Sentences with phrase «past ocean temperatures»

A new study is suggesting a flaw in the way past ocean temperatures have been estimated.
Corals and tiny fossilised marine organisms buried in the seabed act as natural recorders of past ocean temperatures.
Not all of the records agree, however, and the researchers argue that certain tools used for reconstructing past ocean temperatures should be re-evaluated.
If the paleo data for estimating the past ocean temperature is off by 0.2 C the then the estimate of delta S would be off by 0.8Wm - 2.
Such a procedure might yield testable hypotheses of what sorts of past ocean temperature series would result if we figured out ways to estimate them — and those might agree with the computed estimates.

Not exact matches

A strong Pacific zonal surface ocean temperature gradient has existed for the past 12 million years.
The other global flu pandemics over the past century — in 1957, 1968 and 2009 — also followed cooler sea surface temperatures in the Pacific Ocean.
Terrestrial ecosystems have encountered substantial warming over the past century, with temperatures increasing about twice as rapidly over land as over the oceans.
Over the past 60 years, winter temperatures in the northwestern part of the peninsula have soared by 11 degrees F. Year - round temperatures have risen by 5 degrees F and the surrounding ocean is warming.
El Niño thus leaves its mark on the Quelccaya ice cap as a chemical signature (especially in oxygen isotopes) indicating sea surface temperatures in the equatorial Pacific Ocean over much of the past 1,800 years.
Chemical signatures of the ocean water the organisms lived in are locked into the composition of their shells, and researchers can analyze them for evidence of past water temperatures and other oceanographic conditions.
The oceans will boil away and the atmosphere will dry out as water vapor leaks into space, and temperatures will soar past 700 degrees Fahrenheit, all of which will transform our planet into a Venusian hell - scape choked with thick clouds of sulfur and carbon dioxide.
On the other hand, statistical analysis of the past century's hurricanes and computer modeling of a warmer climate, nudged along by greenhouse gases, does indicate that rising ocean temperatures could fuel hurricanes that are more intense.
To create their estimate, the researchers took the most recent understanding for how rocks, oceans, and air temperature interact, and put that into a computer simulation of Earth's temperature over the past 4 billion years.
The past climates that forced these changes in ice volume and sea level were reconstructed mainly from temperature - sensitive measurements in ocean cores from around the globe, and from ice cores.
For the past ten years, the Tara Oceans research vessel has traversed over 180,000 miles across all the world's oceans collecting biological samples and information about the oceans» physical parameters like depth, temperature and salOceans research vessel has traversed over 180,000 miles across all the world's oceans collecting biological samples and information about the oceans» physical parameters like depth, temperature and saloceans collecting biological samples and information about the oceans» physical parameters like depth, temperature and saloceans» physical parameters like depth, temperature and salinity.
Additionally, the paper supports the theory that heat storage in the deep ocean may be partly responsible for the parallel pause in Earth's surface temperatures over the past 13 years.
It's the ocean «These small global temperature increases of the last 25 years and over the last century are likely natural changes that the globe has seen many times in the past.
The oceans have heaved up and down as world temperatures have waxed and waned, but as new research tracking the past 2,800 years shows, never during that time did the seas rise as sharply or as suddenly as has been the case during the last century.
During the past years, scientists have found out how ocean acidification — in some cases combined to other factors such as rise in temperatures, eutrophication or loss of oxygen — affects isolated species.
The research published in Nature Communications found that in the past, when ocean temperatures around Antarctica became more layered - with a warm layer of water below a cold surface layer - ice sheets and glaciers melted much faster than when the cool and warm layers mixed more easily.
Quaternary scientists can use micro-organisms preserved in marine muds and onshore in lakes [25 - 27] to reconstruct past temperatures, ocean currents, rates of environmental change [28] and previous ice shelf collapses [29 - 31].
South of Spitzbergen, the oceans have been ice free the past 2 winters, reason being, the warm waters from the Gulf Stream are travelling further north, and closer to the ocean surface, only 25 meters at the last measurement, The ocean temperature has been +2 C instead of -2 C.
Ocean temperatures have been rising about 0.12 degrees Celsius per decade on average over the past 50 years.
For the past 10 years, the Tara Oceans research vessel has traversed more than 180,000 miles across all of the world's oceans, collecting biological samples and information about the oceans» physical parameters such as depth, temperature and salOceans research vessel has traversed more than 180,000 miles across all of the world's oceans, collecting biological samples and information about the oceans» physical parameters such as depth, temperature and saloceans, collecting biological samples and information about the oceans» physical parameters such as depth, temperature and saloceans» physical parameters such as depth, temperature and salinity.
Ocean temperatures experience interannual variability and over the past 3 decades of global warming have had several short periods of cooling.
Real scientists (as opposed to climate modellers) have long maintained that the decline in Arctic ice is caused not by warmer air — in the past year or two Arctic air temperatures have actually been falling — but by shifts in major ocean currents, pushing warmer water up into the Arctic Circle.
Furiously destructive Hurricanes are not the only indicator of AGW, in context of those Hurricanes cycles in the past, or rather in contrast with past high intensity hurricane seasons, we now experience all time high temperatures raging everywhere in the world, 1 meter a day rainfalls, severe droughts on 4 distinct continents, many glaciers going or gone everywhere, and a good chunk of the Arctic Ocean permanent ice melted.
In my briefings to the Association of Small Island States in Bali, the 41 Island Nations of the Caribbean, Pacific, and Indian Ocean (and later circulated to all member states), I pointed out that IPCC had seriously and systematically UNDERESTIMATED the extent of climate change, showing that the sensitivity of temperature and sea level to CO2 clearly shown by the past climate record in coral reefs, ice cores, and deep sea sediments is orders of magnitude higher than IPCC's models.
From what I see from the Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN) of land temperatures and the Comprehensive Ocean - Atmosphere Data Set (COADS) of SST data, temperatures there were higher around the 1930's than now, and there is not much long term warming trend, except for the past few years.
The new evidence linking past tropical ocean temperatures to levels of atmospheric greenhouse gases is published in this week's Science Express, the on - line publication of the journal Science.
England et al. suggest that the recent Pacific Ocean surface temperature anomalies are related to a strengthening of Pacific trade winds in the past two decades, and that warming is likely to accelerate as the trade wind anomaly abates.
Reefs: Natural temperature - limiting processes may prevent ocean surface waters from warming past levels dangerous to corals, at least in some important regions, according to a study being published in Geophysical Research Letters on Saturday.
The team's findings, published in Nature journal Scientific Reports, confirmed the connection in past climate warming, the Pacific Ocean's temperature shifts and long episodes of drought in California.
The scientists working on the IPCC assessments have carefully documented observed changes in air temperature, ocean temperature, ice retreat, and sea level rise since the past century.
For the past century at least, global temperatures have tended to mirror the 20 - to 30 - year warmings and coolings of the north - central Pacific Ocean.
Stored solar energy built up in the oceans over past millennia dictates the temperature of the oceans which then dictate the temperature of the atmosphere.
This February's sea surface temperatures were 1.46 degrees above average, which means the past nine months have been the nine highest monthly global ocean temperature departures on record.
This CO2 - driven acidification of the oceans is already under way in our own epoch of global warming - and that same oceanic response in the past coincides with massive rises in temperature - the hyperthermal.
Global warming Increase in average global temperatures of the atmosphere and oceans over the past 100 years.
A global - scale instrumental temperature record that has not been contaminated by (a) artificial urban heat (asphalt, machines, industrial waste heat, etc.), (b) ocean - air affected biases (detailed herein), or (c) artificial adjustments to past data that uniformly serve to cool the past and warm the present... is now available.
This was revealed in research that used a new method to determine the temperatures of oceans in the distant past
Figure 1 shows global surface temperature for the past 5.3 million years as inferred from cores of ocean sediments taken all around the global ocean.
Corals have survived warming periods in the past that caused ocean temperatures and sea levels to be much higher than today's levels or those likely to occur in the next century.
A rise of 2 ˚C over pre-industrial temperatures will initiate large climate feedbacks in the oceans, on ice - sheets, and on the tundra, taking the Earth well past significant tipping points.
When he presented his misleading graph, when he said 97 % of climate scientists agree, (knowing full well the actual situation that the number is bogus and misleading,) when he mentions adjustments to satellite data but not to surface temperatures with major past cooling and absurd derived precision to.005 * C, when he defends precision in surface global averages but ignores major estimates of temps and krigging in Arctic, Africa, Asia and oceans or Antarctica, he forfeits credibility.
Although global warming appears to have taken a breather over the past decade and a half, the leveling off of average global temperatures is likely just a temporary phenomenon that is due to other climate influences from the sun's radiance level to natural temperature oscillations in the Pacific ocean.
Similarly, Matthew England and colleagues reproduced observed temperature trends by providing the model with the pronounced and unprecedented strengthening in Pacific trade winds over the past two decades — and the winds in turn lead to increased heat uptake by the oceans.
In the North Atlantic Ocean south of Greenland and Iceland, the ocean surface has seen very cold temperatures for the past eight moOcean south of Greenland and Iceland, the ocean surface has seen very cold temperatures for the past eight moocean surface has seen very cold temperatures for the past eight months.
For example, Kosaka and Xie showed than when the El Niño - related changes in Pacific ocean temperature are entered into a model, it not only reproduced the global surface warming over the past 15 years but it also accurately reproduced regional and seasonal changes in surface temperatures.
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