Sentences with phrase «patient person»

I am a very patient person who rarely gets angry.
The shy fearful dogs need a home with patient people who won't rush them to be friendly right away.
A few of my friends have recommended meditation but I think I'm the least patient person in the world and get so restless trying to sit still for even 5 - 10 minutes.
I'm not a very patient person when it comes to the early morning and long lines.
I'm not a particularly patient person, and I was beginning to understand that writing involves a lot of hurry - up and wait.
Maybe patient people who don't mind getting their hands messy would appreciate these.
This is a great way to check how patient the person you are talking to is.
I am loving, caring an some what patient person.
I am an understanding and patient person so don't be nervous or shy when ya talk to me.
At the same time, staying motivated while you work to land the career of your dreams can drive even the most patient person crazy.
I prefer managers and players to be given to succeed, I am a very patient person.
If you do, then you are likely a much more patient person than I am in other parts of life as well.
I'm a very open and patient person in and out of bed.
Which weighs on even the most patient person when the missions can often be over 30 minutes long.
Are you a disciplined and patient person who values saving as much money as possible?
As you know, this governor is not the most patient person.
Entrepreneurs aren't patient people and spending a day a month or a quarter in a board meeting is almost always a painful process, but it's made unbearable if the board members don't take the time (and give management the courtesy) of doing their homework and coming to the meeting prepared.
You need to expand you horizons to less expensive areas if you hope to get cash flow from rental properties, or be a very patient person with lots of disposable income to park
If you already practise meditation, then keep going, but for less patient people, a better strategy is to hijack your flight or fight syndrome.
I'm very sensitive and loving patient person
I am telling you we were shocked and so grateful that when we needed help the most, there are loving, professional, and patient people like this that can help figure it out.
The temptations of fallen freedom are working simultaneously on two different fronts: first, to inflame insult and, second, to repay insult with insult.14 The inordinately patient person has already conquered the first enemy, having borne with limitation.
The fromagers at both of the shops are incredibly patient people who are always eager to recommend this little white pyramid of chèvre or that bright - orange wedge of mimolette or that other bit of green funky deliciousness because, «it is in season, mademoiselle!»
One hour walking a day increases survival chances of colorectal cancer patients People with intestinal cancer increase their survival rate significantly if they walk for an hour or more every day.
I'm also not the most patient person around and have stopped and started my blog «Me Time Matters» several times now: — LRB - Thanks for your wonderful advice.
I consider myself a pretty patient person, but those pre-boss cutscenes or the pause while sad «You lost!»
Traffic from tourists visiting the beach, events going on at the Tropicana Field, and rush hour on the Gandy Bridge can turn the most patient people impatient.
Searching for the perfect job takes a ton of effort, and staying motivated while you work to land the career of your dreams can make even the most patient person chomp on her chrome nails.
Hard to believe doctors would only do what was best for person paying bill and not the patient
It has also, amazingly, helped me become a more patient person; I almost look forward to delays when travelling because it gives me more time to catch up on movies and books.
That being said, I'm not the most patient person in the world, and once I found my perfect fit, it was completely worth it to not adjust these at all on my run.
Fortunatly, i'm a very patient person when it comes to baking, so the outcome is very good, despite all the problems
While a less patient person may become unmotivated after seeing only $ 8.28 earned, I imagine how quickly the cash flow will grow if a 93 % rate of quarterly growth is maintained.
«We're looking for very patient people who will make a commitment to use positive reinforcement methods to help socialize these dogs and allow them to grow into the wonderful companion animals we believe they can be.»
If God is trying to teach me patience, I'll be the most patient person on earth by the time we ever do add on.
caring and patient person who likes to be taking cared of you take care me i take care you i like going on dates and relaxing at home whatever you want
I'm the only person working on the project, and Jeff isn't the most patient person in the world.
I like to think I'm a patient person (not sure if anyone else would agree to that), but week - old dishes gross me out.
It takes a patient person to develop a large passive income.
During the studio opening process, Katy's lack of patience was tested, «I am not the most patient person and want things to happen immediately.
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