Sentences with phrase «patriarchal culture»

The phrase "patriarchal culture" refers to a society or group where men hold most of the power and authority, influencing the way decisions are made and how society functions. It typically means that the beliefs, values, and roles within the culture tend to favor men over women. Full definition
Throughout the history of Western philosophy, three vital concerns of men raised in patriarchal culture continually appear: separateness, reactive (defensive) autonomy, and control.22
I've thought about Frank the Gas Monster a lot over the past few years but particularly right now when the Duggar story is bringing a much - needed light onto the truth and consequences of patriarchal culture, particularly on women.
No father who lives in a strict patriarchal culture would want a daughter or wife.
The process of creation has generally been conceived in patriarchal culture as a solitary one.
«We think that we only have two options when it comes to our marriages: 1) Women submit to men, like in ancient secular patriarchal culture or, 2) Nobody submits to anyone and we're out for Number One, like in our modern individualist secular culture.
If traditional interpretations have neglected female imagery for God, they have also neglected females, especially women who counter patriarchal culture.
If more patriarchal cultures tend to suffer and more egalitarian cultures tend to thrive, might that indicate that shared rule — like that of Eden — is preferable to male rule?
As we discussed a couple of weeks ago, if Esther was anything like a typical teenage girl in this ancient Near Eastern patriarchal culture, she would not have expected to have any say in her marital future to begin with, and so when she is «taken» with the other virgins into the harem, the chances that she would even think to defy her male guardian, or even worse, the Persian Empire, are incredibly slim.
Protestantism is the only Christian tradition that does not have a Marian tradition and in Roman Catholicism Mary commonly serves as a devotional, rather than a theological, source which leaves the Latin Church's patriarchal culture unchallenged.
Traditional history painting's stories demonstrated the best in human endeavors — according to the bias of their Eurocentric patriarchal culture.
As Howell makes clear, women's relationality in patriarchal culture has been a function of hetero - relations.
And, as both Daly and Raymond have observed, man in patriarchal culture is homo - relational.
(Sadly, our churches can sometimes resemble our culture instead of Jesus — witness our fascination with militarism, entertainment cults of celebrity, power, materialism, and patriarchal culture and so on.)
It has to mean something radical about how relationships among Christians in this patriarchal culture were to change.
That's a posture one can carry in a patriarchal culture or an egalitarian one, so faithfulness to Scripture does not require an embrace of patriarchy.
Further, when the serpent talks with the woman (Gen. 3:1 - 5), he uses plural verb forms, making her the spokesperson for the human couple — hardly the pattern of a patriarchal culture.
Women have been wounded, not only by the secular remnants of a patriarchal culture, but the ways in which the system is practiced within their churches or faith communities.
- In the patriarchal culture of scripture, women could not inherit property, pursue divorce, or be trusted to make a vow (Deuteronomy 21:16 — 17; 24:1 — 4; Leviticus 27:1 — 8).
Even in a patriarchal culture, the early Christians were doing things differently.
When Sarah failed to conceive, Abraham did what was common in a patriarchal culture and impregnated his slave, Hagar.
Our reading for the day was a selection from Daly's second book, Beyond God the Father (1973), which decries a sexist cycle that has patriarchal cultures creating patriarchal divinities who then sanctify in turn the patriarchal cultures that gave them birth.
Unwittingly, by his assumptions, Freud reinforced the norms and values of a patriarchal culture in ways that have tended to increase its destructiveness for both women and men.
As feminist psychologists are now showing, many of his theories about «normal» psychosexual development are actually descriptions of the ways in which boys and girls develop in a patriarchal culture.
He assumed that what he saw in neurotic women patients (masochism and nonassertiveness, for example) was normative for women generally, rather than the consequence of the crippling effects of the patriarchal culture in which they lived.
This reveals a painful lack of understanding of what it means for a woman to live in a patriarchal culture in which she is considered property, first of her family and then of the state.
Adam names Eve, for it was a patriarchal culture that wrote that story.
To compare forced concubinage to an audition for «The Bachelor,» and to ascribe sexual culpability to a girl who in a patriarchal culture had no ownership over her own body and no control over her own marriage, is as bizarre as it is disturbing.
This can get especially troublesome when we are struggling to interpret and apply passages about women that were written in a patriarchal culture very foreign to us today.
It also goes to show how badly women suffered in this patriarchal culture.
In light of this reality regarding patriarchy, Matthew advocates what some might call a «redemptive movement hermeneutic» regarding gender, suggesting that while Scripture reflects a patriarchal culture, it still grants women more honor and value than many of Israel's counterparts and ultimately points to gender mutuality through the redemptive work of Christ.
Again, it's a patriarchal culture that's borne in the doctor is the owner of your health and if you do something that's contrary to what the doctor says, you're cavalier with your health.
But I do not think this support actively brought into question the nature of men as a gender and the patriarchal culture that underpinned men's power.
Glimpsed from an evolutionary perspective, this was a super good survival strategy in a patriarchal culture.
Except for Diana — Mom wants her spared from war ideology and patriarchal culture.
Since then, she has consistently spoken against the prevalent sexual harassment and the patriarchal culture of Hollywood.
In their book Old Mistresses: Women, Art and Ideology (1981), Griselda Pollock and Rozsika Parker wrote that, «Women artists have always existed, but because of the economic, social and ideological effects of sexual difference in western, patriarchal culture, women have spoken and acted from a different place within that society and culture».
I eroticize my female body and appeal to various fetishes, such as high heels, red lipstick or corset... I perform the perfect female image as defined in patriarchal cultures.
His work considers the relationship between labor / leisure as it fits into conceptions of femininity / masculinity, specifically by evaluating the myth of Machismo and its relationship to patriarchal culture.
He considers the relationship between labor / leisure as it fits into conceptions of femininity and masculinity, specifically by evaluating the myth of Machismo and its correlation to patriarchal culture.
Lilith's story suggests that in patriarchal cultures, female «presumption» — that is, angry revolt against male domination — is demonic.
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