Sentences with phrase «path of inflation»

European Central Bank President Mario Draghi said Wednesday that the bank's policy will remain prudent despite it being more confident on the future path of inflation.
We can take a more focused position on the likely path of inflation by hedging out the bond - like characteristics or by using inflation swaps directly.
Still, absent a way to predict the future path of inflation and the investment markets, it's impossible to know with absolute certainty that you won't outlive your savings by employing the 4 % rule.
Draghi reiterated Friday that its quantitative easing program could run beyond September of 2018, «if necessary, and in any case until we see a sustained adjustment in the path of inflation
«Despite this progress on the real side of the economy, from a monetary policy perspective our task is not complete, as we have not yet seen a sustained adjustment in the path of inflation,» Draghi told the audience.
Mr. Draghi said Thursday that the bond buying would continue through September 2016 or «until we see a sustained adjustment in the path of inflation which is consistent with our aim of achieving inflation rates below, but close to, 2 percent over the medium term.»
The ECB head said that «overall, while we can be more confident about the path of inflation, patience and persistence with regard to monetary policy is still warranted for underlying inflation pressures to build up and inflation to converge durably towards our objective.»
• Duration of the programme: the ECB said in January the bond - buying would continue until September 2016, or at least until the bank saw a «sustained adjustment in the path of inflation» towards its 2pc target
The path of inflation is unpredictable.
ECB President Mario Draghi said the new plan could and would be reversed if required: «If, in the meantime, the outlook becomes less favourable or if financial conditions become inconsistent with further progress towards a sustained adjustment of the path of inflation, the Governing Council intends to increase the programme in terms of size and / or duration.»
Of course, this strategy depends largely on the path of inflation and corresponding monetary policy.
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