Sentences with phrase «payroll needs»

Some say Tuesday is the deadline to meet payroll needs, others as late as Wednesday.
Other Business Purposes: Purchases of inventory, materials for filling orders, expansion, tenant improvements, short - term payroll needs.
Assisted with processing payroll for over 2,000 employees in 48 states on a biweekly basis, while addressing other payroll needs such working with employees to resolve any payroll related issues
In exchange for those lower rates, pass - through owners may take on an even greater deal of responsibility and expense in bookkeeping and payroll needs.
Instead of offering you a standard payroll service package, we'll learn about your business and goals, and offer customization to best serve your payroll needs.
And not have the funding in place to meet the state's payroll needs would have caused even more trouble, Klein said.
Any and all deposits not linked to your payroll need to have written documentation proving the source of the funds.
Assessed small business owner's payroll needs and developed effective and comprehensive payroll services packages
For that to change, payrolls need to expand.
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