Sentences with phrase «past discussions»

We need to get past discussions of size and start talking about the most effective ways to ensure retirement security for all public sector workers.
This reminds me of past discussions we have had about personal knowledge management (or PKM); is this, perhaps, a practical manifestation of PKM?
While in the recent past discussions about bitcoin were left to the end of the semester as a fun afterthought, learning about cryptocurrency is today an integral part of finance studies.
Reasons for Phoenix's exit were not revealed but sources said a deal was never made, with one source saying the process never got past the discussion stage.
John Evans, the Buffalo Police Benevolent Association's first vice president, said the police union has participated in past discussions with department administrators about body cameras, but its only official role is to negotiate potential disciplinary procedures if an officer was recorded doing something wrong.
Raccah said there is a «deep and fruitful conversation» occurring between libraries and publishers, but this model would move the conversation past discussions of lending and financial models.
He has filled virtually every volunteer role NWEI offers: mentoring new discussion groups, presenting on NWEI's work, training new mentors and trainers, representing NWEI at The Standard volunteer fair and other events, actively organizing discussion courses, helping to develop past discussion courses and even hosting out of town NWEI community members during NWEI events!
If you skip past the discussion of the relationship between Twitter and blogging, there is talk of how blogging has had an impact on both the last U.S. election and the recent Iranian election.
She said «in past discussions at the CCW, some states have expressed concern that a prohibition on autonomous weapons systems would have a negative impact on AI research more broadly.
He noted that past discussions had eased currency tensions between the world's two largest economies.
One participant remarked that in past discussions, from Tambaram on, it was often the case that mission people put the dialogue people on the defensive, accusing them of undercutting evangelism, and compromising New Testament faith.
I've said this in past discussions, but I expect he'll make the HOF anyway.
I note that comments include the thought that we shouldn't go «zero to 60», but past discussions have included the thought that we can't keep «safe» items around either, because students will choose those over the new, healthful choices.
The new research, submitted to Climate of the Past Discussions, led by a team at the University of Birmingham, and involving multiple UK institutions and the British Geological Survey, sought to address this question using records from a major warming event in the Earth's past.
Past Discussions 8 Climatic Change 10
ALLEA has been promoting in the past discussions about the necessity to engage at a European level also in terms of quality assurance and evaluation; the ALLEA Working Group Evaluation is producing European protocols for institutional evaluations and tackles the issues of university rankings.
But first, take a look back at our past discussions about brewing kombucha at...
Clayton Christensen joined Heather Staker, who has authored all four of our papers, and me in writing this paper, which takes a different approach from our past discussions of blended learning.
The idea of directing the bulk of state school construction monies to districts with high needs and fewer resources has come up in past discussions and was raised again on Wednesday but Liu said her proposal «isn't there yet.»
Related to past discussions, if we're making a simulator based on current era, rather than an adult with an almost complete self, it's much better for a main character of a current - era Megaten to be incomplete children with some doubts in their hearts.
Tamino's review here and past discussions (Mann 2008 in particular, but even all the other reconstructions like Loehle's) clearly show a certain «robustness» in the «hockey stick» form and the conclusion regarding recent warmth being highly anomalous.
thank you for submitting to [Climate of the Past Discussions].
and Christiansen and Ljungqvist consider the last two millennia and the last 500 years in a paper in climate of the past discussions
If Dr. Curry did had strong objections to what was included in the four papers, in past discussions, one would expect to see some proof of those past strong objections.
In the U.S., because law school is available on a parttime basis, roughly half of law librarians have both a law and a librarian degree (this is a guesstimate on my part, based on past discussions).
Second, on those past discussions, there seemed to be some trends I picked up.
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