Sentences with phrase «past centuries»

Medicine has battled back many of the acute threats, such as infection, that curtailed human life in past centuries.
For the past centuries, we have forged some cultural norms, changed and changed again (usually though some kind of revolution) and the current norm is based on freedom.
The biggest difference in our modern world is that fewer women die of childbirth complications in first world countries than they did in past centuries.
This happened all the time in past centuries, so it isn't totally out of line.
beating your chests and ranting about statistics from past centuries is not going to make a woman who's chosen UC suddenly change her mind.
The recent, though scantily reported, rise within Jewry of a «Messianic» movement which, while affirming the continued theological validity of the Jewish people, also accepts Jesus as Israel's Messiah, could not have occurred in past centuries when the traditional churches held sway and routinely burned premillenial types at the stake as heretics.
Even today, as throughout past centuries, Jews still dream of the glories of the Davidic kingdom, and pray for its restoration, idealized, no doubt, and moralized, and spiritualized, far beyond what it actually was.
This description of preparatory rites for a ceremony reflects ancient religious practices and beliefs surviving from the past centuries of Israel's existence.
American women have come so far in obtaining equal civil rights and its a throwback to past centuries to see Islamic women towing the line for men in the U.S. Wouldn't they be happier in Islamic countries where Islam is ingrained in the culture and they can be a part of it?
It includes the growth of professionalism and what has been called a «new class» of knowledge workers and information specialists — growth that has, to say the least, occurred at the expense of the privileged position that clergy in past centuries occupied within the professions.5
Churches and missionary organizations are analyzing the experience of these past centuries in order to correct their ways, precisely with the help of the new churches which have come into being in those countries.
Christian missionaries to Africa in past centuries were ruthless in demanding that tribal chieftains divorce all but one wife, with tragic consequences for the ones rejected.
Further, they mean that some Mormon teachings are so far outside Christian orthodoxy of past centuries that they constitute almost a new religion.
Students are taught the symbolic patterns of past centuries, and they should be taught how these symbols and ideas functioned within the practices of the time.
Thinking about theological education as a participation in the symbolic will include the construction and engagement in present and future symbolic patterns as well as understanding and interpreting symbolic thought in past centuries.
The general atmosphere of historic optimism of the past centuries seemed to refute the truth of the Reformation and validate what was both true and false in the Renaissance.
Surely the Church has learned this clearly over the past centuries, whatever the temptations.
Our second challenge is to overcome the power of the man - made doctrinal traditions of the past centuries.
As in past centuries of Christian conversion, the missionary and military sometimes went hand in hand, each serving the purposes of the other, and not always in a manner or a spirit consonant with the spirit of Christ.
This is a characteristically modern attitude; for in past centuries men had to take for granted the fact that a great many of their hows and whys would certainly remain unanswered in their lifetime.
In past centuries, when Protestantism was healthier, laity were entitled to a calling as surely as were clergy.
Charming colonial towns where cobblestone streets wind past centuries - old adobe buildings painted in rich sunburnt hues of ochre and yellow and brown and coral...
The book exemplifies how people have gained and lost power throughout the ages, which is what I find really interesting: Learning from iconic figures from past centuries and applying them to our drastically different, hyper - modern business models of the present.
Some industry observers predict that retail will change more in the next five years than it has over the past century, and that the extinction of brick - and - mortar stores isn't far off.
Dividends, the share of their revenues that companies pay to their shareholders, are a big deal: Over the past century, they've accounted for roughly half of total returns earned by stock investors.
But global demand for water has grown sixfold over the past century.
Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Warren Buffett, and Richard Branson are four of the most seminal business figures of the past century.
Over the past century science has made lots of advances into understanding the many social meanings of body language.
The flight attendants are decked out in Soviet red, their jackets and hats emblazoned with the hammer and sickle of the Communist Party, which ruled this country with an iron fist during much of the past century.
The P / E of the S&P 500 stands at 24; that's well above the average of 16 over the past century, and 19 since around 1990.
In other words, pR1SE could be the missing link between tiny bits of DNA and viruses, potentially solving one of the greatest scientific mysteries of the past century.
U.S. profits expand with the overall economy, growing at an annual clip that has exceeded 3 % over the past century.
Over the past century these instruments have destroyed the purchasing power of investors in many countries, even as these holders continued to receive timely payments of interest and principal.
However, a stagnation or decline in height over the past century is an indication that certain countries in the developed, English - speaking world could do a better job of emphasizing good nutritional standards for their youth.
While that — and the progress we've made over the past century — is certainly something to celebrate, it's still a bit premature to start calling things «equal.»
This is especially true when it comes to technological innovation, an area the United States has led for much of the past century.
Production has declined steadily over the past century in favour of spirits and beer.
In A First - Rate Madness: Uncovering the Links Between Leadership and Mental Illness (Penguin), the Tufts academic psychiatrist and Harvard Medical School lecturer, offers a collection of case studies of revered political and business leaders from the past century and a half.
«The major innovations of the past century and a half — the telegraph, the automobile, refrigeration, air conditioning, computers — they all came from entrepreneurs,» says Dearie.
What's more, over the past century, Americans significantly shifted in the way that we see childhood.
It's happened thrice in the past century: 1968, 1957 and the legendary Spanish flu of 1918.
AT&T, which built the U.S. communications infrastructure in the past century, could once claim to be the company «where the future was invented.»
Over the past century, monetary policy strategies have evolved in response to changing realities, from the panics and depressions of the late 19th and early 20th centuries that led to the creation of the Federal Reserve to the Great Depression, from Bretton Woods and subsequent battles to contain inflation to the dominance of inflation targeting today (Williams 2014, 2015a).
When I said that the cult of equity was dying, what I meant was that those investors and those liabilities structures such as pension funds and insurance companies that have depended on a 6.5 % constant real return from stocks such as we've have had over the past century are bound to be disappointed.
Gross adds that the global monetary system, which has evolved and morphed over the past century but always in the direction of easier, cheaper and more abundant credit, may have reached a point at which it can no longer operate efficiently and equitably to promote economic growth and the fair distribution of its benefits.
But over the past century, Congress has shifted many of the powers to raise and lower tariffs to the executive branch (a concentration of power that conservatives now decry).
The official archives of The Coca - Cola Company that includes exhibits such as the original stock certificates of forbearer Pemberton Chemical Company, an opportunity to sample 100 drinks from the beverage giant's portfolio of brands from around the world, a retail store, an advertising archive, a miniature bottling plant that allows you to see the process of turning the syrup into the finished product, an advertising theater with commercials from the past century in multiple languages around the world, and more.
The historical 6 % peak - to - peak growth rate of S&P 500 earnings is very robust - it holds for the most recent decades, and for the past century.
Over the past century, we have 3 major Bulls and 32 major Bears to compare to.
«Temperature Anomalies» is a data visualization of the past century's changing climate that effectively captures how screwed we are.
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