Sentences with phrase «patterns after increasing»

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The same pattern repeats itself: although those whose incomes fell between the 95th and the 99th percentiles saw an increase in their share of pre-tax income, their share of after - tax income fell.
The increased trend of delaying decisions that would upset bills» supporters until after session ends corresponds with a broader pattern of delaying executive action until the last two months of the year.
The legislation states that «any formal or informal association... of two or more individuals identified by a common name, sign, dress, symbols, tattoos, or other mark or markings» and «a pattern of criminal street gang activity,» subjects a person to increased penalties after two or more offenses are committed over a period of years.
In addition, the increase in youth's cortisol levels the morning after a crime occurred nearby the day before was larger than on mornings following no crime the previous day, a pattern that previous research suggests might reflect the body's anticipation of more stress the day following a crime.
After further analysis of the data, the scientists found that although a strong El Niño changes wind patterns in West Antarctica in a way that promotes flow of warm ocean waters towards the ice shelves to increase melting from below, it also increases snowfall particularly along the Amundsen Sea sector.
He concludes that the demand pressures for increased cocoa exports, changing weather patterns and falling cocoa prices, has led to more monocropping — the agricultural practice of growing only one type of agricultural product in a large area of land, year after year — and less sustainable growing practices in recent years.
Citing previous studies, the authors hypothesized that women's sleep patterns reflect postmenopausal changes, increased bladder instability and feelings of isolation after the loss of a spouse or lack of social support.
When played neutral - sounding statements, females showed additional sustained increases in brain activity around 1000 milliseconds after the start of the speech — a pattern that has previously been shown to occur when making judgements incorporating extra information.
These patterns held even after Gray and colleagues took the overall word count and number of blog posts into account, suggesting that the increase in positive emotion words was not simply due to the effects of writing over time.
As in the case of many previous investigations, the increase in suicide after Choi's death followed age and gender patterns.
My research indicates that the Siberian peat moss, Arctic tundra, and methal hydrates (frozen methane at the bottom of the ocean) all have an excellent chance of melting and releasing their stored co2.Recent methane concentration figures also hit the news last week, and methane has increased after a long time being steady.The forests of north america are drying out and are very susceptible to massive insect infestations and wildfires, and the massive die offs - 25 % of total forests, have begun.And, the most recent stories on the Amazon forecast that with the change in rainfall patterns one third of the Amazon will dry and turn to grassland, thereby creating a domino cascade effect for the rest of the Amazon.With co2 levels risng faster now that the oceans have reached carrying capacity, the oceans having become also more acidic, and the looming threat of a North Atlanic current shutdown (note the recent terrible news on salinity upwelling levels off Greenland,) and the change in cold water upwellings, leading to far less biomass for the fish to feed upon, all lead to the conclusion we may not have to worry about NASA completing its inventory of near earth objects greater than 140 meters across by 2026 (Recent Benjamin Dean astronomy lecture here in San Francisco).
The present findings suggest that young women have increased risk for multiple abnormal menstrual patterns after concussion compared with orthopedic injury.
In the new report, published Thursday in the journal Current Biology, researchers found that exercising four hours after a memory task increased brain patterns associated with memory, and helped people retain information better than people who exercised immediately after or people who did not work out.
After discussing similar effects in other animal models of cancer and a few studies showing the ability of antioxidants to prevent cancer growth, Campbell concluded that «a pattern was beginning to emerge: nutrients from animal foods increased tumor development while nutrients from plant - based foods decreased tumor development.»
These positive effects on blood sugar can last for several hours after completion of exercise, and I have always noted that when a patient finally engages in a regular program of exercise that she has much less tiredness, develops better sleep patterns, can handle stress better, is more optimistic and less chance of depression and will burn fat at an increased rate.
The «after» image shows increased activity in the left hemisphere, a pattern common to nonimpaired readers.
This pattern of centralization of school funding is consistent with evidence from earlier studies, which also shows that localities partially offset state efforts to increase overall education spending after SFJs.
Suggestions for how to stencil outside areas with math patterns in order to increase math practice during recess, before school, and after school.
One way in which a child's language changes after arrival at school is the «continuing development and increasing precision in the use of the sound system, the vocabulary, the sentence patterns, and the richness in the way he puts his meanings into words» (Clay, 1991, p. 73).
One way in which a child's language changes after arrival at school is the «continuing development and increasing precision in the use of the sound system, the vocabulary, the sentence patterns, and the richness in the way he puts his meanings into words.»
The dazzling geometric patterns in After November 11, 2010 (2014) emerge from the destruction brought on by protesters raging against tuition increases in Britain.
SO LESS turbulence increases TEMPERATURE and so Humanity CAN build itself into a PRIMARY CREST after a period of «sudden rise then slow «fall» in levels of overall Turbulence» within which there will be noticed «walking» of WEATHER PATTERNING».
After 24 years, the pattern reverses: C3 plants grow worse as CO2 continues to increase, and C4 plants grow better.
As Jan Minx, from the Department Economics of Climate Change of the Technical University Berlin and co-author of the PNAS article explains: «Most of the change in in global emission patterns is mirrored in China and Russia: While Chinese emissions increased dramatically in the last two decades, significantly also fueling increasing consumption in OECD countries, emissions from Russia and Ukraine fell significantly after 1990».
... After adjusting for patterns of development, over the long term there is no climate change signal... of increasing damage from extreme events either globally or in particular regions.
Because the global mean temperature pattern before and after mid-20th century, before and after huge increase in human emission of CO2, are identical as shown in the following graph.
The way I interpret that is that the higher climate sensitivity must either involve different heat transfer modes / patterns, or that it involves a different temperature rise path, with more of the increase backloaded (ie if most of the increase for high sensitivity comes after 2070, then there's less time for the oceans to equilibrate than there would be, if most of the temperature increase was done by 2030).
In humans, the end product of the HPA axis is cortisol, a steroid hormone that follows a diurnal rhythm — increasing early in the morning, peaking approximately 30 minutes after waking, and declining throughout the day, reaching near - zero levels at night.14 This diurnal pattern is not present at birth but begins to emerge around 3 months of age15, 16 and is fully entrained to daylight cycles by age 2 years.17 Children experiencing social deprivation or maltreatment show departures from this typical profile of diurnal HPA activity, suggestive of chronic stress.
General indices regarding mental health of mothers have been associated with their children's sleep, and less well - organized sleep patterns have been noted in children from poorly functioning families.113) Mothers of children with sleep disturbances exhibited much higher psychological stress than did controls, obtaining increased scores on all factors of the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ).114) Children's sleep quality significantly predicted that of their mothers, with maternal sleep quality associated with stress and fatigue.115) Moreover, infants of mothers with low levels of depression and anxiety were more likely to recover from sleep problems than those with high levels of depression and anxiety after controlling for the influence of attachment patterns.116) Sleep disturbances in early childhood were positively related to negative maternal perceptions of their child, 117) potentially interfering with the development of beneficial parent - child interactions.
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