Sentences with phrase «patience for something»

I hope for you to be strong and lots of patience for you to face this.
That's a lot of effort and the ultimate practice in patience for me.
You need to show as much compassion and patience for yourself as you do to the one you're caring for.
Imagine having more time and patience for you kids, more creativity at work, and less emotional eating.
This can create greater patience for you and your partner.
Would it be fair to say that it's been an era of patience for yourself, your executive team and for the fans?
I feel like I have a lot more patience for myself now, I'm no longer beating myself up for not being the «perfect» mum and realize that change takes time and that's ok.»
Instead of being grateful for my bringing work to T - C he instead had little patience for me and my SUV's need for service especially after being originally worked on by another service center.
After a while in London, he lost patience for it, preferring charcoal, as in that portrait of Yeats.
But our instinctive lack of patience for it does not change the fact that the lives of millions of Brits will be affected by these decisions for decades to come, and that this is a key moment in that process, which is currently going underreported.
Bakng has brought a new aspect to the word patience for me.
Given Odegaard's personality / ego problems making his Madrid situation worse, I don't think Klopp would have much patience for him if he didn't arrive with a long term team - first mentality.
I'm thankful for the technicians and managers who make my lab run smoothly and seem to have unending patience for me.
We didn't have the time or patience for something like that, as our warranty was up in August.
He is still skittish around new people and it takes patience for him to become comfortable around new people and new settings but to see him get braver and more confident each day is worth the effort!
His defensive skills should allow for more patience for him to develop offensively, giving him more time on the floor as a young - but - solid defender.
I wasn't sure if it was just because I had never parented before, but they assured me it's a totally different intensity level, and requires a different level of patience for them as well.
In fact, one of the smartest people I worked with said he intensely disliked mentoring people because he found the process too slow and didn't have the patience for it.
I see the way that Jesus engaged with the religious leaders — he didn't have a lot of patience for them — and I don't feel quite so bad that I lack patience for the religious establishment in our churches.
I don't have the patience for it.
Since for this method, you have to literally dedicate yourself to continously watch if the rice is being done and I really don't have the patience for it.
I made my balls about 2 inches in diameter, but if you've got the patience for it, smaller balls would be even better — for example, 3/4 inch would be perfect.
He has no patience for us finding shoes, leashes, or sun glasses.
But, I know myself pretty well, when it comes to making anything with noodle dough, I just don't have the time and most of all the patience for it.
My hubs LOVES to make smoothies, but I just don't have the patience for them.
«With United's success they have created huge financial resources and today there is no patience for them to continue what they did.
Chambers is being used to plug gaps, Id have more patience for him, with his age, and not playing regularly, also been bandied about.
Didn't have patience for it.
We could probably exchange it but I don't have the patience for it (my son consumes it all:)-RRB- We make it work and our 2.5 year old got used to it very quickly.
Though I am not a crafty person and have no patience for it, Pinterest has helped me plenty to save some face.
Some times you may need to do nothing expect find some patience for yourself, sometimes you may just need to get their attention and give an instruction, and sometimes a harder consequence is needed (my boys are currently banned from electronic devices...) Being calm and loving doesn't mean letting your kids do what they want.
It does take a little more work than traditional potty training, since they are a baby and you will be doing more, however it does work very well and if you have the time and patience for it, it can be a great way to get your son or daughter potty trained very early on.
I no longer had the patience for it.
But I quickly learned that with 6 children (at the time) and homeschooling and blogging and animals to care for, I did not have the time and patience for it.
It takes time and patience for them to really know what they like.
His wife, a freelance technical editor, is the one with a minor in mathematics, but Courard - Hauri does the math coaching because, he says, he has the patience for it.
But I just don't have the patience for it.
She was the most patient person I know and she had run out of patience for me.
We were eagerly waiting to pop these cookie pancakes into our mouths and none of us had any patience for them to cool down
Just remember, it took a long time for your body to become out of balance and it will take time and patience for it to heal again, too.
I don't have the patience for it.
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