Sentences with phrase «past enemy encounters»

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This is a design choice like that worked on the Super Nintendo, but even then there was a greater variety of enemies to encounter in A Link to the Past.
Wolverine makes a voyage to modern - day Japan, where he encounters an enemy from his past that will impact on his future.
Move past that basic set of elements, though, and you start to see the quirkiness that is quintessentially SEGA: old - school combat where you initiate enemy encounters with random punks on the street JRPG - style; mini games that involve cooking noodles to the correct hardness and following the rules of the road with passengers in your taxi; and best of all, a ton of missions that just come out of left field, like helping a student cram for his exams by answering questions about physics and grammar.
Wolverine's past takes players into the African jungle where they encounter enemies ranging from machete wielders to statues that come to life.
There are not a lot of times you will encounter enemies, but when you do, again you will have to figure out how to get past these creatures.
Having to land directly on top of an enemy fly (having to point the control stick down to do so), then immediately trying to dash to the left in the air (having to point the control stick up and to the left) and reorient yourself to stomp the next enemy, only to be greeted by a claustrophobic enemy encounter on the other side of a rather long chasm pushed my stress levels past the comfort zone.
If you make it past the Walker with your Ghost intact, you'll encounter a new enemy type (the sniper-esque Tracer Shank) on your way to the mission's epic final encounter with three massive waves of Fallen, full of Scorch Captains and other assorted majors whose only objective is to gun you down.
Sometimes there's almost a puzzle element to the encounter, where your guy squares off against 8 enemies and you have to figure out which ability they want you to use to get past it.
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