Sentences with phrase «past ages»

Today, 25 % of 65 - year - olds live past the age of 90 and 10 % live past 95 years old.
At the time, I thought my life was over, I thought I'd never live past the age of 21.
While many expressed an interest in working past the age of 65, the reality was that very few did.
Potty training may be delayed for some children well past the age of three.
Swim into the cave with full gear and then explore where human sacrifices were conducted in past ages.
Thank you so much for writing this article in regards to breastfeeding past the age of 1.
I would tell my younger self to have a more open mind about children nursing past age 3.
Many alienated children develop symptoms of anxious attachment or separation anxiety when they are long past the age where separation anxiety is normal.
He is way past the age where his ears can be cropped successfully.
The obligation also continues past the age of majority for children who are incapable of supporting themselves due to illness or disability.
Way past an age when most folks retire, and with more than enough money in the bank to live comfortably the rest of their days.
It is safest for all infants and toddlers to be rear - facing and, if your car seat allows it, to keep them rear - facing even past the age of two.
If you are nearing 50 or just past the age and haven't, then you should explore these websites that cater to people just like you.
Indeed, for decades collective agreements explicitly prohibited workers from staying on past that age.
Many women past the age of 40 believe they need to lie about their age to attract a man.
We always recommend extending your coverage to at least 5 years past the age provided.
Some even believe that a dog past the age of two years is incapable of learning new behaviors, schedules and habits.
This article is going to look at the advantages of getting life insurance past the age of 40.
Team owners say that because athletes can not expect their earnings to be as high later in life, they should not be entitled to the benefits past age 35.
Lifetime benefit options allow an insured to extend long - term disability coverage past age 65 up to the actual lifetime of the insured.
Term life insurance usually won't cover men past age 80, and women beyond age 85.
For babies past the age of 3 months, you have to watch for signs of lack of fluids and infection and then you can decide if and when to seek help.
You can keep your child rear - facing past the age of 2, as long as they are not exceeding the weight limit for their rear - facing car seat.
And admittedly, toddlers and preschoolers can be exhausting, and we've heard more than one parent say once their own kids moved past those ages, they never wanted to go back.
Other mature dogs (by chronological age) can continue to stay fit and lean long past the age at which you begin to think they might slow down.
Some of these permanent life insurance policies offer affordable coverage with a guaranteed rate and death benefit that will extend past the age of 100.
Of course, even if they have all the financial resources in the world, most couples past the age of retirement probably won't want to start raising children.
But, okay, let's say breastfeeding past an age someone else is comfortable with is something the mother in question enjoys and is doing for herself.
As the name suggests, Silver Singles is one of the top destinations for those seeking love past the age of 50.
Recently, a friend told me that she is already past the age to wear leather skirts.
These are what we call «core vaccines» and all of our pets should get at least one of these vaccines past the age of 14 weeks.
In a situation like that, you'll be so glad you continued contributing to your retirement accounts past age 60.
Adults past age 30 generally feel their parents nailed it when it comes to money matters, a new survey shows.
Seems crazy to me that we need to defend breast feeding past age 1.
The need for a nap past these ages should be investigated.
There's biochemical research that shows the release of dopamine when we perceive novel stimuli starts to drop past the age of twenty, which makes time appear to go by more quickly.
For a renter past the age of 30, the pressure to buy is relentless.
You can also hold the fund past age 65.
We rested key players and it makes no sense for us not to try and put a few goals past their aging defense.
When a woman becomes pregnant past the age of 35, she is considered to be of advanced maternal age.
Why do some children continue to have an almost obsessive need to put things into their mouths often past the age where it is deemed appropriate?
Even those who quit smoking past age 60 still benefit from the decreased risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
I totally used to be the girl who would wear pajamas anytime I flew... but I know that I'm probably a little past the age where that is socially acceptable.
But anyone who has been working for a couple of years and still lives with his mother past this age is never going to grow up.
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