Sentences with phrase «passive aggressive behavior»

The disease of passive aggressive behavior out here is horrendous and is enough to make you insane.
People exhibiting passive aggressive behavior are the kind that stand outside a restaurant with signs to protest because the owner makes a simple statement he believes in the traditional, biblical family.
There was definitely major side eye and passive aggressive behavior involved.
Does that other person utilize passive aggressive behavior with saying one thing and then doing another?
Let's review the worst aspects of passive aggressive behavior, as they could appear in your intimate relationship.
I don't want you, wives, to have to endure passive aggressive behaviors, overtly aggressive behaviors, cutting and tearing remarks, invalidation, dismissive attitudes, and / or any sort of abuse.
Premarital counseling can help couples learn how to overcome disagreements, how to disagree with respect, how to not shut down in the bedroom, how to not shut down and do passive aggressive behavior techniques that many of us love.
the need to be right, obtain justice or get even overtly or through passive aggressive behaviors
Your guidelines might include discerning your spouse's perspective, never raising your voices and abstaining from defensiveness and all forms of passive aggressive behavior (this includes withdrawing and sarcasm).
I have no interest in your passive aggressive behavior any longer.
For the Whitmans, life has always revolved around a sphere of competition and certainty, tiny daggers of passive aggressive behavior that erodes their core until only shells remain.
It is suggested that cats can use urine as a passive aggressive behavior to avoid conflict with other rival cats.
Using threats, passive aggressive behavior and manipulation to try and change you means that your partner sees you as something they can control.
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