Sentences with phrase «peace treaty -lsb-»

It's like making a peace treaty with Adolph Hitler.
What does Collaborative Divorce have in common with the Camp David Summit that led to the Israeli - Egyptian Peace treaty in 1978 and the successful release of American hostages from Iran in 1981?
Roger Fisher, who helped negotiate the Israeli - Egyptian Peace treaty and the release of the American hostages from Iran, taught me that all successful negotiations are interest based.
But instead, the mutineers seems to have struck a peace treaty.
In 1904, a Chile - Bolivia peace treaty agreed the coastal territories now belonged to Chile «in perpetuity.»
The Preliminary Articles of Peace at the URL above appear to be identical to the peace treaty usually said to be dated 1783 and ratified in 1784.
It is what underpinned the peace treaty between the Law Society of Upper Canada and the Ontario universities that made ubiquitous the model that we know today of a three - year law school - based degree followed by a year's apprenticeship that we call articling.
I think both the NDP and the Greens owe it to the public to make a peace treaty and find a way to show everyone that we can work together for solutions that are good for people and the planet.
And throughout the 1780s, the state of Vermont took the position that Vermont was not within the U.S., even though the peace treaty, to which Vermont was not a party, said it was.
...» Butler claimed the mansion belonged to him because he was a Moorish American National, and he offered paperwork «with references to a 1787 peace treaty and the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations.»
The solution isn't a better weapon but a peace treaty that recognizes the real place of cyclists in our city and gives them a place to ride safely.
You can't make a peace treaty with the planet, you can't negotiate with the laws of physics.
In 1973, the deck of cards falls as Richard Nixon's presidency unravels alongside some of his greatest triumphs: his landslide reelection in 1972 and the signing of the 1973 peace treaty.
Archival maps from around the time of the Moss Convention signing (a peace treaty between Sweden and Norway) are combine to contemporary artworks.
Tower Defense Sudden Attack is a fantastic tower defense game in which you must help try and defend your city - a peace treaty has been violated and you suddenly find yourself in the midst of a war.
She just so happens to be something to do with enemy nation Niflheim, and this is a key to a peace treaty (which, obviously, goes wrong immediately) between the two warring countries.
This was before Nilfheim launched an attack on the capital of Lucis, Imsomnia — ahead of the peace treaty ceremony where both nations were meant to sign an armistice, ending a long and bitter conflict.
The dream of peace is soon shattered when she gets kidnapped by Emperor Oblivion — right before she was meant to participate in the peace treaty ceremony.
Still, Evan is determined to complete this quest as he travels the world to get every kingdom's leader to sign up to a peace treaty.
You play Prince Noctis, heir to the throne of Lucis, preparing to embark on a carefree road - trip in order to hook up with his betrothed, Lady Lunafreya of Tenebrae, which will end in their marriage and cement a peace treaty with the Empire of Niflheim.
On the way, they find out that a peace treaty struck between Lucis and Niflheim was a ploy for Niflheim to invade and steal Lucis's crystal, and it is up to Noctis and his friends to fight back.
Enroute to wed his fiancée Luna on a road trip with his best friends, Prince Noctis is advised by news reports that his homeland has been invaded and taken over under the false pretense of a peace treaty — and that he, his loved one and his father King Regis, have been slain at the hands of the enemy.
Now the spiritual leader of the Crystal Orthodoxy, Agnès Oblige has worked tirelessly to convince the Duchy of Eternia to set aside their differences and negotiate a peace treaty between the opposing factions.
With anything but harmony on his mind, the mysterious Kaiser Oblivion's forces launch an all - out assault during the signing of the peace treaty, and spirit Agnès Oblige away.
He is assigned as a bodyguard to Agnès Oblige during the signing of the peace treaty between the Crystal Orthodoxy and Eternia.
His floating castle appeared suddenly on the day the peace treaty between the Duchy of Eternia and the Crystal Orthodoxy was due to be signed.
The only other choices you have are to ask for a peace treaty or a trade agreement, both of which can only be done if they are relatively friendly toward you.
A monument sits here to represent the peace treaty that was signed in 1648.
During WWII Turkey signed a peace treaty with Germany and remained officially neutral until near the end of the war when it declared war, largely symbolically, on Germany and Japan.
Things changed dramatically when Mussolini and the Fascists were overthrown in July 1943, and in early September the new Italian government signed a peace treaty with the Allies, but only three days later Germany invaded Italy, rescued Mussolini and reestablished the Fascist government.
Since the Israeli - Egyptian peace treaty was signed in 1979, much blood has been shed unnecessarily and repeated efforts for a negotiated peace between Israel and her neighbors have failed.
I hope the lessons instilled in the fourth - graders will stay with them, and we will thank them when they sign their next peace treaty — between actual nations.
Even when Fabious is away on a quest to kill this or that mythical beast in service of the evil wizard Leezar (Justin Theroux), the brothers» father King Tallious (Charles Dance) never stop praising his elder son, while wondering how Thadeous could so royally screw up a peace treaty with a nearby dwarf tribe (shown in the opening scene, which, through its display of Thadeous» dumb luck in escaping hanging due to dwarf - sized engineering, is the movie's funniest).
The agreement by the two leaders — to hammer out a formal peace treaty ending the Korean War and completely rid the peninsula of nuclear weapons — has inspired some in South Korea to dream of a nation reunited, and a blossoming of peace.
His American father is heavily involved in peace treaty -LSB-...]
Spielberg offers a couple of gory glimpses of the battlefield, to remind us of the terrible cost of the civil war, and of the moral conundrum of Lincoln's tactics, which involve delaying a peace treaty until his amendment is passed.
Within days of becoming Prime Minister of Great Britain, Winston Churchill (Oldman) must face one of his most turbulent and defining trials: exploring a negotiated peace treaty with Nazi Germany, or standing firm to fight for the ideals, liberty and freedom of a nation.
A thrilling and inspiring true story begins on the eve of World War II as, within days of becoming Prime Minister of Great Britain, Winston Churchill (Academy Award nominee Gary Oldman) must face one of his most turbulent and defining trials: exploring a negotiated peace treaty with Nazi Germany, or standing firm to fight for the ideals, liberty and freedom of a nation.
The Frost Giants even attempted to steal the casket back from the Asgardians, even though such an act could have jeopardized their peace treaty with Asgard.
Soon, it becomes clear that Churchill must face one of his most difficult decisions yet: negotiate a peace treaty with Nazi Germany, or fight against them.
The film follows Winston Churchill as he must decided between creating a peace treaty with Nazi Germany or standing firm to fight for liberty and freedom.
The movie is a thrilling and inspiring true story begins on the eve of World War II as, within days of becoming Prime Minister of Great Britain, Winston Churchill (Oldman) must face one of his most turbulent and defining trials: exploring a negotiated peace treaty with Nazi Germany, or standing firm to fight for the ideals, liberty and freedom of a nation.
Director Joe Wright's film is about the tense time the former British Prime Minister faces trying to negotiate a peace treaty with Nazi Germany.
A gun - control and battle of the sexes satire about females in Chicago who vow to abstain from sex with their men until a peace treaty is brokered, it's a bold but iffy movie that doesn't always work.
Perhaps the two of them appearing in a movie together is akin to an intergalactic peace treaty.
He uses big, dramatic title cards to tell us the day and date, as German forces advance on the stranded British army on the Channel coast and certain high - ranking MPs plead with Churchill to seek a peace treaty — a surrender, essentially — with Hitler.
As the war ground on, there was enormous public pressure in the North to negotiate with the South, and any peace treaty would surely have preserved slavery.
Within days of becoming Prime Minister of Great Britain, Winston Churchill must face one of his most turbulent and defining trials: exploring a negotiated peace treaty with Nazi Germany, or standing firm to fight for the ideals, liberty and freedom of a nation.
A thrilling and inspiring true story begins on the eve of World War II as, within days of becoming Prime Minister of Great Britain, Winston Churchill (Academy Award - nominee Gary Oldman) must face one of his most turbulent and defining trials: exploring a negotiated peace treaty with Nazi Germany, or standing firm to fight for the ideals, liberty and freedom of a nation.
From the Studio: Within days of becoming Prime Minister of Great Britain, Winston Churchill (Gary Oldman) must face one of his most turbulent and defining trials: exploring a negotiated peace treaty with Nazi Germany, or standing firm to fight for the ideals, liberty and freedom of a nation.
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