Sentences with phrase «payment models set»

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You can also set up differential pricing models based on membership levels, payment options (bulk and installments), and purchasing patterns of individual users.
Fortunately, all credit scoring models treat secured cards just like unsecured cards when evaluating their payment history, amounts owed, length of credit history and other sets of scoring calculations.
The CD set is currently going for $ 20 (BandCamp uses a fluctuating «name your price» payment model) while the vinyl version is going for $ 35.
From bill payment to 24 hour chat customer service help, most carriers do everything they can to tap into all the great resources that set the web apart from traditional business models.
After that they can set the amount of money to send and select which card in their Wallet the money will come from, then authenticate the payment with Touch ID or Face ID, depending on which iPhone model they have.
Developing an alternative cost model to the Market Rate Survey for setting child care payment rates.
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