Sentences with phrase «passages which»

As counsel does her research, Ravel Law shows visualizations demonstrating how different passages of a case have been cited, and by which judges, enabling counsel to quickly zero in on the passages which judges have found most persuasive.
The EAT has held that a prison employee disciplined for quoting bible passages which caused offence...
Hailstones are created so it is believed, by a more or less continuous loop of being caught in violent updrafts as found in thunderstorms, ie; above glider example, and then falling out of the updraught cell back down to lower levels where they might be caught up again in another or the same updraft cell and so accumulate water and ice on the core of the frozen hailstone over a period of anywhere from just one passage in the updraft to a number of passages which can be ascertained and recognised by the number of rings when a hailstone is dissected across its diameter.
The Clock pulls from thousands of film moments and passages which reference time either directly or indirectly.
For the sighted user, Kindle makes it possible to highlight certain passages which you can later revisit, and you can even share these passages on social networks like Twitter or Facebook.
English essay writing is considered to be plagiarism when it is without quotations and with passages which are found in books or journals.
Collins also has three more passages in the top 50, and another 7 in the top 100, for a grand total of 13 different passages which all made it into the top 100.
Hodgson wrote very descriptive passages which elicited vivid pictures of the people and places she saw, yet the complete writing was very disjointed.
«' Tis the good reader that makes the good book; in every book he finds passages which seem to be confidences or sides hidden from all else and unmistakably meant for his ear; the profit of books is according to the sensibility of the reader; the profound thought or passion sleeps as in a mine, until it is discovered by an equal mind and heart.»
While the speech was far from perfect (it could've done without the whole food truck analogy), it's worth highlighting four passages which deserve particular notice for their themes and welcome tenor.
The Sources of Wisdom workbooks help secondary school teachers to meet the requirements of the AQA, Edexcel, OCR and eduqas exam boards by providing the Bible passages which are relevant to each syllabus in one student booklet.
The song also features several Iron Maiden type lead passages which were spot on.
When the air the baby breathes lacks appropriate moisture levels, the result is usually sore nasal passages which eventually cause cracking of the skin and sometimes even bleeding.
Increased blood flow and hormonal changes can cause swelling in your nasal passages which can lead to congestion, snoring, and even an increase in nose - bleeds.
Overly dry air can dry out respirator passages which can make it easier for the flu virus to pass into your body and spread.
It is true that Marcion, expelled from the Roman church in 144, rejected the authority of the Old Testament and for it substituted three volumes of his own: (1) the Antitheses (a collection of Old Testament passages which he found contradicted in the Pauline epistles, in Luke, or — sometimes even in Matthew); (2) the Gospel (that according to Luke, but freed from what he regarded as interpolations; and (3) the Apostle (ten relatively non-Jewish letters of Paul).
As we go, we will look at some key passages which teach us about repentance.
There are several passages which voice the hope for the future that Israel should then be cleansed of its propensity to sin and transformed into a righteous nation.
On the other side there are certainly many passages which run counter to O'Connor's theory in that they take for granted the centrality of signification for St Thomas's view of the Mass as the representation of Calvary, as anyone reading the Summa on the Eucharist will quickly discover.
«In mattes that are so obscure and far beyond our vision, we find in Holy Scripture passages which can be interpreted in very different ways without prejudice to the faith we have received.
Let us turn to the scriptural passages which are frequently adduced to buttress the proscription of homosexuality.
John's Gospel, however, contains passages which suggest that miracles do show who Jesus was (for example, 2:11, 5:36, 7:31).
Yes, we must lightly hold to our theology and our interpretation of Scripture, even those passages which seem clear to us.
Once during that period the chairman of the church's official board asked me why I never preached on any of the New Testament passages which I was so exhaustively exegeting.
You can in depth all you want from the Hebrew and Greek, but there are passages which defy explanation on their faces.
And equally there are bible passages which see the unity (I refer you to John 8:58 and John 10:38 - 39).
They also found themselves confronting biblical passages which affirmed the value of the state — or, at the very least, of the official political authorities — and ascribed to it a divine origin.
The answer was an unqualified «yes,» sweeping aside all the Old Testament passages which indicate that God is the one who avenges the misery of the poor and the suffering of the oppressed; sweeping aside also the New Testament passages which counsel the unfortunate to practice the virtue of patience and exhort servants to obey their masters even if the master is unjust.
Instead, only those passages which are not in keeping with our common sense, such as the miracle accounts, need to be «translated» into different language.
Off the top of my head: even though «N.T. writers» often quote and reference O.T. passages which have original purpose for the original audience, it would seem there should be further purpose and meaning for the N.T. audience as well.
There are also many biblical passages which reflect this understanding, particularly when God appears to Moses as a burning bush.
12:4 - 13) It is very easy to romanticize the Scripture passages which speak of the Spirit at work in the community.
The twenty - third Psalm («The Lord is my shepherd») can be read all through as a confession of God's care for the individual, but it can not properly be separated from the eightieth («Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel «-RRB-, and many other passages which speak of the people collectively as God's flock.
(Isaiah 26:14) Thus even in the latest documents of the Old Testament the expectation of any resurrection out of Sheol is restricted and partial and is so infrequently expressed that, beyond the few passages which we have quoted in this chapter, no others intimate belief in a future life.
Though there are a variety of passages which people on both sides of the debate appeal to regarding whether or not it is okay for women to preach in church (e.g., various female «preachers» in the Old Testament like Miriam and Deborah and the female prophetesses in Acts 21:9, and the female apostle in Romans 16:7), two of the main texts in this debate about women preachers and female pastors are 1 Timothy 2:12 and 1 Corinthians 14:34.
On the contrary, fundamentalists are very eclectic in their appeal to the Bible, fastening on those passages which particularly interest them.
Otherwise, the Bible becomes the prisoner of what was once believed to be scientifically true: «In matters that are so obscure and far beyond our vision, we find in Holy Scripture passages which can be interpreted in very different ways without prejudice to the faith we have received.
(Example: «I have had much comfort lately in meditating on the passages which show the personality of the Holy Ghost, and his distinctness from the Father and the Son.
Among the many passages which foreshadow the coming of such a messiah, these from Isaiah are among the earliest and most vivid:
«In matters that are so obscure and far beyond our vision, we find in Holy Scripture passages which can be interpreted in very different ways without prejudice to the faith we have received.
Anyway, the few passages which do in fact refer to a place of punishment speak of flames and a Lake of Fire.
If you read both Timothy and Phillip, there are passages which describe in detail that Jesus was cremated.
Yes, I know that Scripture contains numerous passages which seem to teach that sinless perfectionism is possible in this life (cf. Matt 5:48; 1 John 3:4 - 10).
Marcion delighted in finding passages which emphasized the Creator's justice, wrath, or vengeance.
Others operate with a general principle, like «the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man,» and use those passages which contribute to this idea.
The Bible does have excellent passages which repeatedly inspire or alert the reader to a true sense of values, but to abstract them from their setting violates the very paragraphs the person admires.
Indeed, the only passages which can be even claimed to do so are Mark 9:12, Mark 10:45 [quoted just above], and Luke 22:37, although the many passages in which Jesus is represented as predicting that the Son of Man must die might be cited in partial support.
If we eliminate baptism as a symbol of a new life in Christ, then we would have a very difficult time explaining the passages which mention baptism, and especially Romans 6:4.
And He obviously could only quote those passages which he had memorized and which he knew.
Under the guidance of Zaid Ibn Thabit the correct written form of the Qur» an was determined by including only those passages which were verified by two witnesses as having been written down at the dictation of the Prophet and as being in the oral text of the last recital by the Prophet.
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