Sentences with phrase «passages from»

In such passages from Jeremiah and Habakkuk we face the perennial glory of the true prophets — their courage in acknowledging facts of experience that contradict accepted theories.
Google «Muslims bible burning» to get all said references about Muslims burning the bible but note that once the «bowers» of Islam see how they have been conned by their imams and ayatollahs for the last 1400 years, they too will burn their copies of the koran i.e. the angel Gabriel never existed so there is no way that the warmongering, womanizing, and hallucinating Mohammed got any koranic passages from some god.
I'd already met Laura and family on the pages of her Little House novels, and, in the four decades since, scenes from the TV show and passages from those yellow paperbacks have combined in my memory, conjuring a sentimental haze.
Following the practice of the synagogue, passages from the Septuagint were read out in Christian worship, along with a sermon.
Rhema is when individual verses or passages from the Bible are spoken.
In consideration of recent public exposure concerning ped - ophiles (in most cases these are pederasts, i.e., active ho - mo - se - x-uals practicing an - al (or oral) i - nterc - ourse with teenagers) in the Church the following passages from Scripture are referenced.
To get the message, we must cherry - pick passages from numerous books and numerous authors.
This is one of my top five favorite passages from the Bible.
In an introduction to a collection of lyrical passages from the novels of Thomas Wolfe, John Hall Wheelock compares him to Whitman,»... whose vision of America and the American continent he shared.
So the girl's father read to her some passages from the later Hebrew prophets — such as «What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?»
As a matter of convenience, and because these are the crux of the matter so far as the ministry of Jesus is concerned, we will restrict ourselves to exorcisms, giving two characteristic passages from the Hellenistic literature.
Defending Balthasar against Scanlon, he cited the passages from the Pope's Crossing the Threshold of Hope mentioned above and referred also to his own book, Death on a Friday Afternoon, in which he had argued from several New Testament texts that although we can not be certain, we may indeed hope and pray for the salvation of all.
Over the years Smith, Brigham Young and numerous Morman scholars have incorporated, altered, highjacked passages from the Bible to make it fit morman doctirne.
A few passages from Pope Francis» famous interview published in America have unsettled some people for many reasons.
Find passages from copies of books like A Wrinkle in Time, The Chronicles of Narnia and Kindred that moved you and read them to each other.
Made a prisoner by the Emperor, he was ordered, on pain of death, to remove the supposedly objectionable passages from the Granth and to include praises of Mohammad and the Hindu gods.
The other reads correlative passages from Science and Health.
Let me quote in illustration some passages from the Scottish transcendentalist whom I have already named.
Find passages from copies of books like
Foster quotes two passages from the writings of Francis Bacon, which show how the idea of an all - powerful God allowed a transition from a concept of imperfectly realised forms, to one of forms which are open to scientific description and effectively given in nature (ibid.
We need to do this and not shrink our God by thinking that we need to cut out a few passages from Romans and 1 Corinthians and elsewhere for their faith to grow.
But, it was only when a buddy of mine shared with me two passages from the New Testament that I began to understand the need to rely on others for my support in order to do full time ministry.
Those who hold that Mohammed had already arranged the chapters essentially as they now exist cite passages from the Traditions to support their claims.
... [This] would of course require sensitivity of a high order to the whole nature of the story and to the ways in which it would be (of course) inappropriate simply to repeat verbatim passages from earlier sections.
It does seem to be true that portions of the Koran, as we know it today, formed a part of the Mosque service that Mohammed established, which consisted largely of rituals and passages from the Koran.
True, there are tawdry passages from weaker writers, but here we speak of the characteristically biblical portions.
Much of it consists In memorizing passages from the Koran.
And yet, I have counted no fewer than eleven church fathers prior to or contemporary with Eusebius who cite various passages from Josephus (including the Antiquities) but who do not mention the Testimonium.
Moreover, during the century after Eusebius there are five church fathers, including Augustine, who certainly had many occasions to find it useful and who cite passages from Josephus but not this one.»
Do you need help understanding these simple passages from Matthew 23?
Perhaps he will also choose to read passages from the Song on occasions of compelling social action.
of empty, meaningless babble between an atheist and the host about some extremely significant passages from chap.
Passages from the Song of Solomon have been read at weddings for centuries.
I have found, after many years of teaching CST, that «less is more»: If we do a close reading of, e.g., Rerum Novarum, Quadragesimo Anno, and passages from Centesimus Annus, it's enough for an introduction.
And it is in this context that I seek, trusting in the grace of God and in the power of the Holy Spirit, to examine three passages from the New Testament in order to frame my own principles for the environmental movement.
In the postmodern version, this usually does not involve the actual repurposing of passages from preceding works, as it did in medieval texts.
This is the mystery which Marx tries to elucidate in the passages from Capital that we quoted earlier.
Each day the reader is presented with that day's Gospel, thus maintaining a link with the Church's liturgy for those who can't get to daily Mass, followed by brief notes on the Gospel and short relevant passages from the Fathers of the Church, the Saints or the Magisterium.
I am never surprised at the religous person that selects a few passages from a book as if it holds some lost wisdom.
Enns goes on to examine various passages from Second Temple literature to show how «biblical interpreters exhibit for us an attitude toward biblical interpretation that operates on very different standards from those of modern interpreters.
They sang his favorite hymns, prayed, shared favorite passages from scripture.
And people quoting passages from the Bible won't have the slightest effect on me either.
Bob is asking how these other passages from the same text can be addressed in the same manner?
Many pastors till this day believe and teach that a mixing of the races is not permitted and try to evoke passages from the bible to ad veracity to their claims.
When the passages from Deuteronomy and Luke are juxtaposed, the intensity of their messages is heightened.
In the interesting and stimulating book, The Anthropic Cosmological Principle, the authors John D. Barrow and Frank J. Tipler compare passages from two of Whitehead's works — The Concept of Nature and Science and the Modern World — and declare them to be mutually incompatible (ANC 216).
you notice that Maneef will cut and paste meaningless passages from the Koran, but has no answers to questions posed to him.
as opposed to just spouting off passages from the bible, which means 2k year old dead men are doing your thinking.
So your justification that the bible is right is passages from the bible?
Professor Marcus Borg [Jesus and Buddha: The Parallel Sayings] notes the following traditions about the Buddha that provide something of a parallel to this cluster (the Jesus temptation passages from the NT):
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