Sentences with phrase «pay to student performance»

In addition, the state board of education is considering how to link teacher pay to student performance.
Just as Americans support tying teacher pay to student performance on standardized tests, so too do they want students» eligibility to be promoted from one grade to the next and to graduate from high school to depend on demonstrated success on tests.
The designers of a nationally watched pilot project in Denver say they're ready to link pay to student performance for every teacher in the district.
For instance, the Obama administration wants states to tie teacher pay to student performance in the classroom.
Merit pay (tying teacher pay to student performance as opposed to contractual raises) was supported by 75 percent of those polled.
No matter what, it is a terrible idea for both the kids and the teachers to tie teacher pay to student performance on one test given over a matter of a couple of days of the year.
Minnesota gave up after the first round when teachers» unions blocked state legislation linking teacher pay to student performance.
It's a hot — and hotly contested — question, albeit one overshadowed by the similar but much - higher - profile debate over the merits of tying teacher pay to student performance (see «Right on the Money,» Ed.
Race to the Top is a $ 4.35 billion effort to reward reforms, such as friendly charter school laws and tying pay to student performance, with cash, and in these tough economic times 41 states applied for the federal dollars.
The program rewards states that promise to raise achievement using the Obama administration's preferred methods: adopting common core standards, promoting charter schools, linking teacher pay to student performance and turning around low - achieving schools.
A state House panel has approved a plan to tie teachers» pay to student performance.
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