Sentences with phrase «path of development»

The frustration about the European project and current leadership can have different dynamics and paths of development in different countries.
«Any deviation from this normal path of development can profoundly influence human behavior,» she said.
As a leader, it's your responsibility to help motivate your high performing team members, define clear paths of development and help them to achieve their goals.
It will be business as usual and all SOE games will continue on their current path of development and operation.
Using Shanghai as a case study, Dr. Zhou identified the key challenges to low - carbon city development in China as well as the role that Shanghai can play in creating a sustainable path of development for Chinese cities to model in the future.
It extended Putin's support to encapsulate a broad constituency of Russian citizens, which includes both moderate patriots, who are ideologically supportive of political and economic modernisation, and more radical nationalists who reject the Western path of development (Bunin, 2014).
Walking with the help of a stick, but motivated by promise and a burning desire to return the NPP into office, Ex-president Kufuor mounted the podium with a charge to all Ghanaians to undertake to allow the NPP take over the affairs of Ghana and ensure that the country is brought back onto a solid path of development.
The data, surprising in many cases, is displayed skillfully, making it easy to see the divergent paths of development in countries like Georgia and Haiti.
«Around 85 % of humans are right - handed; it seems the standard in human development,» De Kovel adds, «but genetic and environmental factors may provide alternative paths of development, such as left - handedness or two - handedness.
Our brains followed a twisting path of development through creatures that swam, crawled and walked the earth long before we did.
Due to a style of participatory training, «Trainers are trainees and vice versa», each individual can establish a suitable path of development.
Personal computer RPGs have seen a steady path of development over the years, from the early days of Richard Garriott's Akalabeth to the latest visual dream in Bethesda's Elder Scrolls series.
The towns of Braddock and Flint follow similar historical paths of development and degradation.
The Way Forward As China seeks a cleaner, softer path of development, renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, and geothermal are attractive not only because of their lower carbon emissions profiles, but because they use far less water than their fossil fuel counterparts.
It offers incentives for countries to preserve their forestland in the interest of reducing carbon emissions and investing in low - carbon paths of development.
Will redoubling our devotion to existing mechanisms and paths of development change that?
I don't think developing countries, at least in Latin America, are following exactly that same path of development drawn by the «graduated» nations.
This new official data offers hope that China is shifting towards more climate - friendly path of development, but also perspective on the scale of the challenge.
«I am just warning that their near - sighted policy will lock them into a long - term unsustainable path of development
Kathy Niakan and colleagues are providing new understanding of the genes responsible for a crucial change when groups of cells in the very early embryo first become organised and set on different paths of development.
It will be business as usual and all SOE games will continue on their current path of development and operation,» the developer said in a Reddit post, in part.
Compared to butter, coconut oil is an entirely different ingredient on nearly every level, and your approach to creating (most) coconut oil recipes will need to veer slightly from the normal path of development.
Talking about the various paths of development and choices, I will quote once again an opinion of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi about flow in designing websites:
Although the path of development is predetermined, any particular self may cease developing and stick at conventional levels.
Since independence, many nations followed the path of development planning and that has helped some of them to move faster towards partial industrialization.
In this way, its path of development has differed from that of Japan.
When these countries attained political independence in the 50s and 60s, the whole question of the path of development open to them came into question.
Clearly, the whole question of the path of development which nations of the South should opt for is as open as ever.
We discuss normal child development in the first year, when to expect certain milestones to happen, and how to help your child on the path of development.
She leaves us knowing that most childhood experiences are healthy, natural stops on the path of development.
The Professor further advised that with the various programmes and legacy projects put in place by Fayemi, his successor must continue on the path of development.
«I think this obsession with who is winning the next election, can take Nigeria completely away from the path of development.
Speaking on government's strategy to take the economy to the path of development, the Minister of Budget and National Planning, Senator Udo Udoma, said the first step was for the government to focus on its priorities, adding that this would be followed by establishment of detailed action plans.
One way around that problem is to work with another kind of 3D cell culture known as a spheroid, which hasn't yet gone too far down the path of development and still contains mostly identical, similarly differentiated cells.
Those who have amassed enough education, steer the path of development and progress for their country.
Claudia Goldin and Lawrence Katz, two historically minded economists, advance the claim that America has followed a path of development unique among nations by rapidly building a comprehensive education system.
While India attempts to balance the need to decrease GHG emissions and the desire to pursue a path of development, it also sees an economic opportunity with solar energy.
Farms closest to our cities, and often directly in the path of development, produce much of our fresh food — 63 percent of our dairy products and 86 percent of fruits and vegetables.
If the country follows this path of development, bitcoin will be in even greater demand, as the entire purpose of the cryptocurrency is to provide a permissionless system for finance; one which would become increasingly utilized if a national cryptocurrency was to be wielded as a weapon to prevent citizens from accessing certain services.
Where property in surrounding homes are likely to face an increase in value due to being in the path of development, those that end up being directly on (or soon to be) major roads will likely face a decrease in value for numerous reasons, not the least of which being a presumable increase in traffic in what was once their quiet backyard.
In 2005, Pete Linneman launched American Land Fund, a Philadelphia - based private real estate equity firm poised to take advantage of the downturn he believed was ahead in the housing market by purchasing raw, undeveloped, unentitled land in the path of development.
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