Sentences with phrase «pattern characterized»

Price chart analysis also indicates BCH is stuck in a bearish falling channel pattern characterized by lower highs and lower lows.
Recent boreal winters have exhibited a large - scale seesaw temperature pattern characterized by an unusually warm Arctic and cold continents.
Recent boreal winters have exhibited a large - scale seesaw temperature pattern characterized by an unusually warm Arctic and cold continents... Using a recently developed index of severe winter weather, we show that the occurrence of severe winter weather in the United States is significantly related to anomalies in pan-Arctic geopotential heights and temperatures.
She's the opposite of her brother — a weather pattern characterized by dry conditions.
The boy is none other than El Niño — that Pacific weather pattern characterized by warm ocean temperatures and heavy precipitation.
Cats, like pigs, show a different pattern characterized by a linear gain throughout pregnancy that is independent of the number of fetuses (Loveridge, 1986; Wichert et al., 2009).
In this population, a higher dietary ED represented a dietary pattern characterized by higher intakes of saturated and trans fats and refined carbohydrates and lower intakes of fruit and vegetables.
El Niño is a weather pattern characterized by a periodic fluctuation in sea surface temperature and air pressure in the Pacific Ocean, which causes climate variability over the course of years, sometimes even decades.
Obese patients were accordingly advised to replace fats and sweets with a more prudent dietary pattern characterized by a high intake of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, poultry, and fish (70, 71).
As we have noted, the current distributional pattern characterized by gross concentration of land in the hands of the few is the basis for the concentration of both wealth and political power.
What demographic or geographic patterns characterize this subculture?
Somehow the future event e conditions the influences of the past so as to achieve a unity — a pattern characterizing e itself.
The point is that some such pattern characterizes every school and the tensions within it profoundly shape the distinctive ethos of that school.
Abnormal sleeping patterns characterize an array of neuropsychiatric diseases, but resetting the body's clock may alleviate some symptoms
This periodicity is reminiscent of the nucleosomal protection patterns characterized for DNA sequences from other fossil material (21).
«Clinically and cognitively normal individuals with and without AD risk factors, following dietary patterns characterized by high intakes of whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, fish, and low - fat dairy products (which provide higher intakes of vitamin B12, vitamin D, and n - 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids) and by low intakes of refined sugars, French fries, high - fat dairy products, butter, and processed meat, show lower accumulation of Aβ in the brain and higher cerebral glucose metabolism, as evidenced by neuroimaging analysis of gray matter volumes (a marker of brain atrophy), C - Pittsburgh compound B (to measure the accumulation of fibrillar Aβ), and F - fluorodeoxyglucose (to assess brain glucose metabolism.»
That pattern characterizes most teaching, especially at the secondary level.

Not exact matches

We characterized congregations (about whom these three types of questions guide «understanding») as sets of practices; and we characterized «practices» as patterns of intentional bodied action.
Mays claims that the process of integration of past influences is a rather straightforward notion — the influences of the past are superposed in a region of spacetime so that incompatible features are eliminated, leaving one complex pattern that characterizes the novel event e (PW 129/138).
And it will be hard to say even then whether I am right, as rock bohemia in the aughties displayed a pattern that has long characterized it, albeit in a more pronounced way than usually the case.
So far I have argued three points: that persons engage in behavior patterns which can be characterized as purposive, i. e., as exhibiting a structure of aims, values, and methods of attainment; that individuals and institutions are interrelated, with each side influencing and being influenced by the purposes and activities of the other, although with neither being in any way reducible to or explicable solely in terms of the other; and that the institutional pole in this interaction shares with the individual as its opposite those characteristics that define its behavioral patterns as purposive.
Especially in his earlier writings (including the earlier sections of Science and the Modern World), Whitehead develops a theory of overlapping events characterized by reiterated patterns, showing how sub-events may be organically influenced by the patterns of the events within which they are included.
It was coupled with a critique of modernity, which I define as the overarching ideology of the modern period characterized by the three key terms describing larger patterns familiar to modern psychotherapy — autonomous individualism, naturalistic reductionism, and narcissistic hedonism.
Insofar as that is a true description of the general pattern of egocentricity that characterizes all men there is no great illumination in remarking that this generation is so disposed.
Normal 1 a: according with, constituting, or not deviating from a norm, rule, or principle b: conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern 2: occurring naturally and not because of disease, inoculation, or any experimental treatment 3 a: of, relating to, or characterized by average intelligence or development
Liturgically, it begins with the gathering of those who will invoke, address, and commune, and finally «depart in peace» through a pattern of behaviors that characterize their performance practice.
Soft just war theory is characterized by seven key components: a strongly articulated horror of war; a strong presumption against war; a skepticism about government claims; the use of just war theory as a tool for citizen discernment and prophetic critique; a pattern of trusting the efficacy of international treaties, multilateral strategies and the perspectives of global peace and human rights groups and the international press; a quite stringent application of just war criteria; and a claim of common ground with Christian pacifists.
In contrast to the aesthetic order implicit in Kukai's view of nature and contemporary science and process thought, the «logical order» of mainline Christianity characterized by Ames assumes: (1) preassigned patterns of relatedness, a blueprint» wherein unity is prior to plurality, and plurality is a «fall» from unity; (2) values concrete particularity only to the degree it mirrors this preassigned pattern of relatedness; (3) reduces particulars to only those aspects needed to illustrate the given pattern, which necessarily entails moving away from concrete particulars toward the universal; (4) interprets nature as a closed system of predetermined specifications, and therefore reducible to quantitative description; (5) characterizes being as necessity, creativity as conformity, and novelty as defect; and (6) views «rightness» as the degree of conformity to preassigned patterns (NAT 116).
Characterizing world consciousness as «a very high level abstraction which has affected the thought patterns of an individual or of a society» (p. 5), Regan goes on to show how for Whitehead the approximation to world consciousness and the development of religion are parallel.
According to the theory, the form of relatedness that characterizes unified, purposive functioning in human beings and lower animals should be manifested in their brain waves — perhaps in some kind of harmony that appears in the brain wave pattern.
Whiteheads answer is that the event - sequence of an enduring individual has all its members characterized by a certain pattern, or by closely resembling patterns, whereas other event - sequences do not.
Yet conscious mental life is characterized by novelty of thought - pattern, not repetition.
As Hunter reflects critically on his own pastoral actions, he becomes aware that what characterizes most pastoral interchanges is a pattern of this sort: «I heard Mrs. B., and Mrs. B. heard me.»
These do not depend upon the highest ethical commitments of which men are capable, but upon that mixture of human sympathy, rationality and self - interest which constitutes the basic pattern of human motivation While Niebuhr is a realist about the possibilities of human justice he has a strong concern for the social reformism in politics which characterizes modern democracy and the Christian social Gospel.
Whitehead even uses the term «de-cision» to characterize how each moment «cuts itself off» from some anticipations and memories in order «decisively» to pattern its feeling (enjoyment) in a definite way.20 Each moment is thus made up of a unique feeling tone composed of a distinctive «memory» and «anticipation.»
The world is still characterized by an enormous range of differences in language, culture, economic patterns religious practices, values, wealth, educational levels, and so on and on.
But in fact, this pattern would characterize his life's work.
The effort to characterize construals of the Christian thing in the particular cultural and social locations that make them concrete will involve several disciplines: (a) those of the intellectual historian and textual critic (to grasp what the congregation says it is responding to in its worship and why); and (b) those of the cultural anthropologist and the ethnographer [3] and certain kinds of philosophical work [4](to grasp how the congregation shapes its social space by its uses of scripture, by its uses of traditions of worship and patterns of education and mutual nurture, and by the «logic «of its discourse); and (c) those of the sociologist and social historian (to grasp how the congregation's location in its host society and culture helps shape concretely its distinctive construal of the Christian thing).
This term is usually used to describe a behavior pattern in toddlers ages 18 to 36 months that is characterized by demands, noise, tantrums, the word no and all kinds of other behaviors that cause embarrassment to the adults that dare to take their children out in public during this time period.
An avoidant pattern is characterized by having a dismissive attitude.
The Year Six Follow - Up Study (Y6FU) of the mothers and children who participated in the IFPS II was a cross-sectional study conducted to characterize the health, development, and dietary patterns of the children at 6 years of age.
Not only that, but these attachments are characterized by clear behavioral and motivational patterns.
If you consider that baby sleep patterns are characterized by short, 50 - 60 minute sleep cycles, you may wonder how it's possible for babies to «sleep through the night.»
Instead, he found that attachment was characterized by clear behavioral and motivation patterns.
The pattern led the late Fouad Ajami to characterize Obama as a would - be «redeemer» who saw himself «as above and beyond judgment.»
It is part of a pattern of lies, disinformation and misdirection that has characterized Tim Howard's management of the Sheriff's Office.
Personality disorders form a class of mental disorders that are characterized by long - lasting rigid patterns of thought and behaviour.
Autism spectrum disorder is a highly inheritable condition characterized by impaired social behavior and communication skills and a tendency towards repetitive patterns of behavior.
In some parts of Asia, Africa and South America, the researchers identified data gaps which prevented them from characterizing ozone pollution exposure patterns.
A similar pattern of arm strength characterizes accomplished female rowers today.
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