Sentences with phrase «party in a neutral environment»

In couples counseling, a couple gets an opportunity to do something they rarely, if ever, do: discuss their problems with an impartial third party in a neutral environment which is not a part of their daily life.

Not exact matches ™ also serves as a neutral environment for mediation or settlement conferences where parties are uncomfortable being in the same room.
As we work with you, we strive to create a neutral, impartial and bias free environment in which both parties can feel comfortable.
Working together in a safe and neutral environment, the parties arrive at agreements that are then written into a Marital Settlement Agreement (MSA).
The mediator does not have the power to dictate a settlement but rather, uses skills to facilitate a meaningful discussion and open and free exchange of information between the parties fostering negotiation in a neutral and stable environment.
Divorce mediation involves polarized sides meeting with a third party neutral in an environment in which they hope to arrive at a compromise position where both parties are, to put it succinctly, equally happy and equally happy.
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