Sentences with phrase «past experiments»

From past experiments, two competing theories emerged to explain how plants manipulated solar energy.
The accomplishment is a major improvement over past experiments, which had only succeeded in moving combinations of fingers.
His mind was reaching past those experiments, but they kept creeping up on him from the shadows.
This study immediately followed past experiments conducted on videogames, including one that demonstrated how gamers were able to accurately pick out objects in a cluttered space.
That number is significant in the public health world, since people who have smoked that much are considered to have gone past experimenting and become full - fledged smokers.
To read up on past experiments and get more tips from the trenches, click here.
The neuroprotective effectiveness of blueberry and spirulina compounds has been observed in past experiments in animal models of aging and stroke.
Past experiments with biofuels also brought new land into cultivation, which not only threatened biodiversity, but also undermined some of the climate benefits of bioenergy in the first place.
``... researchers looked at past experiments in which participants reported on their memory of, attitudes toward, and intentions to buy products after they were shown ads... They found participants were more likely to remember ads that made sexual appeals than the ones that didn't.
This has motivated some scientists to develop alternative versions of the mathematical rules, which are able to properly explain the results of past experiments, but provide new insight into the underlying structure of quantum mechanics.
Once utilizing a cloud LIMS fully, it also eliminates the concern of losing data, finding past experiments, or chasing after colleagues to ask questions.
It is widely believed to be the first study to use multiple models to determine the effects of a specific geoengineering experiment — most past experiments simply assume radiative forcing has been reduced, and model the effects, rather than applying a specific experiment — and it had one noticeable unexpected result.
In past experiments college students have been told that a test they are about to take is insensitive to race or gender, and such interventions can reduce group differences in test scores.
In addition, the researchers cited past experiments showing that people responded to calorie labeling on menus that included the average recommended daily calorie intake, or explained how much exercise would be needed to burn off different foods.
Mitchell's analysis encompassed results from past experiments carried out on, all totaled, 528 Alzheimer's mice.
(She's not kidding: Plums, kale, and Swiss chard are among some of her favorite past experiments.)
What most hurts contemporary art, a lowering of standards in the name of critical theory — or a commodity culture that breeds amnesia about past experiments?
Contra marks an important shift of evaluating past experiments and contemplating the artistic practice the same way the «Contra Composities» did for the Style artist Theo van Doesburg.
Past experiments with lithium powder on EAST have confirmed the metal's ability to eliminate or reduce the frequency and intensity of periodic bursts of ELMs that occur in the outer edge of plasmas that can damage the divertor.
But the graphene samples used in past experiments were replete with imperfections and impurities — places where a carbon atom was missing or had been replaced by something different.
The explanation of why, in past experiments, some researchers found mostly denitrification while others found only anammox comes down to a sort - of «bloom and bust» cycle of phytoplankton life, explained Ward.
Past experiments have shown that in the presence of predators, such fish evolve a greater distance between their backs and their bellies, becoming «deeper» or «taller» in shape.
This makes the device smaller while keeping the same properties that were used in the past experiments
In those past experiments, electrons would accelerate but very quickly scatter as they collided with the impurities and imperfections.
Cronin adds that the results carry special weight because the animals were tested while in their «natural group environment» rather than being removed from their cages and put into artificial situations, as has often been the case in past experiments.
Past experiments in which researchers had elecrically stimulated various circumventricular organs in the brain of mice, including the SFO, had yielded inconsistent results.
That's why the LHC has seven times as much energy and 10 times as much delivered beam than past experiments to give us this extra factor of 10 reach to see where things break down.
During the past experiments, EAST's upper and lower divertors were coated with light and porous carbon rather than the heavy metal tungsten.
The educators who steered New York City's small - school growth say that the city's depth of knowledge and past experiments with small schools led to requirements for the new schools that other cities didn't put in place; those requirements helped New York's small schools achieve better results.
For comparison purposes, past experiments with a similar series title netted me paid downloads in the thousands the following month.
To celebrate what would have been Robert Rauschenberg's 92nd birthday on October 22nd, we take a look back at his past experiments with art and technology.
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