Sentences with phrase «to pay cash for something»

I quickly adopted two rules: If I can't pay cash for it, I won't buy it.
Just because you could pay cash for something today doesn't necessarily mean that you want to.
That way, I get the record on my credit report for paying both the credit card and car payment on time, but I'm still paying cash for it.
You might be able to get someone paying all cash for it at your wishing price.
If you can not pay cash for something, then you can not afford it.
If you don't have the money to pay cash for something today, will you have the money next month when the bill is due, plus interest and charges?
They pre-approved me for an auto loan I decided to just pay cash for it.
In the latest entry in Atkinson's brilliant Jackson Brodie series, the semiretired detective is touring abbeys in northern England, but soon enough he becomes involved in several interrelated cases, one of which concerns a police detective who has rescued a child from a prostitute by paying cash for her.
Dave up and pay cash for it which people do believe it or not 2.
I will pay you cash for it tomorrow if you could do that for me» This kid had NO SHAME IN HIS GAME, and how could I NOT get this balls to the wall College kid going??? Long story short, He's about to be 23 and is, I will just say DOING IT!!!!!!!!!! I thought I was a hustler, He now outright has 72 rental homes with a monthly RENTALS ROLL of 46,000 coming in.
The secret is that if you have a good deal under contract, there are many more established investors out there that will be glad to pay cash for it in a matter of days.
Leverage gives you control over an asset without paying cash for it.
If you can't pay cash for them, you should at least consider settling for off - brand clothes and 43 - inch TV.
Your credit score doesn't measure if you can afford something (if you are needing to borrow then it is clear that you can not afford it at this moment or else you would just pay cash for it); it measures your ability to pay back money you borrowed.
«You take your gently used clothing and handbags in there, and they pay cash for them
I built my house when I was 23 and paid cash for it, so I've been living rent / mortgage free for the last 7 years.
First, it's not spending money on top quality players (although Arshavin does look like what they've been missing... but hey, they paid some cash for him).
When you pay cash for something that means you wont have to worry about bills and interest payments that come due each month.
«They bought this company, they paid cash for it, they don't put any debt on their company and they execute.
best thing about this car is, it was inexpensive enough that i could pay cash for it, and when something needs to be fixed, it dosnt put me in the poor house to do so, my boyfriend has a 98» audi, he just spent $ 1400 on repairs, which would have cost me less than 1/2.
(I ended up paying cash for it, although I am still using the credit cards to build up a credit history.)
To avoid paying interest, buyers can save up money for the purchase they want to make and pay cash for it.
When the account is large enough to do a particular item on the list, I pay cash for it.
If you can't pay cash for it, if you don't have the money sitting in your bank account — you can't afford it.
I plan for it all year long, and pay cash for them.
I had set aside money to pay cash for it, but chose instead to finance half of the purchase with a 0.9 % three - year car loan.
If you need to pay for anything during the debt reduction process, you need to pay for it in cash and if you can not pay cash for it, then you probably do not need to buy it until the debt reduction process is over.
Consumer debt allows us to have it today instead of saving up and paying cash for it.
You simply research the item, find out how much it will cost, and then work out a savings plan that will allow you to pay cash for it.
Let's face it, there are some things in life you just don't need if you can't pay cash for them.
We paid cash for them so we do not incur any interest costs and our insurance premiums are kept to a minimum since they are not worth much.
But if I can't pay cash for it I won't be buying it.
Looking at this list, you'll notice that domestic airlines fall into two camps: those that charge a fixed number of miles no matter where you fly, and those that decide how many miles you'll pay based on how much the ticket would cost if you were paying cash for it.
I bought a cargo van that I needed for my business and, even though I could have paid cash for it, I decided to have the CU finance it, just to build business credit.
You'll be better off paying cash for it.
While I consider it fair to ask for a higher price for a large home or condo, it does require you to look carefully, if it is still good value to rent a larger home with points, rather than paying cash for it!
Looking at this list, you'll notice that domestic airlines fall into two camps: those that charge a fixed number of miles no matter where you fly, and those that decide how many miles you'll pay based on how much the ticket would cost if you were paying cash for it.
If you write a check, use online banking from a checking account or pay cash for something, you're missing out on rewards that you could be earning by using a credit card.
We all want to receive the most value from our rewards, but it also seems weird to pay cash for something (such as flights, hotel stays or gift cards) that you could acquire by redeeming points.
Awards booked with United miles never have fuel surcharges while awards booked with Lufthansa miles have fuel surcharges any time your award's flights would have fuel surcharges if you paid cash for them.
In terms of my properties, I own them F & C b / c I paid cash for them....
For instance, I bought a used - car last year and I was going to pay cash for it, but instead I bought a house with that money and now the house pays for the car each month and I have left over at the end of the month.
I pay cash for them and enjoy the hell out of them.
Would it be better to pay cash for it (assuming I have the ability), take care of the rehab and rent increase, before getting it financed?
Might be easier to pay cash for them and then try to bundle a few into one package loan that a bank may lend on.
Although they are in weaker competitive positions compared to class - A malls, they still hold appeal to some investors who are willing to pay cash for them, according to Latella.
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