Sentences with phrase «pastors preaching»

... the country was founded by pastors preaching «retarded values».
The video and song lyrics show Christians going to church and pastors preaching sermons, all the while ignoring the hungry and needy that are all around them.
Are pastors preaching Paul too much and Old Testament too little?
50,000 members self - proclaimed Pastors preaching feel good Oprah sermons instead of proclaiming the good news the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
The Catholic church is falling, and these idiot pastors preaching hate, and the priests molesting children do nothing but contribute to this.
At one church in a poor area of Colorado, for example, they observed the pastor preaching: «It shouldn't be about health, wealth and prosperity here, but in the next place.»
I'd heard of him for years and several years ago I heard my own pastor preach a message on him condemning homosexuality... saying that his death from AIDS was God's punishment for his «abomination» and «backsliding».
I love the quote, «If the pastor preached more hell in the pulpit, there would be less hell in the streets.»
Our son's family are members of a community church (Southern Baptist, more or less), where, last Sunday, the pastor preached on putting faith into practice, and pointed out that there are about 250 orphans living in our area.
So, the church must pray that their pastor preaches the Word, and preaches it accurately, and preaches it boldly.
Worship is led almost completely by lay people; the pastor preaches only once a month.
But that's not going to happen as long as pundits, politicians and pastors preach hatred for minorities, non-christians, gays and members of other political parties.
Then I remembered my Wesley Foundation pastor preaching on 1 Corinthians 9:16 b, and...
When pastors preach «It is more blessed to give then to receive» the people in the pews should stand up and shout, «You first!»
This does not mean, as many pastors preach, that the people in the pews are more blessed when they give to the church than when they receive from the church.
How do pastors preach to congregations whose members voted overwhelmingly for Ronald Reagan and the status quo?
Where your comment is very short sighted is that good pastors preach the truth found in scriptures.
The pastor preaches frequently with illustrations from Star Trek and all I could think was of the Borg, being a mindless collective run by an evil megalomaniac.
Last month, my pastor preached a sermon on John 2, that story of Jesus» first miracle.
The harm they are risking and the physical fear they are causing others is far worse than most of the immoralities that pastors preach about.
So far I have not heard my pastor preach this, though he does preach God blesses our giving.
The pastor preached a sermon about obeying God, but I don't remember much of what he said.
The country was up in arms, the war was on, in every breast burned the holy fire of patriotism; the drums were beating, the bands playing, the toy pistols popping, the bunched firecrackers hissing and spluttering; on every hand and far down the receding and fading spread of roofs and balconies a fulttering wilderness of flags flashed in the sun; daily the young volunteers marched down the wide avenue gay and fine in their new uniforms, the proud fathers and mothers and sisters and sweethearts cheering them with voices choked with happy emotion as they swung by; nightly the packed mass meetings listened, panting, to patriot oratory with stirred the deepest deeps of their hearts, and which they interrupted at briefest intervals with cyclones of applause, the tears running down their cheeks the while; in the churches the pastors preached devotion to flag and country, and invoked the God of Battles beseeching His aid in our good cause in outpourings of fervid eloquence which moved every listener.
It is why pastors preach, why professors profess, and why pundits do whatever they do.
Then I remembered my Wesley Foundation pastor preaching on 1 Corinthians 9:16 b, and I wrote, «Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel.»
I watched a pastor preach on TBN a few months ago, and I heard more heresy, worldly philosophy, human wisdom and outright error in that half hour show than I would have received watching almost any other show on TV.
My pastor preached that «every mountain in our hearts should be ground down by repentance; every valley filled in by the virtue that makes straight the path for the Lord.»
We have heard pastors preach on it.
When a pastor preaches, he doesn't sell patent medicine; he writes prescriptions.
The pastor preaches on the lection from the fifth chapter of Romans, Paul's memorable discourse on justification.
It was as a parish pastor preaching my way straight through this Epistle in a series of sixteen sermons that I first became aware of this orbit - tracking power of the imagination.
You said, «I am so sad that out of the 3600 posts here, there is nothing but the same hate this pastor preached
In most churches and seminaries today, we are told that this verse means that people will no longer want to attend church to hear the pastor preach a sermon.
For the record, some years ago I asked the Lord why I have always felt uneasy when seeing a female pastor preaching in the church, BUT, one the other hand, why did He teach and reveal so many things to me, if I never have the chance to share them?
I am so sad that out of the 3600 posts here, there is nothing but the same hate this pastor preached.
Our pastor preaches long sermons, but I'm pretty sure he couldn't do it in ten minutes.
It's true that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, but seeing a pastor preach on Sunday and gripe during the week via their blog might be unsettling for some.
I remember sitting in the pew of my church as a young girl while the pastor preached a whole sermon on this single verse.
Some churches look back at the «Golden Age» of Christianity in the United States — the 1950's — and notice that pastors preached on Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday night.
His experience is one that questions and pushes against what is affirmed by the environment he was raised in and studied in and confirmed in.I'm not denying that David's cartoons represent his experience in his «church» I'm turning up (best I can) the limitation of that experience and how his version (Zombie pastor preaching re-chewing of the mind as transformational) is 1) a sad and pathetic reduction of the cultural tradition and 2) is evidence of his own ongoing entrapment.
So, only a 1) preacher who teaches what you believe or 2) a person in the pew who agrees with what you preach are the only two categories of people who listen carefully to what their own pastors preach?
I sometimes say in meetings, «All American pastors know the Bible knows nothing of a weekly meeting where a pastor preaches a sermon.»
Obscenely rich pastors preach the hypocritical «Prosperity Gospel».
When I was a pastor I preached through Genesis, and I went back and looked at my sermon notes on Genesis 3, and what I am going to share with you today is what I would have preached 20 years ago from Genesis 3.
Churches come into existence when enough people decide to create a 501c3, buy a building, hire a pastor and administrative employees, and meet weekly to hear the paid pastor preach and take up a collection that is mostly used to pay salaries and maintain real estate.
A church that is registered as a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization risks loosing it's non-profit status (translated: have to pay corporate taxes) if it's pastor preaches about ANY political issues / topics from the pulpit.
Pastors preached about her brand and her type of music, politicians could not help but pass commentary about her, lawmakers contemplated her endeavours as an artiste with some making audacious assertions of her brand and music having some ripple effect on security.
In response to audience statement - «There's a reason why pastors preach to the choir.

Not exact matches

Cruz's father is a popular pastor who has traveled the state and the country preaching and boosting his son's candidacy.
Of course your pastor isn't going to preach on «the rules»!
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