Sentences with phrase «pattern of a random walk»

Juicy Excerpt: Stock prices do not play out in the pattern of a random walk in the long term.
Juicy Excerpt: Some people believe that stock prices follow the pattern of a random walk.
Most of today's calculators (this is true not just for retirement calculators but for all investment calcultors) are rooted in the Buy - and - Hold model for understanding how stock investing works, based on Eugene Fama's 1965 finding that the market is efficient and thus should play out in the pattern of a random walk.
A regime - based projection is one that takes into consideration the reality discovered by Robert Shiller in 1981 that stock prices do not fall in the pattern of a random walk but play out in predictable long - term patterns in which valuations rise for about 20 years and then fall for about 15 years.
If stock prices really do play out in the pattern of a random walk, Buy - and - Hold is the ideal investing strategy.
Stocks follow a pattern of a random walk, but over the past several hundred years (admittedly an atypical period for human civilization), they have followed a random walk with a slight upward trend.

Not exact matches

Schreier, A.L., Groves, M.J. (2009) Ranging patterns of hamadryas baboons: random walk analyses.
The show also features a performance piece by Bruce Nauman — a hired actor walks the room as if the ceiling were five feet high, with the public standing outside — along with an arrangement of textured patterns on each wall and a phrase by poet Alfred Starr Hamilton, which gives the show its title and undergoes random permutations by means of an algorithm designed by Robert Pearson, with results displayed on a pile of sheets.
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