTrump Jr. met with Gulf adviser who offered help to win election: report Voters Dems need aren't impressed by anti-waterboarding showboating After year of investigation, Trump can rightly claim some vindication MORE's 2008 presidential campaign kept a detailed list of party colleagues who staffers believed had betrayed her during the long and bitter primary battle with President Obama, a new book reveals.
While Lieberman has taken heat from his former Democratic Party colleagues for his hawkish positions, he's still widely popular among Orthodox Jews.
The European Parliament committee for Justice and Civil Liberties (LIBE) also tried to come up with alternatives (again, drafted by Voss» own party colleagues) that would safeguard fundamental rights by removing reference to «content recognition technologies,» and no fewer than six national governments are so concerned about the idea that they have requested legal advice.
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Career Management work Christmas co-worker Party colleague office party festive season MORE
Sometimes people underestimated me, less so with party colleagues because I'd been going to conferences for years and knew a few MPs quite well.
Yet Abbott was more circumspect, despite being under increasing pressure from his National party colleagues to put a stricter test around the definition of the «national interest» and to block the sale of Australian agribusiness GrainCorp to the US multinational Archer Daniel Midland.
Green Party leaders split somewhat from their minor party colleagues, saying they would like to see an end to so - called fusion voting (which, by the way, the governor has so far NOT proposed), insisting that third parties should end their habit of cross-endorsing major party candidates in order to maintain their autonomy and remain ideologically pure.
The septuagenarian backbencher failed to be reselected by party colleagues last January, months before his expenses claim for a # 5 donation to a Battle of Britain memorial church service came to light.
At the convention, Brooke warned his fellow party colleagues, «Let us not fool ourselves.
Last week, my Green party colleague Caroline Lucas was informed by the immigration minister that this information «could only be supplied at disproportionate cost».
Mr Ashdown's senior party colleagues praised both his record and the manner of his leaving, believing it would give the new leader time to «play in» before the next election.
Writing a few months ago, Liam Fox used the Daily Express to issue a call to arms to his Conservative party colleagues.
It followed on from the infamous «lasagne plot» where Labour's power couple served up a sympathetic ear and a home - cooked meal to demoralised party colleagues.
Over the course of the Holyrood campaign, I took the chance to quiz party colleagues on their position on AV.
Earlier on Wednesday, Plaid Cymru AM Elin Jones was elected as the new presiding officer, defeating party colleague Lord Elis - Thomas.
In the Assembly, Republican members scored a 49 on average, while their Democratic Party colleagues averaged 89.
Dismissing the suggestion by party colleague Boris Johnson that a «federal offer» be made to Scotland, Mr Mundell said the current plans for further devolution to Scotland would be brought forward in the Queen's Speech and would be a priority.
After defeating former Labour MP Terry Rooney to enter parliament in 2010, Ward - an outspoken supporter of Palestinian causes - made a string of remarks that brought condemnation from party colleagues and Jewish organisations:
Chuka Umunna has accused his Labour Party colleagues of «behaving like a petulant child» as support for Jeremy Corbyn as leader appears to be surging.
He has taken an unnecessary political risk, but that is a judgment for him and his Tory party colleagues.
Never mind that the new Article 13 proposal runs directly contrary to an existing EU law — the eCommerce Directive — which prohibits member states from imposing «general monitoring» obligations on hosting providers, Voss» own party colleague and predecessor, Therese Comodini Cachia (who left to take up a seat in her national parliament in Malta), was against the idea.
Lord Heseltine is an ardent critic of the UK's decision to leave the EU, putting him at odds with party colleagues.
«On the issue of considering the request of party colleagues and supporters to lead the NDC to the 2020 Elections, HE John Mahama's position, as stated in Cape Coast, remains that it will be premature to announce his decision whether or not to contest, in view of the ongoing reorganization efforts of the Party,» the statement said.
It is not the first time Mr Farage has faced claims from current and former party colleagues that he is too dictatorial.
His party colleague, who represents the Forth and Endrick ward, posted a series of racists tweets appearing to compare black people to cannibals.
With Jeremy Corbyn and shadow home secretary Diane Abbott implacably opposed to any restrictions on immigration, it has been left to some of Cooper's party colleagues — most notably Andy Burnham and Hilary Benn — to make the Labour case for controls.
A number of peers are letting properties to MPs, as are former MPs who are letting their second homes in London to party colleagues.
«No, Vince and I have worked together for years as party colleagues, as old friends and will continue to do so.
The modernisers must also reassess their attitude to party colleagues.
Green, the former immigration minister who is now in charge of policing at the Home Office, will use a speech to the party think - tank Bright Blue to argue against his party colleagues — including work and pensions secretary Iain Duncan Smith — who believe Britain could prosper outside the EU.
Just as Tory MPs will now find it easier to hold on in 2015, and for their party colleagues to make gains and push towards an outright majority, so Labour is in a deep fix.
But as Jonathan says, Nick Clegg needs to ease off the conspiracy theories and realise that I and his Party colleagues want power just as much as he does.
Shadow home secretary Diane Abbott said the lack of an inquiry was a «grave injustice», while her party colleagues joined her in criticising the decision in the Commons.
Corbyn's period in charge has been met by consistent opposition from a section of his party colleagues, who he urged to redirect their ire on the government.
Ms Hoey was responding to criticism from her Labour Party colleague, Owen Smith, the shadow secretary of state for Northern Ireland.
«From some of the off - stage and some on - stage noises from party colleagues that have been signalled to me, it's almost as if there is a subliminal desire to see David Cameron take over rather than Gordon Brown,» he said.
Writing on Twitter, he added: «Her party colleagues should expect evidence of a journey, not just a time - out in the sin bin.»
The column led to much anger being directed at Champion from her Labour party colleagues.

Phrases with «party colleagues»

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