Sentences with phrase «peaceful nation»

While the most peaceful nations in the world are growing more peaceful, with some reaching historic highs, the least peaceful countries are descending further into chaos and war.
A once proud and peaceful nation thrown into darkness and chaos.
Just because he's dead doesn't mean that the US and Canada will resume free passage between the two peaceful nations without display of passport.
I think that the reason evangelicals support Israel is because it has to be a peaceful nation inhabited by Jews as a requisite for Jesus» second coming.
«Apart from our own problems, we have people coming from other nations because Ghana is a peaceful nation.
Mr IGP Iam very angry and afraid because now I don't know who is next to die in the hands of these criminals who have taken over our peaceful nation under your watch under your watch Mr IGP.
The said meeting also unanimously resolved to build: «A restructured, balanced equitable and truly functional Nigerian Federation,» a umane, free, seIf - reliant and democratic society; «a dynamic, productive, transformed and sustainable economy; «a just, fair, egalitarian and peaceful nation, «a land of bright and full of opportunities for all Nigerians; and, a national culture of raising good leaders through effective mentoring;
A peaceful nation of people offering legendary hospitality, resilience and friendliness, Laos is old Asia preserved.
Costa Rica is a peaceful nation that is politically and economically stable with a wonderful wealth of wildlife and a well - protected natural environment.
Despite Connor's efforts to help build a peaceful nation free from monarchy, ol' Georgie boy has let power go to his head and proclaimed himself King Washington, RULER OF THE UNITED STATES (I bet the whole plot twist will be Templar mind control through royal jewelry).
Bid farewell to your loved ones, because it is time to defend our peaceful nation from the Empire.
Seduced by the promised power of the Crystals, the kingdom of Baron begins employing unprovoked force to seize them from peaceful nations.
Only on that national level are the resources available to durably inaugurate this highly productive economic link between two peaceful nations and two cities that are inextricably linked by nature.
After that unprecedented attack so close to home, music quickly reflected the stunned feelings of peaceful nations.
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