Sentences with phrase «pea seeds»

Well inspiration has struck, all while planting my sweet pea seeds can you believe?
Inside of them are green rounded pea seeds that are sweet and starchy in taste.
They also «planted» snow pea seeds to take home.
Elsa planted a few pea seeds in pots that we placed in our kitchen window a couple of weeks ago.
Also, pressure cooking appears to reduce phytic acid even further: «Pressure cooking of soaked as well as soaked - dehulled seeds caused a greater loss in phytic acid content than that of unsoaked field and vegetable pea seeds
«No doubt cooking of unsoaked pea seeds lowered the phytic acid content but the loss appeared to be less than in peas cooked after soaking.»
«No doubt cooking of unsoaked pea seeds lowered the phytic acid content but the loss appeared to be less than in peas cooked after soaking.»
Dinner — Boil mature peas seeds with water, salt and cut on small pieces a tomato.
Snow peas are flatter than garden peas, and since they are not fully opaque, you can usually see the shadows of the flat peas seeds within.
I used pea seeds in this case, which are easily seen and not likely to have issues with fungal growth as they are non-organic.
I am soooooo ready for spring this year... But I hear that four letter word in the forecast for the next two days... I'm calling it the onion snow (I did plant pea seeds over the weekend).
«I brought a bag of my special sweet pea seeds and I think they'd do good in that there wind duh box right outside your mama's bedroom where she can look out and see «em.
I found my bag of sweet pea seeds.
«Planting Annie's sweet pea seeds.
Annie asked for my help planting her sweet pea seeds.
Except that the grainy spot on his X-ray wasn't cancer, a biopsy revealed: It was actually a pea seed in his lung that had split and begun to sprout.
Then ensuring that your gardening gloves are on (as potting mix can be soooo bad for you, especially when pregnant) popped in some potting mix and then sprinkle in your sweet pea seeds or if you have seedlings plant away!
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