Sentences with phrase «path around the solar system»

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One by one, Mars, Earth, Venus and Mercury are all tossed out of their orbits as Jupiter swings around our star on a path that takes it from the outer solar system to the sun's searing doorstep.
Due to gravitational effects in the solar system, such as the tug of other planets, Mercury's oval - shaped path around the sun slowly turns, or precesses.
A massive object, such as the sun, would create a dent in spacetime, a gravitational well, causing any surrounding objects, such as the planets in our solar system, to follow a curved path around it.
Because Mercury rotates so slowly — once every 58 Earth days, compared to a Mercury year, a complete trip around the Sun, lasting only 88 Earth days — the part of the planet at dawn spends a disproportionately long time in the path of one of the solar system's primary populations of micrometeoroids.
The pulse also knocked the electron into a highly elliptical path around the nucleus, rather like a comet that orbits the Sun but spends most of its time far outside the Solar System.
This marks the first detection of an atmosphere around an Earth - like planet other than Earth itself, and thus is a significant step on the path towards the detection of life outside our Solar System.
In what is being hailed as «a significant step on the path towards the detection of life outside our Solar System,» astronomers have detected an atmosphere around the exoplanet GJ 1132b, which makes it the most Earth - like world around which such a layer of gasses has ever been found.
In what is being hailed as «a significant step on the path towards the detection of life outside our Solar System,» astronomers have detected an atmosphere around the exoplanet GJ 1132b, which makes it the most Earth - like world around which...
But as it whirled past the sun and swung around on its return path beyond the outer reaches of the solar system, the solar radiation reacted with its nucleus and a...
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