Sentences with phrase «party majority»

"Party majority" refers to the situation where a particular political party has more elected members or representatives than any other party in a legislative body, such as a parliament or congress. It means that the party with the majority has the most influence and power to pass laws, make decisions, and implement their agenda. Full definition
At no time did any of the forecasts (and there were many of them) give either of the major parties a majority in parliament.
It's true that under a PR system, single party majority governments would probably be few and far between.
In 2010 the first - past - the - post system failed to deliver a single - party majority government and it is very unlikely to deliver a stable coalition government in 2015.
Crosby 1983In the 1981 by - election, Shirley Williams won the Conservative safe seat of Crosby turning a Conservative majority of 19,272 into a Social Democratic Party majority of 5,289.
But he says if Felder gives the Democratic Party the majority, at least then the bills could be brought to the Senate floor for an up or down vote.
According to the poll by Comres, 67 % of the public would prefer there to be a single party majority government after the next election.
Currently CFIUS reviews only transactions that give foreign parties majority control of a US company that develops, sells or licenses advanced technologies with potential military applications.
On a low turnout of 39.7 %, Benton increased the Labour Party majority again, taking 78.2 % of the vote.
Short answer: it seems unlikely, as almost every UK Government since World War 2 has been a single party majority government1.
We've had major party majorities in the Senate even though they rarely exceed 43 % of the popular vote.
The Conservatives won overall control of more than 30 councils — mostly, it should be noted, councils without a single party majority before the vote.
Ironically, when it comes to detail at the moment, it is often the Lords which settles the matters and does a rather good job at it because the lack of one overall party majority forces people to persuade rather than cajole.
«If we secure a Working Families Party majority in the Senate, the NY DREAM Act will pass, ensuring that DREAMERS like me who have worked really hard to learn English and graduate high school are able to afford a college education,» said Cruz.
As a single party majority looks less and less likely, the Conservatives and Labour explore different options for coalition politics.
While describing the persistent claim by the Federal Government that the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) destroyed Nigeria for 16 years as hypocritical, Governor Fayose said Nigerians must begin to ask which party majority of those presently ruling the country under the APC government were between 1999 and 2014.
In 2013, Australia's conservative party won control of Parliament, ousting a progressive Labor Party majority.
In part we can credit greater political certainty; in May, Prime Minister Narendra Modi secured the first single - party majority government in three decades.
The New Jersey State Senate was one of the 19 chambers with a Democratic Party majority.
The Labour party majority will be halved, he says, but there will not be a gain for the «Nats».
When Shepherd first joined the House of Lords its membership was entirely composed of hereditary peers with a large inbuilt Conservative Party majority.
Despite the close polls and the surge of the Scottish National Party, the UK election result of a single party majority government is one almost no one predicted.
I think those are mostly debates about the nature of the government and Parliament that we elect - likelihood of single - party majority or coalition government, etc - and the issue of individual candidate selection is a relatively low priority (though I accept some, particularly STV supporters, might give that a higher priority).
Even in Westminster systems like Australia and Canada, where their disproportionate voting systems frequently produce single party majorities, it normally takes ten days or so before the new government is formed.
Nonetheless, the Lords passed the Parliament Act 1911 when faced with the threat, obtained from a narrowly convinced new King (George V, Edward VII having died on 6 May 1910, seven days after the Budget was passed), that it would be acceptable to flood the House of Lords with hundreds of new Liberal Party peers to give that party a majority or near - majority there.
The Virginia State Senate was one of the 19 chambers with a Democratic Party majority.
In 2010 the first - past - the - post system failed to deliver a single - party majority government and it is very unlikely to...
In elections for the Scottish Parliament — which, incidentally, have delivered coalition governments, a minority government and now single - party majority government — 73 of the 129 MSPs are elected by first - past - the - post voting and 56 by regional lists.
In the United Kingdom, 18 of the 23 general elections since 1922 have produced a single - party majority government.
However, this would still not give the party a majority in the Scottish Parliament, forcing them into a coalition.
More of the same strategy that has failed to win the party a majority in four elections in a row.
«Once I am elected there will be 32 Democrats in the Senate, giving our party a majority of seats in the chamber.
Perhaps, therefore, the era of single - party majority government, to which we have become accustomed since 1945, is coming to an end.
Multiple members of the state's Independent Democratic Conference, which, along with Republican - caucusing Democrat Simcha Felder, is aligned with the Republicans in the State Senate and effectively gives that party majority control, are expected to be challenged in the Democratic primary next year.
KENSINGTON, BROOKLYN — New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo released a letter sent to State Senator Simcha Felder urging the rogue Democrat to rejoin the State Senate's Democratic caucus in order to give the party a majority.
«These include minority governments, multiparty coalitions, coalitions with side deals, variants in which some MPs do not vote on certain English issues — as well as a vanilla one - party majority».
Kessner and others are calling for the Independent Democratic Conference to «come home» to the traditional Democratic conference and give the party the majority vote in the Senate.
Yesterday they won an additional seven seats in the Senate, giving the party a majority.
Environmentalists who provided money, zeal and manpower to Democrats in 2008 are demoralized this campaign cycle, further fraying the coalition that sent Barack Obama to the White House and gave the party majorities in both houses of Congress.
If the latter, the party is taking a big risk that enough Quebecers approve of the proposed charter and are willing to vote PQ to give the party a majority.
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