Sentences with phrase «peaceful feeling in»

There is an incredible peaceful feeling in the air at this time, not to mention that you have given yourself plenty of time to stretch, meditate, check in with your body and mind, and start a soulful and enriching breath.

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Though relations between blacks and Jews have been generally peaceful in the years since, bad feelings from the Crown Heights riots still linger.
If someone wants to learn about God, really learn about God, lets spend some time sitting down together in a mature and peaceful setting where we can both chill, not feel threatened and discuss the whole concept.
I do the right thing for the right reasons, treat my fellow citizens (and non-citizens) well, unless they encroach on my right to a peaceful life, and donate to various charities I feel represent my outlook in serving our fellow humans.
Yet one character, Uncle Andrew, simply would not feel welcomed or joyful in Narnia's flourishing, then - peaceful world.
The most peaceful times for me when I feel most connected to Source is at night, under the stars, maybe smoking my pipe, maybe with or without my dog, but usually in winter.
Why should peaceful, law abiding Americans be made to feel unwelcome or vulnerable in their own country?
Then, in the peaceful, easy feeling that follows, it makes no sense to pick on you.
Their religion was like a dried flower pressed in a Bible, and often seemed to consist of nothing more than a desire for peaceful feelings, a vague longing to be connected with something that transcends the self and a sense of obligation to be decent to their fellows — all positive stirrings, but hardly the vigorous plant that could flourish in a nurturing religious community.
I met with leaders of the outlawed Brotherhood in Egypt during the late 1970s, and it was evident that while some were peaceful and some were militant, all felt that secular Islam was their primary enemy.
Someday, I will tell him what's in them, but for now, it's so much more peaceful to keep it to myself and feel good about helping someone who refuses to help himself.
I've made a lot of parenting decisions in the past five years and I have to say I've felt peaceful about pretty much every one of them.
I've been overwhelmed with all of the options (I do better with limited choices) and, while I haven't actually visited any of the schools in person yet (I have talked with some moms about where they are sending their kids), I haven't felt peaceful about the whole process.
At first, I felt like I was sacrificing a piece of my soul every time I pasted on a fake smile and compromised in order to maintain a peaceful existence for my children.
If you think you're a parent who has lost that peaceful feeling, I highly recommend reading Dr. Laura Markham's Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting (please see picture in the left peaceful feeling, I highly recommend reading Dr. Laura Markham's Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting (please see picture in the left Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting (please see picture in the left corner).
We will glow, feel blissful, and spend romantic hours in the sunlight nursing our sweet and peaceful bundles of joy.
It is remarkably more peaceful in our household when the girls are feeling a sense of accomplishment about their individual activities.
I feel that attachment parenting is the peaceful future that all parents need to work towards and API is just one of the major stepping blocks that is working in our world to do that.
If you feel the need for a little sun, there are many places in the Caribbean and South America that are peaceful and clean — at many price points.
You believe in peaceful parenting, and it doesn't feel right to forcefully rip the toy out of your child's hand, but the other parent is staring at you waiting for you to do something.
If during a peaceful time of day, with no children around, and no immediate parental responsibilities weighing you down — you feel totally uninterested in your children and parenting them.
One more tip on how to be a good parent you should remember is that you and your wife or husband should join together to stay in a happy marriage because your children need a happy family to live in and feel peaceful and safe.
And this will make sure that you get to breathe easy, feel comfortable in your house and also have a peaceful sleep.
And creating a peaceful environment allows children to feel in control of themselves and their surroundings.
What would you give right now to have a product that would help give you a peaceful night's rest and allow you to wake up in the morning feeling refreshed?
In the evenings if I am feeling stressed I will always reach for a mug to make some peaceful mama tea.
A baby's sleep schedule can be so challenging that you may feel you'll use just about any trick in the book to get a few peaceful hours of rest.
That's ok but it does mean that my partner feels redundant and is very supportive but I think deep down, he is feeling the pinch of all this and is keen for me to wean and get her in to a big girl bed so everyone can have a more peaceful night.
I've always been told and feel that bedtime should be a nice, peaceful, relaxing time for both Mommy and Baby but in our case it can, unfortunately, be very stressful.
I felt disappointed in myself for «giving up» and not having the peaceful, gentle, empowering birth the books and classes had promised.
Trump definitely deserves credit for creating the circumstances in which China would feel the need to pressure North Korea towards a more peaceful path, both through his public statements and the current strained trade relations between the U.S. and China, since China may believe that by stepping down the Korean conflict they could ease some of the rhetoric coming from the administration.
Instead they take a peaceful, critical stance in spite of feeling hurt by the cartoons or the video.
It was revealed that, the President felt highly embarrassed by the inability of the security agencies to provide a conducive environment for the conduct of peaceful and credible election in Bayelsa State.
«While I share the disappointment and sadness felt by millions of people across America in the decision made by the grand jury in St. Louis County not to indict Officer Darren Wilson, I hope we can honor the memory of Michel Brown through peaceful protests and peaceful dialogue, instead of anger and violence,» said Congressman Charles Rangel.
«One of the most important things in my recovery was having the peace and serenity, that quiet peaceful feeling.
When faced with a spewing volcano, people today share many of the same feelings volcano - observers have had throughout human history: We are in awe of the destructive power of nature, and we are unsettled by the thought that a peaceful mountain can suddenly become an unstoppable destructive force!
This is my fourth time on a plane, and currently, I'm watching Greenland pass by below me, and I feel peaceful, calm, and in awe that man has created a machine that can show us so much of this beautiful planet in such a short amount of time.
I was triggered by everything, and no matter what I did (from yoga to meditation to peaceful walks in nature), I couldn't get myself to feel OK.
It assists the mind in feeling peaceful and less attached to the outcome of things.
Hiya, I'm Barb Spanjers, a therapist and wellness coach who is passionate about helping you feel peaceful around food and in your body.
It will help you feel grounded, peaceful, and able to create whatever experience you want in your life.
You can feel deeply rested, energized, alive, fresh, more confident in food choices, streamlined, heart centered, peaceful, connected, and joyful — to name a few benefits.
Different styles of meditation affect the brain in different ways, but all meditators benefit from feeling more calm, peaceful, focused and at ease.
If, on the other hand, you feel more peaceful, energized, happy, with a greater sense of clarity and joy, then well done: you've just been meditating — do more of this in future!
Whether in a group setting or individual sessions, these tools can help to release physical tension, reduce emotional and mental stress, increase concentration, strength and flexibility, and often create clarity and a feeling of peaceful well being both on and off the yoga mat.
• Sleeping peacefully through the night on a regular basis • Attaining — and maintaining — a healthy weight • Moving freely in your body • Feeling peaceful, purposeful, and passionate about your life If you yearn for any of the above, and feel like you've tried everything but nothing has worked so far, I have good news for you.
I ordered Alexis» Peaceful Worrier Remedy as it purported to alleviate all the ways in which I was feeling burdened and not myself at the time: post-vacation, re-entering NYC with deadlines and piles of work to get done.
It is designed to be drunk before sleep to aid in a peaceful night and the feeling of being refreshed and energised in the morning.
The message you receive in return will feel peaceful, loving, compassionate, and give you the insight you are looking for.
Leanne's love for teaching her Spiritual Practice is expressed in her very peaceful Presence and she is very proficient at helping her students feel welcome, supported, and empowered every step of the way.
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