Sentences with phrase «passive voice»

"Passive voice" is a way of writing or speaking that focuses on the object or receiver of an action rather than the subject or doer. It is often used when the subject is not important or unknown. Full definition
When the subject of a sentence receives the action of a verb, the verb is in passive voice.
While this approach to sentence construction appears simple and obvious, aspiring authors have a tendency to fall into the habit of using passive voice in their fiction writing.
Once you have identified the uses of passive voice in your CV, you need to replace the phrases using action words.
Try to avoid passive voice as much as you can when writing your computer science resume.
But newer technology and development give users an option for passive voice activation.
You can see, too, how the applicant utilizes action words that get directly to the point of her details rather than relying on passive voice.
With all that being said, it's time to delve into passive voice 101 when it comes to scoring the job of your dreams.
This is especially important to remember when changing your resume statements from passive voice to active voice.
First, try not to confuse past tense with passive voice.
At least 98 percent will claim to know what passive voice is.
But if you use nothing but passive voice, the reader will automatically think your book is dull and never open it to the sample.
Besides that, the use of the third person indicates objectivity, thus when writing a thesis paper, you should stick to third person passive voice and you will do great.
There is little beyond passive voice that makes a reader stop reading.
In part, because the examples given are not really passive voice.
No one wants to be thought of as passive, and yet passive voice often shows up in business writing.
Avoid using passive voice in the resume or the cover letter.
You have to write this with action verbs and try to avoid the use of passive voice.
You should do the same by avoiding passive voice.
While the following is not always the case, one way to look for passive voice is past tense of «to be» verbs.
Be careful to avoid mistakes such as using the incorrect tense when describing work experiences, slipping into passive voice, or too much repetition.
The problem with passive voice is that it is just that — passive!
The inflammable and defenseless utterances of the AGF are therefore not surprising; which explains why English Language professors also hold that liars use passive voice while truth tellers use active voice.»
Majorly, resume should never communicate through passive voice as it puts the whole content in the dark side.
There is also the Hemingway Editor, which is free on the Web and available as a purchasable desktop app for Windows or OS X. Hemingway won't correct your spelling mistakes, but it will tell you what grade level you're writing at, how many adverbs and passive voice phrases you use, and which sentences are unnecessarily difficult to read.
Line editing means I do a line - by - line review of your manuscript and point out its weaknesses, like passive voice, weak words, «telling» instead of showing, repetitive sentences, awkward paragraph structure.
Windows Phone Area understands that Microsoft is working on an alternative way for enabling Cortana — through passive voice commands.
For casual notes, it wouldn't matter, but for your résumé, too much passive voice makes you sound as if you avoid responsibility (Heeehe!).
Examples of past tense and implied action without using passive voice include»
Grammarly has exploded in popularity by giving writers the tools they need to improve sentence structure, turn passive voice into active voice and reduce colloquialisms.
He really is a master psychological manipulator, his calm and passive voice flowing like a hypnotic song as he begins clouding Tommen's mind, just like the late Tywin did — and it's no coincidence the Sparrow mentions him.
Speaking in passive voice generalizations distances you from your colleague and dehumanizes an opportunity to make a real connection.
Rather than invoke the toxic passive voice of «decisions were made,» the organization can say: «This is the process WE undertook; these are the changes WE made.»
They learned about using active vs. passive voice, clichés and stereotypes, using too many adverbs and dangling participles.»
And to make sure that horrible passive voice is not yammering all over your story.
Literary agencies and publishers rejected those early manuscripts due to the usual bouquet of amateur issues: Point of view head hopping, passive voice overused, weak verbiage, and other problems that are familiar to career - minded writers.
However, I used passive voice throughout — but they're seeing SOMETHING.
Ask yourself, «Is passive voice helping or hurting in this instance?
If your eyes just glazed over, don't worry: there's an easy trick for spotting passive voice.
In the Lorri Ott passive voices exhibition, the artist combines glossy pigmented resin with mundane found objects, such as rags, asphalt and cardboard, to create subtle but potent contrasts in form, technique and medium.
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It's possible that re-arranging sentences into passive voice allow the reader or listener to minimize the action.
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