Sentences with phrase «party contest»

The degree of proportionality of the system depends on the interraction of the size of the MMC and the number of political parties contesting the election.
The proposals included suggestions for Members of Parliament to appoint constituency executives, party members with dual citizenship to be disqualified from contesting for any party position and for the flagbearer of the party to be considered as the leader of the party
The PNM was the only party to contest all 41 seats, and only two other parties contested more than half the seats; the United National Congress ran in 28 and the ILP in 26.
Links to party election broadcasts for parties contesting this election will appear below, after they have been shown on television.
In addition, the Green Party contests Auckland Council elections under the City Vision banner, in concert with the Labour Party and the Alliance.
An ex-UKIP MEP explains setting up the An Independence from Europe party contesting seats in the European elections.
Not only did the other main parties contest the Eastbourne by - election in 1990 after the murder of Ian Gow by the IRA but the Lib Dems gained the seat from the Conservatives.
Bobble, a keyboard app from India that enables highly personal self - expression, has released sticker packs based on the candidates from the two major parties contesting the US Presidential Election 2016.
The impasse remains, resulting in the New York's unusual and costly arrangement of holding two party primaries, one mandated by a federal court for U.S. Senate and House party contests in June; state and local primaries still held in September.
The immediate past National organises of the NDC, Yaw Boateng Gyan asked the people to disregard any notion that in the NDC when you lose an internal party contest you are discarded.
Marchione was the clear winner in the Conservative Party contest despite a stalking horse opponent and McDonald has the Independence Party nod.
His CDC party contested those results but has refrained so far this time, though after voting on Tuesday Weah warned that «what happened in 2005 and 2011 can not be repeated».
This is one of a series of interviews with 22 smaller parties contesting seats at the 2015 general election
An intervening court motion filed today by the top lawyer for Senate Republicans endorsed an August primary over a June one, arguing an earlier party contest could escalate gridlock in the upper chamber of the Legislature.
This district encompasses some of the town's most densely populated neighborhoods, including Eggertsville, Snyder and Williamsville, and is one of those that helped determine which party cont...
The Codes of Conduct operate well in the lion's share of non-family civil disputes, in which arm's - length parties contest over an event occurring at some point in the past and the harm said to have resulted therefrom.
Most states allow an individual to file for divorce under no - fault grounds, but if the non-filing party contests the divorce, the party seeking the divorce must prove that there are grounds for the divorce under state law.
They believe that the anomaly if not correct will open a gaping hole for a challenge from any of the candidates from the various political parties contesting the seat.
We handle probate litigation for parties contesting or defending a will or a trust.
The Green Party contested an election in the district for the first time, putting up a candidate in every ward and coming fourth in terms of vote share.
The NDP, with a commitment to nominate a high percentage of women candidates, has so far chosen the most women candidates of the political parties contesting the 2015 election.
The manifesto was sent to each political party contesting the upcoming June 8th General Election.
However, after Conservative MP Ian Gow was killed in 1990 — the last serving MP to suffer such a fate — the main political parties contested the by - election in his Eastbourne seat as normal.
The party contested the 2016 Welsh Assembly election in Monmouth.
In subsequent by - elections, the party contested Oldham East and Saddleworth (where Stephen Morris polled 144 (0.4 %)-RRB-, [35] Barnsley Central (Kevin Riddiough polled 544 (2.2 %) votes), [36] Feltham and Heston (Roger Cooper polled 322 (1.4 %)-RRB-, [37] Corby (David Wickham polled 432 (1.2 %) votes)[38] and Rotherham (David Wildgoose polled 703 (3.3 %) votes).
The party contested the Dartford Borough Council Heath ward by - election on 27 July 2006, polling 174 votes (9.6 %).
Fulani noted there are «nearly one million independent voters, the majority of whom are Black, Latino and Asian, who are locked out of the decisive first round of voting» because of the closed - primary system in New York that only allows enrolled members to cast ballots in intra - party contests, adding: «That is what some like to call an inconvenient truth.»
The party contested the 2009 European elections around the slogan of «Make Greed History», campaigning for a Europe - wide tax on millionaires, [23] and also achieved a higher vote share than in the Scottish Parliament election.
[26] The party contested all eight Scottish Parliament regions with gender - balanced lists of candidates.
Political parties contesting this year's Parliamentary election have voted for positions on the ballot papers.
Political campaigns are always going to contain a mix of positive and negative messages and this election will be no different for any of the parties contesting it.
[2] Of the total 28 same - party contests, a study by the Public Policy Institute of California rated only twelve as actually competitive.
Instead candidates selected by members of both parties contest elections using the description of Labour and Co-operative Party.
Their three - stage debate format could easily have been changed so the first debate included all parties with an MP, the second any party contesting all seats, or at least a majority of seats, and a final one with the two men who had a chance of becoming prime minister.
They had the knowledge of the circumstances of the election and of the candidates and parties contesting and made the choice to switch given that.
John Mahama challenged all other political parties contesting the upcoming elections, to follow same and commit themselves to a violent free polls.
Nene Sakite appealed to all parties contesting this year's presidential and parliamentary elections to gracefully accept the results of the elections and to conduct themselves in a way to guarantee the peace of the country.
Both Labour and the Tories have spent enormous effort in the first weeks of 2015 trying to make politics behave like the old two - party contest, with positions that can still be plotted on the old left - right axis: tax rises to fund the NHS versus a welfare squeeze and tax cuts.
«As the potential field for the party contest continued to narrow, Mr Cruddas said he did not aspire to the top job.
The two major political parties contesting the December polls, have announced a break in political activities in the Ashanti Region, which is a stronghold of the New Patriotic Party.
McKinney's brand of fiscal conservatism and liberal social policy would make him an appealing candidate in November, the Senate minority leader is struggling against front - runner Foley in their party contest.
The parties contesting the election were the incumbent People's National Movement, the official opposition United National Congress — Alliance (a coalition of the UNC and six smaller parties), the Congress of the People (a UNC splinter group), the Tobago United Front — Democratic Action Congress (a Tobago - based party) and the Democratic National Assembly (a new party based in Tobago).
Touching on the theme of the association's 30th Anniversary dubbed, «ASSI @ 30 - Repositioning Small Scale Industries for local economic development,» the newly inducted President, Saeed Moomen challenged leaders of the political parties contesting the 2016 elections to consider SMEs as the driving force of economic development.
But I think the febrile state of politics, you've been talking, we'll no doubt touch on the controversies within the government at the moment, the change in the Conservative leadership, I think politics is really up for grabs in a way that it hasn't been for years, and the liberal democrats are part of that three party contest.
Supreme Court Point: «Even assuming the teacher's grade book is an educational record — a point the parties contest and one we do not decide here — the score on a student - graded assignment is not contained therein until the teacher records it.»
Being brought in (led by Vernon Flynn QC) for the purpose of preparing an appeal to the Court of Appeal on behalf of a party contesting jurisdiction and seeking to resist enforcement of an arbitration award falling within the New York Convention.
First, neither party contested the fact of one year's continuous separation and typically the appellate courts will not change the ground for divorce if the ground the trial court granted is not contested on appeal.
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