Sentences with phrase «to pay for legal fees»

This coverage also helps pay for your legal fees if you're sued over the accident.
This is a one - time charge that can help pay for legal fees in the event that an undisclosed or unknown title defect becomes known while you own the home.
It can also pay for any legal fees if you are facing a lawsuit because of the accident in your condominium.
This means that you will not pay for any legal fees until your case is successfully resolved and you are awarded a financial judgement in your favor.
If you're sued while traveling overseas, liability insurance will still help pay for legal fees.
Renters liability insurance would pay for your legal fees in that event.
Furthermore, if you are looking at a legal battle due to the accident, physical liability coverage will also pay for any legal fees that you are hit with.
The claim is an investment for the funder which pays for legal fees amongst other things.
One way to stop the trolls, if they lose their claim they are forced to pay for the legal fees of Twitter.
In other evidence Boyland was shown asking for money in exchange for political favors, including a request for $ 250,000 to pay for his legal fees resulting from the first court case in which he was found not guilty.
On September 29, 2015, U.S. District Judge Kenneth Karas dismissed the case, but denied the request to have the Independence Party plaintiffs pay for the legal fees.
This means that your lawyer must not only wait to get paid for legal fees until the case settles, but that the lawyer MUST spend their own money to make sure that the case is impressively constructed.
äó cents Assistance with the preparation and drafting of trade - mark applications for the title of the project Instead of paying for legal fees on a project basis.
They will be auctioned it off to help raise funds to pay for legal fees for their designation.
A common misconception of victims of personal injuries is that they need to have a lot of money to pay for legal fees if they pursue legal action as a result of their accident.
A Cypress renters insurance policy includes liability coverage, which pays for legal fees and damages if you are sued by a guest, friend, salesperson or other individual who is hurt in your apartment or suffers a property loss.
It also pays for legal fees in the event that the injury goes to OH court which can happen in very serious personal injuries or fatal accidents.
Liability protection from Gaudette Insurance Agency, Inc. helps pay for legal fees, medical expenses, and other losses that you may be held liable for that result from covered injuries or damage to other people's property.
Will the City force the seller to convert the property to condo to entaintain that particular tenant and the seller to pay for the legal fee of conversion?
They hired a lawyer and asked investors to chip in to pay for legal fees.
McDougal's suit seeks to void the agreement, to pay for her legal fees and for «all other relief the Court deems appropriate, proper, and just.»
The report said that the financial impact to the victim, aside from the ransom itself, is anywhere from $ 200 to $ 10,000, as some choose to pay for legal fees, IT services or other help to try to resolve the issue and save their data.
Zhao informed the journalist that «the Hong Kong High Court has already rejected it and have ordered Sequoia to pay for our legal fees
So my question to catholic engineer... Would you contribute to a special fund, not for every day expenses and charitable works, but to pay for the legal fees and damages incurred by the abusive priests that have, we hope, been expunged from the RCC?
Not included in the agreement was blocking the use of campaign funds to pay for legal fees (which Cuomo himself is currently doing for representation in the ongoing inquiry surrounding the Moreland Commission's closing).
In a letter to the governor dated August 5, Greer asked that $ 9,600 worth of contributions to Crist's Senate campaign be returned so he could help pay for his legal fees.
One of his recent mailers talks of stripping pensions of public officials who are convicted of a felony; banning outside income for members of the Legislature; and banning the use of campaign funds to pay for legal fees.
«He has shown a complete disregard for the taxpayers today by now saying he's going to use taxpayer money to pay for his legal fees
WildFireWeb is launching a crowdfunding initiative to pay for legal fees.
Business loans are usually used for buying new equipment, moving business to a larger workplace, financing production, financing sell, marketing, undertaking new projects, paying for legal fees or taxes, and almost any other business need you can think of.
In the case of a ROBS plan audit, Guidant will pay for all legal fees.
Grant, who said she spends $ 1,500 to $ 2,000 a month caring for her cats and paying for legal fees, set up Cat Tail Corner Help Fund this week at Bank of America for donations.
About 8 % of the funds will go to paying for legal fees, software licenses, and marketing fees (like getting a small table at the Indie Megabooth at PAX East).
And due to the fact that Michael Steadman is a simple man with simple means, he had to drop his attorney when he ran out of funds to pay for legal fees.
We have low initial retainers and a monthly payment plan to help you pay for legal fees at our affordable hourly and per - hearing rates.
You'll also need some cash to pay for legal fees and divorce costs.
Therefore, if you want much more control over the claim, you may wish to pay for legal fees yourself.
A solicitor is prohibited from deducting their fees from any future losses claim, so in a higher value claim, a solicitor is unlikely to be able to deduct the full 25 % of the compensation to pay for legal fees.
Depending on the circumstances of your professional negligence claim brought using a No Win, No Fee agreement, you may not have to pay for any disbursements (other than After The Events insurance), and that the maximum deduction there will be from your compensation is 25 % to pay for legal fees.
After all, you are already coping with the costs of your accident, and paying for legal fees is probably the last thing you can imagine doing.
Vancouver Interim Distribution — preventing the wife from using family assets to pay for her legal fees.
Jeff Lerman negotiated savings for me throughout my lease term that more than paid for his legal fees.
Leena Yousefi, voted the top family lawyer in BC, was recently successful in preventing the wife from obtaining $ 80,000 from the family assets to pay for her legal fees.
We will not be obligated to pay for legal fees or expenses related to work or activities that do not comply with these rules and policies.
Liability coverage is something that is going to help you pay for legal fees and damages if you are brought to court for someone getting harmed in your home.
Sometimes life throws you a curveball — you lose your job, are hit with a big medical bill, or need to pay for legal fees.
In case you hit someone, you can use bodily injury liability to pay for the legal fees.
Getting this coverage now will make sure that you don't have to pay for legal fees or damages on your own.
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