Sentences with phrase «past opportunities»

However, half of respondents say they have missed out on past opportunities because of a lack of funds.
Many seemingly robust factors are simply exhausted past opportunities.
Past opportunities include claims, judgements, private notes and financings, loans, distressed secondaries, derivative contracts and other financial instruments in a variety of situations such as insolvencies, class actions, frauds and insurance liquidations.
Venture capital investors are most interested in a business that offers them an opportunity for a significant return and they will see past opportunities that smack of the «flavour of the month» or attempts to «green - wash» a business (that is, the practice of trying to quantify and emphasize a plan's minor environmental angle).
The movie doesn't just rush past opportunities to sink into its various tactile, well - rendered settings; it doesn't even make time for a classic laying - out - the - heist - plan sequence.
As it stands now, high frequency trading is largely unregulated and unless Congress passes sweeping legislation, which is unlikely to happen given its performance during past opportunities to enact regulation upon the stock market or financial dealings, there is nothing impeding the growth of high frequency trading.
Capcom is looking past the opportunity to make money and is focusing on the enjoyment of the game by fans and I think more video game companies should adopt this way of thought.
Based on past opportunities, it's probably just lip service.
This gives people who have had financial problems in the past the opportunity to obtain a loan without the extra worry and stress that comes with a conventional loan.
These free miles are in addition to past opportunities that the airline has offered to members for simply signing up for emails.
Don't post a complete job description of your past opportunities.
They're about more than your skills, achievements, and past opportunities.
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