Sentences with phrase «pay signature gatherers»

The group spent most of that money to pay signature gatherers to help get the referendum on the ballot.
Paid signature gatherers collected about 16,000 signatures for petitions, according to Kevin Teeley, president of the Lake Washington Education Association.

Not exact matches

ALBANY Several Democratic candidates running for New York's 21st Congressional District have padded their operations with paid signature - gatherers in order to get on the ballot.
Funded by Ackerman and a secretive group of backers that is reported to have pledged or loaned the group $ 20 million, AE is already spending millions on paid petition gatherers in several states, including California where it is about to start handing in more than a million - and - a-half signatures.
But some Democratic candidates running for New York's 21st Congressional District have padded their operations with paid signature - gatherers in order to get on the ballot.
Reporters noticed the absence of petition - carriers in Union Square; Spitzer had not only told reporters that Kwatra was with the campaign, but insisted to the New York Times that he would have 100 paid signature - gatherers on the streets early Monday.
Tred Hulse, a spokesman for Mastrianni, said most signature - gatherers were volunteers, but resorted to «three or four» paid staffers because the candidate declared in late - January — one of the last in the field to do so.
The 21 - day signature drive was aided by paid signature - gatherers from out of state.
According to the Arizona Center for Investigative Reporting, a political consulting firm with ties to APS paid Sign Here Petitions to collect survey signatures, but only on the condition that signature gatherers sign a non-compete clause, promising not to work on the pro-solar petition.
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