Sentences with phrase «patients take pills»

Typically, patients take pills every few hours, leading to a spike in medication levels followed by a gradual decline that causes the tremors to return.
By ensuring that patients take pills as prescribed, doctors hope to boost the medication's efficacy.
In the fourth session, the patient takes a pill.

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Other ventures that promise to help patients stick to their pill taking include GreatCall, which makes a reminder app; MedMinder and Vitality, both of which make «smart» pillboxes; and Proteus Digital Health, which makes tiny ingestible sensors that patients swallow with their meds to track pill consumption.
The typical procedure is for the patient to take a lethal dose of poison (by swallowing pills, by injecting himself or by inhaling a gas, for example) that the patient has asked the physician to prescribe for that purpose.
In TB eradication campaigns, the overreporting of people's cooperation with medical advice is measurable (chemical tests show whether patients have taken their pills or not) and quite high.
«We treat those types of patients very simply, normally with clomiphene citrate, which is a pill that will normalize ovulation,» says Dr. Marrs, «If that doesn't work in certain cases of ovulatory dysfunction, women will take natural FSH, follicle stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone which are the two hormones in the pituitary gland that create ovulation within the ovarian follicle system.»
«With over eighty percent of New Yorkers saying that doctors over-prescribing opioids and allowing patients access to too many pain pills are at least somewhat responsible for the current level of opioid abuse, it is concerning, but not surprising, that among those that were prescribed, a quarter admit that they were given too many pills and nearly two - thirds didn't take the entire prescription.
«You say to a patient, «Here's a pill, and the odds of benefit are small, but you'll have to take it the rest of your life,»» says Sussman.
Another patient took four opioid pills an hour instead of four a day and ended up in the emergency room.
Cohen made the connection: The patients were all taking weight loss pills known as rainbow diet pills, imported in bulk from Brazil.
The consequences of straying from the regimen are so high that public health authorities try to monitor TB patients to make sure they take their pills, an approach called directly observed therapy.
Only in patients with moderate or severe knee pain at the outset did the supplements show a significant advantage over the placebo, with almost 80 percent of that group reporting a significant improvement, compared with 54.3 percent who took the inert pills.
«We think, in the near future, it will be possible to treat schizophrenia with four injections per year instead of [patients] having to take pills three times a day,» says Husseini Manji, global head of neuroscience R&D at Janssen.
Interestingly, the study shows that patients are more likely to stop taking their medication if changes are made to the appearance of either the packaging or the medication, with adherence dropping most significantly when changes were made to the size, shape or colour of the pill itself.
In a pilot study involving 13 patients with non-cardiac chest pain, Dr. Schey and his research team found that patients who were given 5 mg of dronabinol twice daily for four weeks fared better than patients who took a placebo, or dummy pill.
And more recent research showed that taking a round of pills containing bacteria isolated from fecal matter (without the feces itself) resolved C. difficile infections in all of 32 patients treated.
«The patient can attach the patch and forget about it without worrying about side effects or remembering to take pills
«Acupuncture is an exotic therapy, elicits the patient's active participation, and involves a greater patient - provider interaction, compared with taking a pill,» Mao said.
Patients on fixed - dose combination therapy are more likely to continue to take their pills and are more likely to take them as directed by their physician.
And eventually, doctors will adjust their patients» devices over the Internet, just as they might adjust the pills a patient takes.
«Transplanted organs can fail even in a perfect patient, one who takes all the pills and can afford them,» says Suzanne Ildstad, who directs the Institute for Cellular Therapeutics at the University of Louisville in Kentucky, noting that the drugs can cost up to $ 25,000 per year.
Reformulating pharmaceuticals in this way could give some drugs a longer shelf life, eliminate the need for refrigeration for others, simplify some manufacturing processes, possibly reduce costs and provide patients with a pill form of a drug they could take easier than a liquid.
What's more — in the absence of information on the underlying molecular mechanisms of her particular case — that patient will likely end up taking a one - size - fits - all pill rather than a drug tailored for her unique disease subtype.
«I take so many pills, and staying hydrated is recommended for many cancer patients» overall health while going through treatment,» says Scheinkman.
In a 2006 government - sponsored analysis, benzodiazepines caused patients to fall asleep 10 minutes faster and sleep 32 minutes longer than those who took placebo pills.
He added that, «the treatment is safe in pregnancy and includes taking one pill a day, which is adjusted by the patients» weight and is monitored by a simple blood test.»
Patients are told to take four 250 - milligram pills first thing in the morning, then wait an hour before eating breakfast.
Fight those aches How omega - 3s help: Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center found that nearly two - thirds of patients suffering from chronic neck and back pain stopped needing anti-inflammatory pain pills after taking fish - oil pills for 20 to 30 days.
We know that 18 to 80 % of the time, patients taking sugar pills with no inactive ingredients get better because they believe they're getting the real treatment.
I suggest that my patients take one pill every morning.
I have a big problem when my female patients come here, and they're taking oral contraceptive pills to help with hot flushes, and vaginal dryness, and discomfort with sex, and moodiness.
But 55 percent of patients who took the THC pills reported that savory foods tasted better, while none of the patients who took placebo reported this result, the study said.
Often patients assume that by taking a pill they will somehow purge themselves of «toxins», and in the process lose weight.
No, in this study researchers looked at the effect of N - 3 fatty acids (found in fish oil pills) taken with protein supplementation cancer patients.
I have heard from many clinicians that their patients who took birth control pills for more than a few years are often infertile because they are no longer ovulating.
I've never seen any problems occur, even with patients who have been taking high blood - pressure medications, sleeping pills, antidepressants, etc..
Coffee impacts the absorption of levothyroxine (the synthetic thyroid hormone); this is why thyroid patients need to take their hormone replacement pill at least an hour before drinking coffee.
I've found that nearly every patient who goes off the pill and takes proactive approaches to reduce inflammation also starts losing weight.
You have to deal with the glutathione because fluconazole, which is a wonder drug, it was made for and you know this but we're mostly talking for people listening, it was made for AIDS patients because they kept getting really bad fungal infections, but now it's like the one pill you can take for yeast infection and it just decimates yeast in the body.
Researchers told patients that the pills they were taking were placebos.
Read on in Generation Rx for: — exclusive interviews with the strategists, scientists, and current and former heads of GlaxoSmithKline, Eli Lilly, Merck, Roche, and more — a first - ever, inside look at the rollicking business story behind pharma's rise to power — the dramatic effects our drug culture is having on our major organs, from the liver to the heart to the brain — why old bodies and young bodies are the biggest, and riskiest, arenas for our great American prescription pill party — how the largely uncharted terrain of polypharmacy (various drugs taken together) has unleashed unanticipated, often deadly, consequences on unwitting patients Generation Rx will make every American who has ever taken a prescription drug look anew at what's in our medicine cabinets, and why.
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The 44 - year - old woman patient suffered from mild hypertension and took birth control pills.
So, there's so much other stuff going on that he can't address by giving them a pill, and the hospital was absolutely trying to do more social services around those patients to help them stay alive, but also get to the point where they can take the time to stay alive.
Sam Glover: As we talked more about it he was explaining — and he works at the public downtown city hospital — and in the grand scheme of his patients lives remembering to take their pills, and coming in for something that seems kind of far off is really low priority.
When patients are on a cocktail of medications, they may then forget when they last took a pill.
This generally means that the patient is likely to take all the pills, decreasing his / her chances of getting a bug resistant to the antibiotic (Azithromycin is usually ingested over five days, while many other antibiotics must be taken for 10 days.)
If you have ever filled a prescription for any of these pills (even if you never took them), you will always be viewed as a dementia patient.
If a prescription states that the patient needs to take one tablet four times a day for 30 days, you have to know how many pills to count out.
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