Sentences with phrase «party status»

Section 84 of the Native Title Act provides an extremely broad test for party status.
If she wins, she will not have anyone to second her motions let alone official party status.
In some states, minor political parties are able to achieve major party status within the state.
Maybe the Dark or Light party would lose party status under the scheme?
Federal party status is basically just relevant for campaign finance; ballot access is controlled by state laws, not federal.
However, the solicitors sought leave from the court to intervene in all three medical actions with full party status.
Senator Liz Krueger, a Democrat who is part of the mainstream Democratic conference, which will presumably be in minority party status in the new Senate next year, isn't so sure.
The Republican Party must house a full political spectrum of ideas and voices, including Progressives and Moderates, or resign itself to a minority party status in the future.
The more we can retake, the more we will consign the LD's to increasingly minor party status.
Other examples up the recovery to 67 % or 75 % of recovery for prevailing party status, but Mr. Holland actually gives some specific contractual language in various contexts.
Assist you to obtain party status so that you can participate in a case to protect your property interests
W.E.P. gained official party status when Cuomo received over 50,000 votes on that line.
Assuming Americans Elect qualifies in Georgia, it will be the first party to have obtained statewide party status in Georgia by petition since 1996, when the Reform Party last did that type of petition.
He acknowledged that Scottish Labour had a huge challenge ahead of it in the run up to next year's elections as it tries to improve on its 38 seats and take back majority party status from the SNP, who have 64 members.
The LP must repeat this process in 2013 to maintain party status.
If this bill had been law in 1996, the Reform Party would have attained party status in West Virginia after the November 1996 election.
And yet at the last general election, the near - fringe party status of the Tories was confirmed when less than 17 % of Scots voted for them.
It's also a recognition that the Republican Party can't simply cede younger voters to Obama (and the Democrats) if they want to return to the White House and / or majority party status in Congress anytime soon.
The 2012 elections were great for the Libertarian Party's ballot access because of gains in several states, especially in North Carolina where the value of retaining party status, i.e., the petitioning cost that it will save the LP, is greater than all other gains and losses combined.
The NTSB says it's rare to revoke party status, but that it has happened before.
Losing party status means Tesla is no longer able to provide technical assistance to the NTSB.
Gordon Campbell's reigning BC Liberals having denied the two NDP MLAs party status.
The poor old Progressive Conservatives, decimated, indebted, and delegated to the third - party status following Mayâ $ ™ s trouncing in the polls, would seem to have three options: muddle along as they ar...
The two - party Status Quo is fucked.
In the US, political commentators have designated their two dominant parties, Republican and Democrat, either «minority» or «majority» party status at different points in time.
This is the first state in which the Green Party has successfully petitioned for party status during 2013.
The Alliance party has been involved in Northern Irish politics since the early 1970s but it has never really been able to shrug off its small party status.
This calculation assumes that a party that is able to get 6.6 % of the gubernatorial vote would also be able to match the requirements in a handful of states that don't use vote results to determine party status.
That provision was included so that Americans Elect can revoke its political party status, and avoid being on the 2014 ballot with its own primary.
The Montana Green Party has begun circulating the petition to regain party status.
Both Assemblyman Ken Zebrowski and State Senator David Carlucci have expressed strong skepticism of the plan, and County Executive C. Scott Vanderhoef joined the legislature in seeking party status.
An obvious example is Margot James who already has senior party status and also has great experience in the business world as one of the country's more successful businesswoman.
January 31, 2013: Maine Will Convert all Americans Elect Registrants to Independent Voters January 31, 2013: Ohio Secretary of State Says Four Minor Parties are on Ballot for 2013 January 24, 2013: Florida Libertarian Party Files Financial Report with Wrong Office, Gets a Fine of $ 70,000 April 26, 2012: Florida Secretary of State Threatens to Cancel Party Status for Many Qualified Minor Parties
Therefore, most of the nation's nationally - organized political parties enjoy party status in Mississippi, and don't need to use the independent petition procedure.
And it makes it illegal for a group to circulate a petition for party status more than one year before that petition is due.
The Green Party having attained party status as that term is defined in the New York State Election Law at the General Election held on November 2, 2010 does hereby adopt the following Rules:
In Massachusetts, achieving ballot access actually makes getting candidates on the ballot more difficult, although having party status provides other benefits, such as listing the Libertarian Party as a choice on voter registration forms.
On October 24, the Illinois Green Party filed a lawsuit in state court in Chicago to preserve its qualified party status in the U.S. House and state legislative districts in which it polled 5 % in November 2010.
Having split away from their second party status under Sony, Ready at Dawn's second project (after the quickly forgotten Deformers) is Oculus Rift VR space adventure Lone Echo, and it's coming out on 20th July.
If managing cooldowns and party status effects isn't really your thing, than you may not find much enjoyment in how the battles play out.
The most significant case Pal has Figueroa v. Canada, dealing with funding to smaller political parties unable to achieve the threshold of 50 electoral districts for registered party status.
The WEP was created by Gov. Andrew Cuomo before the 2014 gubernatorial election and gained official party status when he received more than 50,000 votes on that ballot line.
He's been a recurring candidate over the years and in his bid for Governor four years ago, Hawkins received enough votes to automatically bestow major party status on the Green Party of New York...
Had London managed to finish just a bit more strongly, the GOP would have lost its ballot line and been relegated to minor party status — an incident that haunts party members (those with long memories, anyway) to this very day.
Proving prevailing party status may be as simple as judicial notice of a voluntary dismissal or a final judgment.

Phrases with «party status»

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