Sentences with phrase «payer healthcare»

The only movement toward accepting some type of single payer healthcare system as a democratic platform has come from some brave and hard working people challenging the system from within.
His comments Tuesday evening evinced a solidly left worldview and campaign platform, including calling for increased taxing of the «1 %» and a universal single payer healthcare system.
At 11 a.m., Assemblymember Phil Steck will be participating in a discussion hosted by the Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences on single payer healthcare in New York, 106 New Scotland Ave., Albany.
In the end the people of NY have benefitted by not being subjected to the Mainline's far leftist agenda that would be disastrous for NY, like their single payer healthcare plan.
Also at 11:30 a.m., Sen. Bill Perkins, Assemblymen Richard Gottfried and Phil Steck, business owners, union leaders, and supporters hold rally in support of «New York Health Act» universal single payer healthcare bill, West Capitol Park, Albany.
Unfortunately for the majority of us, some big money interests (for example: healthcare insurance companies) have purchased most of our politicians and those politicians have prayed upon the religious beliefs of some and have duped them into believing that things like single - payer healthcare infringe their religious freedoms.
I would be just as happy to pay higher taxes for single - payer healthcare although that would strain my budget as well.
We should move to single - payer healthcare with an opt - out option.
Don't think they want that because then they'd have to run on a record of raising spending, raising taxes, single - payer healthcare ect that the majority of NYers don't want.
«Today Dana Balter effectively staked out her position as a far - left liberal by embracing Bernie Sanders» $ 32 trillion single - payer healthcare boondoggle,» said Chris Martin, a spokesman for the National Republican Congressional Committee.
U.S. Senators Kirsten Gillibrand, D - N.Y., and Richard Blumenthal, D - Conn., are among 16 Senate Democrats who've declared support for Vermont Independent U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders» «Medicare for All» single payer healthcare insurance bill.
In May, the pair criticized the current healthcare system and suggested that a single - payer healthcare system in the US could be the long - term solution.
However, the threat to repeal Obamacare, the Affordable Care Act, is fueling a push for single - payer healthcare in New York.
More than 40 witnesses offered testimony in a marathon Assembly hearing on a single - payer healthcare bill that has no near - term chance of becoming law.
Create a single payer healthcare system just like they have for House & Senate members so that as a nation we can negotiate less expensive medical costs & prescription drugs and limit the amount any provider / hospital / doctor can be sued to $ 500k.
Charlie Munger says that single - payer healthcare is the answer to fix the nation's healthcare system woes.
Who's to say single - payer healthcare isn't one of those mysterious ways.
And nobody wants NY to have a Single Payer healthcare system except the NYC Democrats.
As it is right now, as I am aware (which may be lacking), most of the right wing in most of the West is dismissive of environmental preservation and protection and social services, such as single payer healthcare and other safety nets while they are focused on protecting the cultural and demographic profile of their society, to put it that way, through restrictive immigration and other such policies.
There's also a list called Levy's «10 shades of blue» that details all the things the country executive did to support Democratic candidates and / or positions, noting, for example, his backing of single - payer healthcare and early endorsement of former Long Island Assemblyman - turned - state Comptroller Tom DiNapoli's first statewide run this year.
Rachel is also a grassroots progressive leader, active in groups including Uplift Syracuse, the CNY Solidarity Coalition, and the Campaign for New York Health, which advocates for a single - payer healthcare system across New York State.
«We need Medicare - for - all, single - payer healthcare,» she said.
«I would rather see single - payer healthcare than a new parking lot at some community center.
Nixon listed addressing income inequality, bolstering renewable energy programs, offering single - payer healthcare, fixing New York's City's broken subway system and the elimination of cash bail as key campaign issues.
The State Assembly has repeatedly passed a bill to create a single - payer healthcare system in New York.
Mainstream Democrats have maintained those measures have been diluted by GOP influence, and blame the IDC - GOP accord for the failure of single - payer healthcare and of the DREAM Act, which would extend state college tuition assistance to undocumented immigrants.
Instead, the Campaign for NY Health and other organizations are pushing a single - payer healthcare plan.
Assembly Health Committee Chair Richard Gottfried, the prime advocate of single - payer healthcare in the legislature, agreed that single - payer healthcare is picking up support: «every day the news from Washington makes the need for and support of the bill stronger.»
«Does Anthony Brindisi plan to publicly stand with Bernie Sanders and national Democrats in support of the socialist pipe - dream known as single - payer healthcare
The NRCC launched a web video criticizing single - payer healthcare plans.
If you are a progressive in the city, and wonder why New York can't have single - payer healthcare, grow its stock of rent - regulated apartments, or offer tuition assistance for undocumented immigrants, you can blame Senate Republicans.
«To further our unity solution for the New York State Senate and define each other's position, there is no doubt all Democrats agree that a united Democratic delegation will take up a progressive agenda including such items as the Dream Act, GENDA, single payer healthcare, the Reproductive Health Act, campaign finance reform, the Contraceptive Care Act among other progressive initiatives that have been, or may be advanced.
The council has chosen to back the passage of the New York Health Act, a bill calling for a single - payer healthcare system for all state residents.
For the third year in a row, a bill is traveling through the New York legislature with the goal of creating a statewide single - payer healthcare system — more commonly known as «universal healthcare.»
Nixon has said that if elected, she would end cash bail, legalize marijuana, increase funding for education and seek to establish a single - payer healthcare system.
An evening vote on a bill to establish a single - payer healthcare system dragged on when a number of supporters who had left for dinner needed to be brought back to the chamber before it could receive a majority.
Hawkins is calling for a «Green New Deal» that includes public jobs for the unemployed, single - payer healthcare, a ban on fracking and a 100 percent clean - energy future.
We will continue our campaigns to ban fracking and make New York a world leader in clean energy, fully fund public schools, enact single - payer healthcare, raise the minimum wage to $ 15 an hour, and pass a full public campaign financing bill,» Hawkins said.
Other topics Epstein wants to tackle in Albany include more funding for public schools, strengthening gun control laws and establishing a single - payer healthcare system.
Single - payer healthcare — the concept that everyone chips in for «free» health care when someone needs it — is by no means a new concept.

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