Sentences with phrase «passenger pigeons back»

And whether scientists are able to bring passenger pigeons back or not, the birds may still offer lessons about keeping other species from following it into oblivion.
How about: 1) Heath Hens back and all birds genetically treatable; 2) Passenger Pigeons back; 3) Great Auks back; 4) Black - footed Ferrets disease - free; 5) Northern White Rhinos back; 6) Genetic - rescue tools in wide and responsible use; 7) Asian elephants liberated from lethal herpes; 8) Woolly Mammoths back; 9) Islands liberated from invasive rodents; 10) Lyme disease rare; 11) Hawaiian birds liberated from malaria; 12) A debate tool in use by the general public to work through controversy about new technologies.
Can Chris bring passenger pigeons back from extinction?
He finds out scientists are close to bringing passenger pigeons back from extinction on the news, and they need someone to finish the project.
We can't bring the passenger pigeon back as a exact clone from a historical genome, but we can bring back unique passenger pigeon genes in order to restore its unique ecological role.

Not exact matches

But the fact that passenger pigeons persisted at relatively small population sizes gives fresh hope to efforts to bring them back — so - called de-extinction.
The group is creating a movement around de-extinction, and is taking the lead on efforts to bring back the passenger pigeon while helping out on other ongoing efforts to restore other extinct species including European aurochs, Pyrenean ibexes, American chestnut trees, Tasmanian tigers, California condors, even wooly mammoths.
A passenger pigeon that hits that forest again is going to be like a middle - aged guy who really wants to go back to high school and then he gets back there and he's like, «Whoa I don't fit in anymore.
Novel cell technologies could bring endangered animals back from the brink — and maybe even revive long gone species like the passenger pigeon
Throughout humankind's history, we've driven species after species extinct: the passenger pigeon, the Eastern cougar, the dodo... But now, says Stewart Brand, we have the technology (and the biology) to bring back species that humanity wiped out.
The «De-extinction» movement and its plan to bring back the passenger pigeon, is briefly explored.
Bringing back the passenger pigeon will restore the dynamic forest regeneration cycles that dozens of presently declining plant and animal species need to thrive.
If hybrid birds are fertile they can be used to breed passenger pigeon traits through back - breeding.
First, here's a look back at one of the odder ramifications in 1937 — a market in rare passenger pigeon eggs:
Could this emerging science bring back species that have gone extinct like the passenger pigeon?
11:43 a.m. Addendum Just one of the many secondary issues in this arena is «de-extinction» — the prospect of bringing vanished species — say, the passenger pigeonback to life now that we know better.
If hybrid birds are fertile they can be used to breed passenger pigeon traits through back - breeding.
While technology spelled the doom of passenger pigeons, some scientists believe they can use technology to bring the species back.
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