Sentences with phrase «pass them by with»

Isn't it a fact that it offers to us ways of thinking, behaving and acting that are played out on a vast arena by a privileged few, while the teeming others can only look on, wonder, stare, or pass by with incomprehension or contempt?
Cheers satan from the side lines as OD» y passes by with his flock...»
They passed by with a perfunctory expression of sympathy.
I always point out to my children, while driving, the cars that pass by with fishes on their bumper and sarcastically say, «Look you guys, a christian car.
Such a man excites no thrills of wonder veiled in terror; his conscience is full of scruples and returns; he stuns us neither by his inward freedom nor his outward power; and unless he found within us an altogether different faculty of admiration to appeal to, we should pass him by with contempt.
I don't always make it with white crab mushrooms, but found them at an Asian market the other day and couldn't pass them by with a name like that.
We were stopped on a corner while an entourage of police passed by with a black Range Rover following behind.
They grew slowly, but visibly as season after season passed by with no trophy and a star player sold.
We brought the empty sippy cup with us on the plane and had the stewardesses fill it with water when they passed by with their drink cart.
As the groups shouted at each other, I watched many foreign people, who now call Northampton their home, quietly pass by with their heads down.
«thinking whenever I see someone passing by with a rolled mat over their shoulder.
To keep up your too - cool - for - school act, you pass by her with a brisk «hey» or pretend you don't see her coming and act distracted.
You should not let your youth days passing by with lonely time.
The Wedding Planner passes by with ease and this makes it passable entertainment while it lasts, yet every aspect of the film is so derivative of other films, one could almost rightfully claim to have seen it without actually viewing it.
The American Western seemed to be dying out recent years, with each year passing by with only one or two entries into the genre.
As Brendan enters the Halloween in January party, a girl with long hair passes by with a cooler on wheels.
Those casual acquaintances who might usually pass by with a quick «How are you?»
But as Toby passed by with Peanut, little children would go into hysterics, while parents would ponder why.
This hotel credit card offers an introductory bonus of three complimentary nights at a Ritz - Carlton location; cardholders simply need to spend at least $ 5,000 before the first three months pass by with the credit card.
In the example, keep your dog busy with treats while your friend passes by with the other pet.
One day they were walking about a mile from home with their dad and the pit when another man passed by with a dog on a leash, without warning the pit attacked the dog and got a grip on its throat.
Tir Na Nog now have a water refill station not only for customers but any eco or budget conscious backpackers passing by with a refillable water bottle to get cheaper water with zero waste involved - check it out!
Most importantly was the announcement of the first solid release date since October 26th passed us by with a whimper.
Another year has passed us by with minimal mention of the Playstation Vita.
Different locales come with their own ecology and weather forecasts, and though you'll soon tire of driving the car (GTA this isn't - you have such little control it's often just simpler to have Ignis drive for you), cruising from town to town, spotting nostalgic series references and watching the wildlife pass by with an early Final Fantasy soundtrack twinkling over the car stereo is a cathartic experience for old - school fans.
Filmed from a distance, the scene increases in intensity as the minutes pass by with no sign of the narrative we have come to expect from video.
Filmed from a distance, the scene increases in intensity as the minutes pass by with no sign of the narrative one has come to expect from video.
The things I was willing to rise to, including adversity, with great enthusiasm, I now just pass by with but a whimper.
They have three gears so serious riders will pass them by with disdain.
Some years pass by with barely more than a severe thunderstorm while other years pack a punch with devastating hurricanes and coastal storms.
Take note that you can also see these felynes on Monster Hunter World's map, and one of them will even pass by with a horn to let you know that they are willing to help.
I'll spill something, or drop it on the floor, and it's no big deal because someone's going to pass by with a mop and broom in the next couple of minutes.

Not exact matches

There is no metered access, as there is with a site like the New York Times, and until recently there was no «social media pass - through» either, although the papers have apparently relented on that with the new design and will now allow non-subscribers to read a link shared on Twitter or Facebook or by email.
Retailers wanted to mitigate these exponentially higher fees by passing them along to customers with a surcharge.
As with JP Morgan Chase (jpm) on Friday, its revenue rose sharply as it was able to pass on to customers two interest rate increases by the Federal Reserve.
To bolster their claim, they presented novel statistics: the percentage of the team's total yardage that Thomas contributed by way of his running, pass - catching, and blocking, and what the team's overall stats and win - loss record would likely be if Thomas were replaced with an average player.
Start by creating your own Zombie walk, haunted house or other attraction which you can pass out candies with your business» logo on them.
Those who passed the emotion recognition test with flying colors «are considered more socially and politically skilled than others by their colleagues.
Wasting your time looking for ways to improve yourself will only accomplish one thing: keeping you occupied with silly details while real opportunities pass you by.
By attending the live streams you can not only socialize with other small business owners who are watching, but you also have the opportunity to ask the host questions to pass on to the guest — which may get your name and / or business mentioned on the show!
One option, cited by Italian newspaper La Republicca, is where the main two parties Lega and M5S agree to allow for an interim technocratic government that would modify the electoral law and pass the budget, with the view to return to elections back in October.
Watson threw for 402 yards on 19 - of - 30 passing with four touchdowns, and three interceptions, the last of which was a game - sealing pick by Richard Sherman.
This little tidbit also came from the Secret Journals of Congress which has an entry on July 19th stating: «Resolved that the Declaration passed on the 4th be fairly engrossed on parchment with the title and stile of «The unanimous declaration of the thirteen united states of America» & that the same when engrossed be signed by every member of Congress.»
Pass your savings on to customers by tinkering with shipping promotions, which will drive up your order volumes and profits per sale.
When Luxembourg's Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn called Orban a «dictator» for passing laws that could obstruct organizations helping asylum seekers from operating in Hungary, Szijjarto hit back by calling his counterpart an «idiot» who wanted to «flood Hungary with migrants.»
By passing on an «on the fence» job candidate today, you'll arrive at the one that truly aligns with your company's values tomorrow.
The announcement of the vote, witnessed by reporters in the Great Hall of the People, passed with two «no» votes and three abstentions among almost 3,000 delegates.
It presented two findings: First, the German public didn't like the reforms passed by Merkel's government in its first year; second, when the public was presented with arguments and data justifying the reforms, it liked them even less.
For the NHL, this week's deal is a chance to beef up its digital presence by passing it to a highly capable team with a sterling reputation.
Stakeholders in Sirius Resources have shown their support for the proposed acquisition by Independence Group, with three recommendations passing by an almost unanimous vote.
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